I got some Iranian flatmates who have never seen western films.
What films should I show them to westernize them?
>Team America: World Police
>Legally Blonde
>Die Hard 1-4
I got some Iranian flatmates who have never seen western films.
What films should I show them to westernize them?
>Team America: World Police
>Legally Blonde
>Die Hard 1-4
Other urls found in this thread:
Death Wish 3.
Blacked dot com
And beurette porno videos
There are also iranian porno stars
Lethal Weapon 1-5
Falling Down
American History X
Training Day
Mad Max
A Fantastic Fear of Everything
9th Company (Russian)
The Day the Clown Cried
>legally blonde
are you trying to turn them into jihadis?
Independence Day (1) is the only thing they need to see.
Maybe Gone with the Wind too.
maximum brainwashing potential
>all these pleb movies
Apocalypse Now
The Color of Paradise
Taxi Driver
Clockwork Orange
This is a good list.
I'd say:
I'd add:Bad Lieutenant (original) and Prince: Sign 'o' the Times and James Brown Live at the Apollo and Tom Waits Big Time.
Act of Valor
Lone Survivor
American Sniper
Black Hawk Down
13 Hours
Anything with Steven Segal, Mel Gibson, or Harrison Ford
How is it being 15 years old and having an entry-level understanding of film while thinking you're hot shit?
Not to say they aren't good movies, but please.
And I'm not out to help any Iranians either.
Good ideas,user if I may call you that.
Three Days of the Condor
The Thomas Crown Affair (original w/ McQueen and Dunaway)
Dirty Harry
I myself would delve back into the 40's
The Shanghai Gesture
Kiss of Death
I Wake Up Screaming
The Street With No Name
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Gran Torino
Charlie Wilson's War
Battle LA
Beavis and Butthead do America
That should give a good mix of Western values and degeneracy to acclimatize them.
>all those 1980s murican power movies
you are trying too hard with a heavy hand
they will reject internally
Anything by Guy Ritche or Quentin Tarintino
The Patriot
Americans can't into powerful films, they love show
Show them Argo. Then shoot them
13 Hours - The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi, after they watch it they will apply to join the marines
Mariya Poezzhaeva was fantastic in Inseparable / Moтыльки.
That miniseries got to me.
How do you forget the greatest movie ever made? Good god, you guys are plebs
>greatest movie ever made
Not a picture of "The Room."
>3.5/10 in IMDB
I am sure it's great.
Escape from ny
Fight club
American psycho
Pulp fiction
Fear and loathing
Any western with Clint Eastwood or John Wayne
Brokeback Mountain
Not without my daughter
The Stoning of Soraya M.
Snatch. Obviously
Mean Girls
American Psycho
The Dark Knight
3.5? Shit. I don't know how it got that high.
So, anyway, how's your sex life?
Don't listen to these dumb faggots.
Show them great American slice of life movies. Snapshots of time in America and coming of age movies.
Movies like:
American Graffiti
Dazed and Confused
American Pie
Breakfast Club
Can't Hardly Wait
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Almost Famous
Show them shit like that.
All your classic Eastwood westerns and Dirty Harry
Pick some Harrison Ford/Tom Clancy flicks
most importantly
Watch out you leaf fucking faggot they will lrob behead you
>normies can't into memefilm
bye paki
Robocop 1 and 2
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Blade Runner
The Thing
Top Gun and Mean Girls
london has fallen
>Iranian flatmates
make them atheists or better yet Christian, you don't wanna get blown up
Problem Child 2
The Dark Knight Rises
regards, Sup Forums
"American Angels: Baptism of Blood" (1989)
"American Animal" (2011)
"American Anthem" (1986)
"American Beauty" (1999)
"American Buffalo" (1996)
"American Cousins" (2003)
"American Cowslip" (2009)
"American Crude" (2008)
"American Cyborg: Steel Warrior" (1993)
"American Dragons" (1998)
"American Dreamer" (1984)
"American Dreamz" (2006)
"American Flyer" (2010)
"American Flyers" (1985)
"American Friends" (1991)
"American Gangster" (2007)
"American Ghost Hunter" (2010)
"American Gigolo" (1980)
"American Girl" (2002)
"American Gothic" (1988)
"American Graffiti" (1973)
"American Gun" (2002)
"American Gun" (2005)
"American Heart" (1992)
"American History X" (1998)
"American Hot Wax" (1978)
"American Idiots" (2013)
"American Kickboxer" (1991)
"American Kickboxer 2" (1993)
"American Loser" (2007)
"American Maniacs" (2010)
"American Mary" (2012)
"American Me" (1992)
"American Movie" (1999)
"American Mullet" (2001)
"American Ninja" (1985)
"American Ninja 2: The Confrontation" (1987)
"American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt" (1989)
"American Ninja 4: The Annihilation" (1990)
"American Ninja V" (1993)
"American Outlaws" (2001)
"American Pastime" (2007)
"American Perfekt" (1997)
"American Pie" (1999)
"American Pie 2" (2001)
"American Pop" (1981)
"American Psycho" (2000)
"American Psycho II: All American Girl" (2002)
"American Reel" (2003)
"American Reunion" (2012)
Everything Ahnuld
"American Roulette" (1988)
"American Samurai" (1992)
"American Scream King" (2010)
"American Shaolin" (1992)
"American Son" (2008)
"American Splendor" (2003)
"American Strays" (1996)
"American Teen" (2008)
"American Tigers" (1996)
"American Violet" (2008)
"American Virgin" (2009)
"American Wedding" (2003)
"American Yakuza" (1993)
"American Zombie" (2007)
"An American Affair" (2009)
"An American Carol" (2008)
"An American Crime" (2007)
"An American Haunting" (2005)
"An American in Paris" (1951)
"An American Reunion" (2003)
"An American Rhapsody" (2001)
"An American Summer" (1991)
"An American Tail" (1986)
"An American Tail: Fievel Goes West" (1991)
"An American Werewolf in London" (1981)
"An American Werewolf in Paris" (1997)
"Born American" (1986)
"Divorce American Style" (1967)
"How to Make an American Quilt" (1995)
"Kit Kittredge: An American Girl" (2008)
"More American Graffiti" (1979)
"My Fellow Americans" (1996)
"The Adventures of the American Rabbit" (1986)
"The American" (2010)
"The American Astronaut" (2001)
"The American Dream" (2011)
"The American Friend" (1977)
"The American Poop Movie" (2006)
"The American President" (1995)
"The American Scream" (2012)
"The American Success Company" (1980)
"The American Way" (1986)
"The Great American Girl Robbery" (1979)
"The Last American Hero" (1973)
"The Last American Virgin" (1982)
"The Myth of the American Sleepover" (2010)
"The Quiet American" (1958/2002)
"The Ugly American" (1963)
"The Young Americans" (1993)
"Wet Hot American Summer" (2001)
this is a must
Eh, Persians may spout "Death to America" all the time, but they actually integrate pretty well and aren't really the an hero types.
