The decisive battle of the war is going to start!
The Rebels try to open a new supply corridor to aleppo and could cut important government held supply lines in that area.
If the government lose this battle they will definitely loose the war cause they will not be able to recover that loss.
After that they will loose inch by inch more territory until the final collapse of the regime.
I hope i am wrong but i think the regime will fall like the western civilisation ;(
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Shouldn't you be there for your countrymen?
go back to africa nigger
nice try ahmed, but when kebab kills kebab, humanity wins
Not when some of those kebab act as a buffer against bagel you dumb inferior European.
Stay out of this, loser.
ääähhhhmmm after that war all the "AHMED`S" will know they can win a civil war and went on on the "World Sharia" domination tour my llittle friend
Have no fear, Rebels! America will drone a wedding or two to help you out!
Not gonna happen ahmed.
Based Assad has been gaining territory slowly but surely for a good year now. This is the rebels last stand. Once Aleppo is Assad controlled it's over.
Putin will not let his man down like the West do their's.
muzzy got roasted
speech of all speeches
Who's inspired here?
I want to hug the virgins!!!
lol look at that baised super beard on the left
You seemed pretty invested in the rebels winning? Do you prefer to be called a New German or a Tanned German my friend?
not at all
Is this actually an important battle? I've heard Aleppo is going to be taken for 2 years now and it's still all going on
Syrian army encircled Aleppo completely for the first time since the start of the battle, if the terrorists don't break the siege they're done for.
Apparently aleppo has a very high strategic value, don`t know why but it`s always said "Who controls aleppo will win the war".
Look at all the dead men
>estonian flag
we don't have planes nor tanks
what's going on here?
It's Estonian Air Force One, obviously.
Ilves joined the 1000 Meter Club in that baby.
أول وظيفة أفضل وظيفة
our air force is American airforce
It's considered the "capital of the revolution".
Rebels lose all legitimacy if they lose it.
I scrolled over to germany, is the map broken? I don't see any pending missions or attacks.
Sup Forums- POLITICS
I really hope to get to visit Ämari someday.
Germany is politically correct so...
Is Israel going to give the Golam Heights back to Syria?
Found the coordinates 36.203144, 36.928720
send it to putin
kek I just was shitposting
kek frame it Hans
Nobody cares about this dragged out meme war amymore
Real coordinates seem to be 36.215523, 36.846396
Someone verify it though
How can you help all the jhiadis?
I mean when they got Syria they aim for jerusalem you know?
We're not helping anyone we want both shiaroaches and sunniroaches to die.
>wanting libya 2.0
for the worlds sake its better if the regime wins tbqh
>hey man, like these bitches tho
>they be like, virgins and shiiiiet
>go die for that shit because spit and sweat and titties and shiiiet
sounds like a pretty good plan.
>you got me at sweet spit!
Not bad at all, even keker than kek.
This. Even if Assad is a bloodthirsty maniac like our media says he keeps it in Syria.