Yo user what's a matter....
how come you don't go hiking with you rgirlfriend, bro?
Yo user what's a matter....
how come you don't go hiking with you rgirlfriend, bro?
Go black to blogging you mulatto dating faggot.
because I'm a 27 year old virgin nazi
So how come you don't go hiking with your gf brah?
She isn't real
Butthurt white girl spotted
she looks like a fat arab
also cancer thread
She's an athletic vegan with a stomach as flat as an ironing board
I don't have one, because I'm working towards law school bruh. The last thing I need to spoil my last bastion of solitude by inviting some vapid cunt along. Hiking and camping is much better with close friends and a remote wilderness without a ton of people on the trail.
Is she a crossfiter? Which one does she talk about first?
ok, look at her fucking hips, m80
also her arms and back
>in shape
>this arab
pick one
lol what about her hips? That's a baggy shirt dipshit
She wears it because she doesn't want form fitting shirts that'd show off anything
So basically your self esteem is so low, that you KNOW that you can only settle for a vapid starbucks bitch? Sad! Many such cases on here!
Audibly kek'd
>have spanish girl friend
>shes a bitch all the time
>every little thing turns into a fight
>get her to fall for the "great outdoors meme" even though we live in a fucking desert
>get her to go "hiking"
>belittle her for trying to bring a purse hiking
>finally get there
>half way through spot border patroll doing their usual rounds
>in best spanish accent scream "La Migra La migra"
>quickly sprint away
>mfw she is being detained screaming in half spanish that she just dont have her papers
>She wears it because she doesn't want form fitting shirts that'd show off anything
because shes a fat arab?
and no it isnt, you can see the shape of her hips, waist, and butt
Will you ever stop spamming your negroid partner all over Sup Forums?
>Trust me, I know more about your girlfriend than you
You know how I know you're a virgin?
It's too fucking hot right now. Maybe in 2 or 3 months.