Responsible, fair gun laws

It's impossible to totally prevent any shooting but we could cut down on a lot of deaths and injuries by doing a few things

Banning magazines greater than 10 rounds
Banning fully automatics (they already might be tho, not sure, not a gun expert)
Require all citizens to own a gun, and report to mandatory training every few months, and continue to take safety classes. All citizens need to have at least 10 hours of range time every 6 months, and demonstrate that they know how to take apart and clean a gun during an examination. I think if we had more mandatory training with weapons more people would responsibly use them.
Also, all firearms should be registered in a database, and if a person is buying/receiving their first firearm, they must take a mandatory training class and buy a gun safe along with it.

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Did you just think of all that in your shower?
Try a library next time

Stop spouting bullshit that you obviously don't understand, if you have a low capacity magazine, you just reload more often which takes you less than a second.
Go fuck yourself.

Automatics are already heavily restricted

Fuck off you know-nothing retard

Training courses for special privilege would be Ok

fuck off titus


>require all citizens to own a gun
This one sounds fine to me

>He thinks magazine capacity limits do anything


Refute this video libcucks


Except full auto weapons are almost never used in (non-organized terrorist) shootings?

At this point these threads are slide threads.

>Banning magazines greater than 10 rounds
Would accomplish absolutely nothing.

Here's a demonstration showing what the actual effect of reducing magazine capacity is.

You lose a few seconds over the course of 30 rounds.

>Banning fully automatics (they already might be tho, not sure, not a gun expert)
They have been since prohibition ran a massive fucking mantrain on US demographics.
>Also, all firearms should be registered in a database, and if a person is buying/receiving their first firearm, they must take a mandatory training class and buy a gun safe along with it.
As someone from a country among the top 20 in gun ownership and top 10 in lowest homicide rate... that's fucktarded.
>Require all citizens to own a gun, and report to mandatory training every few months, and continue to take safety classes. All citizens need to have at least 10 hours of range time every 6 months, and demonstrate that they know how to take apart and clean a gun during an examination. I think if we had more mandatory training with weapons more people would responsibly use them.

A gun should be considered part of your health programme.

Since not having one makes you a liability lack of gun ownership should raise your premiums.

>Banning magazines greater than 10 rounds
So 11 rounds is super deadly and dangerous, but 10 rounds are totally fine?
Wouldn't that make 9 round mags even safer? Or 8 or 7?

Point is it's arbitrary bullshit. A magazine is literally a box with a spring in it, it's not some great mystery technology

>Banning fully automatics
All full autos made after 1986 are already banned, and the rest are exceedingly rare and expensive. Plus they have never been used to commit a crime when obtained legally.

So, are you really interested in saving lives, or just want to ban guns?

> I think if we had more mandatory training with weapons more people would responsibly use them
I don't like the government mandating anything. A right is something people can choose to exercise or not, keep the government out of shit that it doesn't need to be in.

>Also, all firearms should be registered in a database
Why? How would that prevent crime? Registration only exists so the government can know who has guns for later confiscation.

80% of Criminals Buy Guns Illegally

A study conducted by the Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health shows that four out of five criminals acquire their guns illegally, while one out of five acquires them through legal means, prior to building up a criminal record.


>jungle camo
>wood stock and grip

there should just be psychological tests and mandatory normie merits for anyone who wants to buy a gun. if you are fucking NEET who doesnt have drivers license, doesnt study, doenst have job and is autistic you clearly dont deserve a gun

It's a Syrian monstrosity, you've already seen their cars.

>right wing extremists


>posting an out of date image

Well luckily we have the right to bear arms in our founding document, so we don't need to prove that we 'deserve' our rights

If your country wants to have all that, more power to them

So you restrict gun access to those who want them, AND force the people who don't want them to have them?

Are you stupid or something?

That feel when uniformed police make videos demonstrating how small magazine sizes are not a big deterrent for criminal activity.

I want to make babies with Christy too.

You clearly don't deserve freedom of speech because I invented this arbitrary test administered by such-and-such authority figure that provides a means for me to deny you of your rights.

You are now banned from the internet.


>Require all citizens to own a gun, and report to mandatory training every few months, and continue to take safety classes.

Obamacare requires everyone to have health insurance and look at how that has worked out. I'm totally in favor of all Americans owning and carrying a gun, but the government cannot mandate it.

>crushed by furniture

There was a homeowner on a house I was helping build last year that got killed when a brace on a big balloon wall broke and crushed him. Everyone heard the first brace cracking after we stood it up, but didn't have enough time to nail up another one. We all heard the noise and ran out of the way, stupid fucking homeowner ran towards the wall like he was gonna stop it from falling by holding it up himself (mind you this wall had a 25 foot long 12"x27" beam in it as a header. whole wall probably weighed at least 4,000 pounds). Crushed him like a racoon under a truck right in front of his wife and two kids.

Tragic shit happens every day, but some people are just fucking stupid.

Still failling for the bait, Sup Forums WTF?

If you're requiring everyone to have a gun why add the restrictions dumbfuck?

There should be no restrictions on guns. They should be sold in hardware stores like the tools they are. Any society that treats it's citizens like toddlers is already doomed. It doesn't matter how much you delude yourself into believing it's for the betterment of yourself or your country.

Mass shootings didn't go down during the assault weapons ban. They just reloaded more.

>It's a Syrian monstrosity, you've already seen their cars.
I haven't.

Also, WHY.

Nevermind the fact the pattern itself seems to be spawned from the same diseased mind that brought us the RIP round.

>I haven't.


"We need a compromise," said no engineer ever.

>Banning magazines greater than 10 rounds

Did not stop Elliot Rogers and more over he was found with multiple magazines in his vehicle with ammo

Also Charles Whitman had a Remington 700 with only a 3 round magazine. He still killed 14 people and wounded 32 others. Magazine restriction size does not do crap and is wasted legislation, paper, and good inc.

>Banning fully automatics (they already might be tho, not sure, not a gun expert)

Someone forget 1934 like a retard

>mandatory training
according to a Harvard study on forced mandatory diversity training. shit backfired as was wasted company money.

It is safe to assumed the same shit would be applicable to the firearms training as well.

>Also, all firearms should be registered in a database

Lets just forget the 4th Amendment and "the Right to Privacy" because I am an unconstitutional retard.

>Status of OP's proposal

anally annihilated.

I didn't know Australia appropriated Syrian culture.

Those scumsuckers should pay some fukken reparations.

>Banning magazines greater than 10 rounds

Already has happened, shooter just brought more magazines...

>Banning fully automatics (they already might be tho, not sure, not a gun expert)

They have been illegal forever

>Require all citizens to own a gun, and report to mandatory training every few months, and continue to take safety classes. All citizens need to have at least 10 hours of range

Stupid idea, it's a gun, not a car. Do you want people to have training to own a sword too?

>Also, all firearms should be registered in a database, and if a person is buying/receiving their first firearm, they must take a mandatory training class and buy a gun safe along with it.

Unconstitutional, slope to more regulations.

It's already illegal to do many things with guns, like lie on an application, etc.... laws that don't affect law abiders, yet the gov doesn't prosecute those cases. I'd ask them them to work with existing laws instead of making more.

>Admittedly not a gun expert
>Proposing laws on a right that shall not be infringed

Either educate yourself, or kill yourself.