What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
He's right though.
damn i wanted to write the same thing
He's not wrong.
He burned down ancient churches built on top of pagan sites and murdered a guy. Varg's pretty based
This is correct.
Varg says a lot of weird shit, but also a lot based stuff. You must understand that he is no longer a christian, and by that I mean he's not like these "atheist" who really still go around and carry with them the christian mindset, morale etc without being self observant enough to realize it....
Varg has read, he has read a lot. And I can confirm that he is an actual ásatrú or heathen where the word stems from. He has shred him self of christianity and now has the heathen mindset. He will be honest, no cuckshed.
It's not an easy task, and to get to all the raw material you must learn old norse, which he has. I was not aware of what he was up to, until a few months back, to find him speaking ON. I first suspected the heathen stuff, but got it slam bam confirmed after a couple of vids.
So can't take that away from, he's a heathen all rite. So.. if you are this goyims neighbour I wouldn't start pushing the limit by letting my cows or sheep grass on his land.... that leads to a spiral of violence you have never seen the likes off...
Also his beard here, I think he is trying to copy based Hákon Earl, the last heathen King(and earl too, confusing battles)
He is correct what's your problem cuck?
He's a LARPagan.
Only Christians are redpilled.
The error Varg makes is pointing fingers at the modern woman instead of a certain type. A portion of women have been vain sluts since the dawn of man. On the other end of the spectrum, perfect wife material has existed in every generation.
Women overall aren't getting better or worse. Society merely fluctuates in the ability of how well it can keep the average woman in line.
All Hail Varg
He's literally right on this point desu
He's correct but his entire philosophy and way of life is decadence.
>raising a family
>having his own land
So you are basically saying it's not their fault and NAWALT (not all women are like that)?
This isn't a specific group of women, women overall have turned the system to their advantage and took a piss on their traditional duties while holding man ransom to his traditional roles.
Majority of women are like this in the west to a degree and they rely on white knights like you to keep them from ever having to answer for their shit decisions.
as a NEET i relate to varg somewhat. i feel like he's known our way of life. he had a fairly comfortable prison sentence comparable to the average NEET existence and it gave him time to think about what is important to him. i also like most of his music. i don't find any of his views particularly outrageous or controversial. he seems like a really nice guy, actually.
His only problem as far as I can tell is he's pagan.
Pagans don't bother anybody unlike those Christian shits.
not an argument
Very wise words NEETbro