>Be goose
>Beloved goose baby gets caught up in weird piece of human trash
>Peck politely at door of cop car
>Lead cops to baby
>Everything works out completely fine
And they said law enforcement-arsinae relations were at an all-time low.
>Be goose
>Beloved goose baby gets caught up in weird piece of human trash
>Peck politely at door of cop car
>Lead cops to baby
>Everything works out completely fine
And they said law enforcement-arsinae relations were at an all-time low.
white people care more about animals than they do about people
Only if the people are shit
*black people
Should've just snapped its neck. Geese don't deserve to live.
That goose didn't have any priors.
Ill take geese over non whites any day of the week,
No white people care more about animals then they do niggers. At least they don't have to worry about getting shot for helping a goose.
Cool it with the anti-avian remarks.
Watch that edge eh
I'm glad Ryan is okay
non whites arent peoples
This warms my heart.
Why does it take her 3 minutes to untangle the string? Just cut the string.
yeah because animals are innocent and don' try to rape and kill us and deny us jobs and hole unreasonable prejudice against us
Gooses are starting to have more benefitial relations with police than nigs
Really makes you think
Fuck you, nigger. No goose ever dragged me into the Knockout Game. But you fucking North American Pavement Apes did.
> And you niggers lost. Twice. Cuz you couldn't knock this white boy out.
Suck it, Sambo.
The white race saving the world once more
She had to wait for a camera to show up
Of course its a woman wasting her time with a fucking bird. All the men were probably too busy getting shot at by niggers
and geese can be as, if not more so, violent as the north american pavement ape.
fake and gay
how low can you americlaps go to make your police look better?
jesus, disgusting!
That's why there are so many nigger lovers & why white women like to have negro pets.
it's propagander
>be Canadian tourist traveling with child
>ask police for help
>don't get shot
Still want to build that second wall?
Praise kek
While we're at it, fuck Swans too, hissing bastards.
What the fuck man. You know as well as I do that the parent goose should have been killed too
Canadians are nice people, I'd help them too.
Animals don't mooch off of our welfare then gold picket signs and block traffic calling us racists and assholes that should be giving them more money.
Kekd and checked
Good one m8
Don't give them any ideas. If they see how easy nigger have it, they might start emulating them.
They're already shitting up my local beach, just like the blacks.
Non white people literally kill people for religious reasons, and because of food.
White people created an environment so stable around them - even common animals come and ask for help then pay respect.
Niggers have to learn, they're also animals.
Can this just be a news story I can feel good about? Can it be exactly what it looks like, and nothing more?
Can it not be some kind of retarded jewish conspiracy or some other bullshit?
Animals are more civil than niggers it seems.
White people care about animals that everyone else would immediately cook and eat.
Your record has been corrected.
The plural is geese, Juan.
Dude give me your reddit username - so I can upvote your posts rlly quick.
Goose Lives Matter.
>Only if the people are white
ok, not bad
same thing desu
Even geese are smarter than niggers.
More civilized than negros.
>politely tap on cop car
>comply with police officer to meet your ends
>AY MANG, AYO MANG... *smacks lips*... AY, AY, AY MANG
>gets shot
>tfw geese would make better citizens than niggers
>white people care more about animals
Except niggers. #notallanimals
The most successful, people friendly civilization was built by white people.
Some of the worst countries are run by and were "built" by non-whites.
Try again.
I don't use reddit, sorry.
Cuck SJW reply to this story:
>At least the goose didn't get shot lololol may b if t was black it would've been shot lmao!!
check your privilege.
>says the nigger who probably lights cats on fire.
Shut it, Maverick.
> has 16 priors for theft and assault
>unlicensed gun
>uncooperative and resisting arrest
Goose dindu nuffin
>mfw even animals behave better around cops than blacks
>dead at 35