>The Economist Newspaper Limited, trading as The Economist Group, is a British multinational media company headquartered in London and best known as publisher of The Economist. >The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders. >Rothschild
Carson Morgan
>Globalists crying and shitting their pants Music to my ears
Hudson Torres
The Economist shilling for its beloved cheap labor from Mexico is hardly new.
Jaxon Gutierrez
> liberal world order
David Brooks
>News that strengthens the anti-globalisers’ appeal comes almost daily. On July 26th two men claiming allegiance to Islamic State slit the throat of an 85-year-old Catholic priest in a church near Rouen. It was the latest in a string of terrorist atrocities in France and Germany. The danger is that a rising sense of insecurity will lead to more electoral victories for closed-world types. This is the gravest risk to the free world since communism. Nothing matters more than countering it.
The danger is nationalists not Islamic invaders goyim
Austin James
>oy vey the goyim are trying to stop us from exterminating them and ruling over a shitskin slave horde for eternity!
Evan Ramirez
Noah Hernandez
anglo male vs any other people
Wyatt Robinson
Aaron Long
>no to globalism
Noah Bell
Sebastian Bailey
Same false dichotomy as always Opposing globalists doesn't mean you hate every other country and think they're all subhuman. It just means you want sovereignty.
Ethan Anderson
>Welcome! I can't for more liberal idiots who think "We're all equal! All the same! One love!" to get absolutely BTFO by muslims
We need MORE happenings tbqh, I wish there was an ISIS attack every day until the election
Evan Jones
I don't understand, every time they try this it only further entrenches people who disagree and even pushes more people to the other side out of disgust
Ryder Stewart
That dude is fucking savage The flying kick/punch block was 10/10
Angel Thompson
Immigration and free trade arent bound to each other. EU countries (or better corporatians) got egoistic, didnt got their bonuses, didnt fullfill their quotas and are now leaving. Importing ISIS is a total different story but heats the debate open vs closed.
Hunter Butler
>liberal world order >NWO is a conspiracy they said welp
Nicholas Phillips
Angel Collins
Matthew Green
Jaxon Russell
>How so biased Funded by jews?
Lincoln Diaz
>tfw the white man has had enough
Brody Jackson
Infinite kek.
Jayden Morales
(((The Economist))) Every time they try this they convince ordinary workers to go with the exact opposite
Joshua Nguyen
>We sure showed them!
Isaac Ross
Justin Turner
Is this thread still alive?
I found the real cover. That one's fake.
Gabriel Roberts
Samuel Morris
> The truth escapes you through quantum energy, white boi
Zachary Ross
Here's a bigger version of the pic.
Xavier Hughes
I thought this magazine was one of the decent ones?
David Walker
Does your cuckshed have wifi? Man, your bull is very generous. Mine only lets me use mcdonalds wifi when mistress takes me out for lunch sometimes
Ryan Reed
well fuck I'll just have to go at it again
Levi Gray
It is.
Christopher Diaz
>Hillary >Liberal
Holy fuk lmao she's just another neocon warhawk, what are they on about?
Christopher Cruz
I hate their name. I studied economics and finance in uni and liberal fags think their so hip with it because they read the Ecommunist.
Financial Times master race here.
Asher Brooks
realistic version
Christian Collins
I love it how they try to pain Trump as though he's against trade, he's against bankers fucking everyone over with government handouts to corporations and offshoring merchants. Fuckin hell people.
Mason Ross
They are certainly one of the most interesting to read, but they make no qualms about them being staunchly pro- neoliberal, globalist and supporting the free movement of people.
Christopher Howard
Do you work for Goldman Sachs?
Kevin Hill
Im black.
Youre going insane if this is the vision you have of me.
Josiah Watson
Well no fucking surprises here. Niggers need their gibsmedats
Charles Williams
lol, trump is there
Michael Edwards
>globalist elite class worried that we'll cut off their supply of mexican slave labor so they have to hire whites and actually pay them once we overthrow their political system we should burn them at the stake
Justin Hill
Speak for yourself
Parker Gonzalez
>"The future of the liberal world order depends on whether she succeeds."
Absolutely. We intend to destroy that liberal world order and replace it with nationalism.
Daniel Gray
They are neoliberals.
Henry Fisher
Wait a minute that hair...
