Sup Forums I just found i son of kek.
What should i do with this amphibian?
Pic related looks just like him.
Found a son of kek
Keep it and put it on a throne and worship it all day.
It gives you a +5% stat boost to acquiring dubs
any kek son cant touch human or his magic power go to human increasing his DUBLETS POWER
This. Build a shrine for it too. Give it the best life a frog can get.
need more opinions.
So Poland is liar then?
I fckin knew it.
Release him into the wild so he can continue spreading kek's word.
Consume him. If you do not vomit, you have successfully siphoned meme energy directly from Kek.
raise him you fool
Feed him and then send him back out on his journey
I kept a huge toad once, fed it handfuls of crickets every day for a week
And then it took a giant shit bigger than my jack russel's turds
Let it go after that
Feed it to an owl.
t. #ImWithHer
I have a few living u der my porch.
They come out at night and eat bugs around my solar lights.
I pour water through the patio for them, its ball sweatingly hot out here right now.
So why not just let him live his life where you found him?
He's a gift from almighty Kek, lick it
Space program
Okay, got it.
What should the shrine look like?
Make it look like that Kek statue if you're artistically talented enough. Otherwise just make some candle stands, create some dubs out cardboard and hang them above the throne
Here I made some digits for you to get you started.
That's a toad not a frog.
Guess get it to what all bastard children do and post on /r9k/.
Fine. I'm retarded though, so I'll just make a painting of a frog.
Will post picture when I'm done.
It's a lot smaller though.
It's confirmed.
Kek is pleased with your decision, my friend. You have his blessing. Kek bless.
Post pics ofc
Recite to him the liturgy of our lord and give him our blessing, then release back into the wild. Meme magic shall not be caged by mere mortals.
Prove that kek is real. ..... will there be anoter mass police shooting I hope?
when will this kek autism end?
Akmeds and shills pls go home
Please die pig
Oh look, I was blessed!
You are a false prophet, DEMON OWL OF MOLOCH BEGONE
I do not wish death upon you, my lost friend. I will let Kek decide your fate.
Just realized I can't draw
I'll just make a cardboard throne with some candles and a sign that says "Praise Kek"
I am not a shill, I used to think the kek meme was funny but you guys are forcing it, it´s not funny anymore
Feed it to a bullfrog
Just trace/copy an image of a frog from the Internet. You don't have to freestyle it. Although you do get more Kek points for being original.
Praise Kek!
Eat a bullet.
Kek has extended his generosity to you! How blessed you are! Praise Kek!
I'm not your friend, nor am I lost.
You don't have to want be my friend to be my friend. We are all keks children and I consider them all my friend.
Be careful out there. Death awaits you soon.
Space program
Always. Death awaits us all.
He's a lot smaller.
It's not a toad.
I know what a toad is.
Toads and frogs are the same thing.
Sven please kys
There is very little anatomical/ cladistic distinction between toads and frogs. The only difference is that one is terrestrial and the other is semi-aquatic.
It's Done.
OP delivers.
I did it for you guys.
I have the hand writing skills of a 5yr old.
It's okay, user. I'm sure Kek (praise be to his name) is pleased.
Make him a little cape out of string and toilet paper
bretty gud
Autism: the picture
Taxonomically, there really isn't a distinction between toads and frogs. The genus "Bufo" are considered true toads, but there are a lot of frogs colloquially considered toads that are scientifically considered frogs. Even the genus "Bufo" the "true toads" are really just a type of frog, being that they are members of the Order Anura which is the order of Frogs.
Post pic of the frog!
It's right there.
He's pretty small buy you can see him.
holy fuck he's that spec on the box?
i thought that was dirt or something
keep the tiny frogbro safe, he's so cute :')
Send Him to our country.
Take a close up of the frog so we can see how happy he is in his very own Kek shrine. Also you should make a crown for him.
:D So small fellow, didnt notice at first