
In celebration of the Rebirth stuff from DC being really good, let's look back to another time Geoff Johns saved DC from itself...let's look back at Green Lantern Rebirth

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At least its not his flash rebirth


>inb4 butthurt Kylefag
Not even a GLfag, just hate these shitty stories made to pander to 50-year old virginal manchildren


>Takes a decent storyline from forever ago where Hal went evil because "hurrr my city"
>Made it better with no Green Lantern Mythology
>Made Green Lantern AMAZING

Sure pandering.

*new mythology




>Skittle Lanterns
Yep, pandering to manchildren who gotta collect all those action figures all right.

He sure did fuck everything up after Sinestro War

If you don't like Lantern why are you here? You are the man child.
>Hurr I don't like this so I must shit on it








The Spectrum was a mistake.


Blackedt Night is when Johns went to shit. From there he made the subplots rule over the pacing so that nothing ever had a satisfying conclusion like Blitz or his JSA stories. Everything was just bleed into the next event, so the whole of Blackest Night is to just bring back those 7 characters for whatever purpose, which was ultimately mute by Flashpoint anyways

OP come back

Isnt Kyle was the only green lantern at that time?

So can someone explain what happens with Guy before Rebirth?
I read through John's Green Lantern recently, but didn't know anything that happens with anyone prior to Rebirth, so the part where Guy explodes in Rebirth really confused me

He found out he was half Vuldarian, so his powers for several years involved shape shifting weapons out of his body instead of using a ring

Oh okay that makes sense. Thanks.

I remember rereading Rebirth a few years back and being struck with how much more nuanced and plain BETTER it was than Johns' later Lantern stuff. This and his early GL run was mostly all action, but it had such a better grasp of Lantern power mechanics and took time to show off what they could do and actually had Hal be satisfyingly awesome. Even by Sinestro Corps War you could see that the amount of thought put into it was waning, and by Blackest Night it was completely gone.

Compare GL from 2006-7 and all the cool shit Hal pulls there with the post-Flashpoint GL where Hal being a retard who doesn't even know how to use his ring properly is an actual goddamn plot point. They're like night and day.

I still have no idea why people actually like Johns' post SCW GL.

Yeah, johns has changed so much.
I was reading his Teen Titans run, and the first trade is pretty damn fun.
Compared to Johns now, I find modern Jurgens more consistent. ( I actually like Jurgens as a comfy, easy read fwiw).

That being said, I've never read the GL issues between rebirth and SCW.
Are they good enough to buy the first omni for them?

Surely you jest. Rebirth is the weakest part of his GL run.

I forgot to add to the Johns comment- Rebirth (one shot) seemed very unevenly written. I don't remember Johns being that heavy handed in the past, but I've been on a british invasion diet for the past few years so maybe he was akways like that. Can't remember. His TT seemed a little less... obvious... though.




Finish this mini and I'll do these when I'm done doing Bone. or don't and I'll do Rebirth and these when I'm done with Bone. I've only read Rebirth and want to read with Sup Forums

Since op left sure let me finish with booster first.

Rebirth is what got me to start reading the lantern books.

Wonder what the DCU would be like if Johns never "Rebirthed" anything, no Green Lantern, no Flash, nothing.

If they had just let everything continue to evolve...

>literally spaz about a comic written ten years ago
>call fans manchildren

>hurr durr





How many times has this been storytimed in these last two months? I can't be the only one that feels like he's been seeing GL rebirth storytimes way too fucking often lately?










It's not like GL has any good stories other than "everyone gets a ring" events






are all Johns stories "Batman says something bad about Hal then he apologizes later" ?






why was Batman such an asshole during this whole story?







Johns' Batman usually tends towards asshole

although Batman was the biggest asshole about Hal as Parallax to begin with and he kept changing his mind about whether he could be redeemed or not so this is also an extension of that



Can Green Lantern(s) even into great comics?








honestly it always bothered me like all the other heroes where just kinda like "yeah it happened, who cares" about Parallax











I figured they did it to throw a bone to Hal fans, they didn't need to have everybody in universe shitting on him too
