Hey goyim
Guess what
They don't know
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How many Swedish blondes do you want as slaves to make you stop destroying Europe?
We all know it's you pulling the strings.
I don't want your sluts you stupid fishery running fuckwad, they're completely degenerate and any children I might have with a goy bitch won't be jews
This time I'm here to gloat over your grotesque nigger tier incompetence, not shill to hide my evil atrocities
another shower?
I'm clean
I swear to God
Go to bed Schlomo
>Implying we have a master plan and we're not just winging it
t. American Jew
Have some degeneracy.
Damn you jew
to be expected from is-real
Remember goyim, with jose you win.
call the mexicans, we're heating the ovens
is dat a benis :DDDDD
Excuse me there what did you say, lil
I said "have some degeneracy"
Fag detected.
Fine fine
You stupid goyim are so fucking cucked Germany fucking KNEW Muhammad Dalil was a fucking active ISIS member
You still treated him and gave him residence in Ansbach right before he went boom. What the fuck is wrong with you people??
what do you want, kike?
((( Debka )))
>jews smart
How come assad is still in power ?
it's a fantastic source, what's gotten up your butt, mario
Without him isis would've been much bigger tbqh famalam.