Michael Lee
here I remember when the economist used to be based, covering both sides equally.
rest in pieces
Jeremiah Nguyen
How are we any better dead cops cops kill unarmed people crazy people kill you at the movies when you are a firefighter etc
Christian Hughes
>This is the gravest risk to the free world since communism.
The gravest risk to the free world is by not moving more left towards communism?
Ryder Diaz
I wish this had sound
it's satisfying, but I really want to hear it for the full effect
Landon Taylor
FT ftw, but only print version on beautiful pink paper
Easton Price
That way all the idiot boomers who still remember the cold war are instantly on board
Jeremiah Adams
Shillary isn't a leftist
Christopher Jones
>"This is the gravest risk to the free world since communism. Nothing matters more than countering it."
We need the communist/socialist party to win because its the greatest threat since communism okk
Gabriel Martin
It's literally owned by the Rothschilds, it shouldn't be surprising to see them showcasing globalist agenda.
Matthew Long
>"Nah, Trump is le epic racist fascist!" >"Do you even study politics user?" >*adjusts glasses and chortles*
Kayden Myers
Mah nigga.
Michael Edwards
They know how to trick baby boomers.
Elijah Perry
Alexander Parker
this shows that they can BLEED. or so i like to think.
Luis Richardson
Hudson Myers
Funny that they have that picture and then the word's "Europe's wave of terror" right above it. Liberals aren't very smart, huh?
Brayden Edwards
Carter Morgan
very nice
Josiah Mitchell
>Cross grave markers >IMPLYING
William Morris
I like the subtility of that one
Hunter Perry
Very subtle. 10/10
Ayden Jenkins
you dont udnerstand. its subliminal, see how the wall in the right side is wave in shape?
and how its more red/yellow? it means it will burn in hell. all these details have a meaning
Noah Smith
Despite the nauseating bias of the article their broader point is true. Marine Le Pen and the right-wing journalist Ed West have been saying the same thing.
so what, in there articles they recreate one by one a vision of capitalism peversed by cultural marxism.
Wich every writer and his family pest and death, may their names never be revealed
Logan Kelly
Josiah Morales
Juan Scott
Cooper Smith
Nice Wall bro, how about some 10 feet taller
James Garcia
Elijah Wright
>Biggest threat since Communism >They say about a party trying to convince people who thing communism isn't really so bad to vote for them >Using Communistic tactics >Using Alinsky's models >The party that hated McCarthy >Gravest risk since communsim
I am so sick of the Liberal double think it's a wonder I'm not just constantly vomiting.
Dylan Rodriguez
Graves, Isis flag, knife
Did I get them all?
Jason Mitchell
its under construction
copy and pasting that many wall segments is tough work
Nathaniel Williams
I find it astonishing how people still can believe the Lügenpresse. They used to be subtle with their manipulations. Now, they aren't even trying anymore. It's blatantly clear agenda pushing disguised as journalism. And the picture they have put on their cover is just a blatant LIE and deliberate DISINFORMATION in the face of all facts. Fuck the press.
Ethan Cooper
Sup Forums was right again
Jordan Ward
bomb vest on girl
Jacob Price
Liam Martin
The Donald.
Zachary Campbell
Thank you
Juan Sullivan
oh, well there you go then
Matthew Richardson
Is there literally any people left on earth who trust the (((mainstream media)))?
You'd think even the thickest dumbasses would see through this bullshit by now.
David Wilson
The Donald was also in the original; he is omnipresent
Ian Barnes
this new meme is great
Adrian Cox
>"This is the gravest risk to the free world since communism. Nothing matters more than countering it." and yet the left practically wants communism lel.
Austin James
>I wish there was an ISIS attack every day until the election
Whew lad
James Kelly
Wow so much better. I can't to wait to get myself securely between those walls
Evan Diaz
South Africa
Dominic Brooks
lay waste motherfucker
Alexander Ross
The thing I love about being American. Is that when we fart and the rest of the world takes notice. I don't even know any of your world leaders but your shit stained countries are more interested in Murican election. I love it.
Anthony Davis
Recent surveys show that only around 6% of Americans trust the media. I don't know how it is in Europe but over here the vast, vast majority of people can't stand the shit anymore. I know it's anecdotal, but even the most liberal people I know don't trust the MSM anymore.