Maybe, but Islam is still shit, and doesn't belong in the West.
You, really, really have no room to talk.
>An user who lives in a country with terrorist attacks from Muslims is telling another user that he should avoid having Muslims in his country
>The other user says, you don't have room to talk
Just shut the fuck up an listen.
>An user who lives in a country with terrorist attacks from Muslims is telling another user that he should avoid having Muslims in his country
>The other user says, you don't have room to talk
Just shut the fuck up and listen.
Office Space
Some Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns
That's an unusual Doubles.
how did you do this?
how the actual fuck did you do this?
The Natural
16 Candles (if they speak English well enough)
Saving Private Ryan
Apollo 13
Wall Street
The Lords of Discipline
12 Angry Men
Dumb and Dumber
it's a wonderful life potter (1946)
Oh, I don't know, I just aborted my post when it hist 100% and I saw I forgot the "d" in "and" and it said I messed up the captcha, so I added the "d" and did the captcha and posted it again.
Forrest Gump
Only to show them the average Hillary voter.
Also, if you want them to get a sense of how life growing up for a white, straight, suburban, typical boy is during the Summer...The Sand Lot
color of paradise is a fucking iranian film you moron
Skip Die Hard 3 and 4, they are total shit-tier.
Show them the 2 scariest movies ever made;
"The Thing" (1982) and "Jacob''s Ladder"
good list here. I would add ferris buellers day off
Terminator 2
Lord of the Rings
Blade Runner
The Thing
Cop Land
Many others
12 Angry Men is almost mandatory if they speak English well enough
true lies
Rambo 1 and 2, last action hero, fifth element, commando, predator, alien, aliens, karate kid, ghost busters the bill Murray version, terminator 1 and 2, the big labowski, the naked gun 1 2 and 3, all the Austin powers movies, big trouble in little China, orig total recall.
Mother fuckin' High Plains Drifter
I hate 80s ""movies""
The Searchers
Modern Times
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Dr. Strangelove
The Apartment
The General
Taxi Driver
The passion of the Christ
...they'll get the message
Air Force One
Glengarry Glen Ross
Boiler room
Secret Life of Walter Mitty (original not that kike Stiller)
Life with Father
Brian's Song
Major League (hey I'm from Cleveland)
Deer Hunter
Dirty Harry
Literally any Eastwood western, The Outlaw Josey Wales being top priority
Once Upon A Time In America
Godfather 1 and 2
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner, the best movie ever made, even though its not really "american" like you want
Great taste
A Russian friend of mine told me his mother's first exposure to Western culture was watching scarface illegally in Afghanistan
Also he said some stuff about jeans
I think scarface would be good based on this
What did you mean by this? I said I hate 80s ""movies"" so I didn't list any. I said that because it seems to be the recurring theme for all action movies listed in this thread.
I just now realize I want to see an Australian Version of Air Force One.
Air Force Cunt
Innocence of muslims.
Emus don't fly
Air Force I'll knock you in da gabber wit a stubbie, cunt.
Boyz n tha hood
Thats not aussie you retard
We dont say "gabber"
We say gob
American History X
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Dark Knight
Pulp Fiction
Any mad max movie
Sorry, I haven't taken Australian since High School.
How's Whoop-whoop been lately? Run any Abos over with your land train?
Oh, and
Saving Private Ryan
Forrest Gump
You know abos aren't a meme, I have legitimately never met one that wasnt a homeless drunk
They are about as intelligent as feral animals
It's fucking disgusting you live with terrorist scum. Check your browser history regularly. If they use your computer you'll probably end up in jail.
holy shit, there are other people who know about robo vampire?
Most American film, anyone could understand
Master and Commander
Edge of Tomorrow
Goodbye Lenin.
Mad Max fury road
Casino royale.
Boku no pico
True Lies
Zero Dark Thirty
Rules of Engagement
American Sniper
The Siege
Delta Force
this gif is not real, is it?
Die Hard 1 good choice. They'll be singing Christmas carols about John McClain coming to town.
Gangs of New York
Saving Private Ryan
Full Metal Jacket
Easy Rider
Rebel Without A Cause
Angels With Dirty Faces