"[Putin]'s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right...

> "[Putin]'s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want," Trump said in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week."

Um wat?

Other urls found in this thread:



Crimea is not Ukraine. Never was.

I guess the shows he watches don't take about Ukraine.

>implying the guys in eastern Ukraine aren't backed by russian intelligence

what's ukraine?

Really when and link please.

>Look I love Ukraine, it's a great place, I've some friends that have gone there and they tell me it's a fantastic place, an amazing place, they are good people.
But there are things going on there and we have to be vigilant.
We have to figure things out, Putin is smart guy, our politicians are not, and there's something going on there and will talk to him I mean you have to talk to him but we have to look at our own borders first.



He's right.
Trump understand to not mess with nuclear powers sphere of influences.
Crime is russian and that's it.

So we cut a video where the statement of importance is coming? Most of Crimea was populate with Russians, nato wanting to deploy military in Ukraine had nothing to do with this obviously...

>like a fish out of water
International issues really aren't Trumps strong suit.

Wich is a good thing, americans should stay away from foreign affairs

Fuck off. America is the best thing the world has going for it.


Trump quotes in the future Will be a mess to read

"You have to fight for your Dreams okey? I have some Friends who did just that and they are rich now! Just yesterday one og them called me and said "trump, you're a great guy , thanks for making America great again!" So the point is, always fight for your Dreams, its going to be huuuge and tremendus

Will you pledge yourself to the Emperor's Children?!

Will your pledge yourself to the IIIrd Legion, created alongside its brother Legions during the Unification Wars on Terra!

Can't wait to see those quotes in the next call of duty when you die.

Hah il be happy to let you faggots kill eachother as canonfodder for your leaders, i dont feel any collectivist urge to join any sides and will be happy to let all the emotion based triggerhappy fagotts die

Gl with the war kid

He is correct. Crimea was taken to appear strong in the eyes of local public, taking more will put incredible strain on already shitty economics, the guerrilla with eastern ukraine was used to split opposition, shit to new Ukraine so there wouldn't be 'look, they got rid of this bastard and they are fine, nothing bad happened and they are becoming better', with bonus of great mutual hatred.
Taking any other part of Ukraine will be a huge mistake.

Turkey was traded to Russia for Ukraine.

I legitimately think he's charming for that very reason.


i love trump's foreign policy

the jews running the US hate russia


You can't go to Ukraine if you already in Ukraine. It is philosophical something.

No u

It was Russia that decided Crimea belonged to Ukraine... in 1954.

On 19 February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. This Supreme Soviet Decree states that this transfer was motivated by "the commonality of the economy, the proximity, and close economic and cultural relations between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR".

>Transferring $.10 TRUMPĀ® Galleons to your acount

Trump is basically Jewish you clueless faggot.

Trump's adult children are all married to Power Jews, converted to Judaism.

Ivanka married Jared Kushner, who is an AIPAC Orthodox Power Jew.

Eric Trump married to Jewish TV producer Lara Yunaska, had a very Jewish wedding under the Chuppah.

Donald Trump Jr. married to Vanessa Haydon, daughter of Bonnie and Charles Haydon. Jewish.

His youngest daughter Tiffany has been dating a Power Jew for a while, Ross Mechanic (Jonathan Mechanic's son).

Goes to Shabbat with his daughter and son-in-law, grand kids are being raised in Orthodox Judaism.

The Trump family will be the most Jewish family in the White House.

The most unelectable hag in the history of the world and this is what you people, and I use the term loosely, decided to run against her.

If Donald J Trump says that Putin isn't going into the Ukraine, then Putin dammed well isn't going into the Ukraine. Period.

When Donald J Trump speaks, everyone shuts up and listens. Nobody, and I mean nobody, opposes the will of Donald J Trump. Putin will do what he has been told to do, and he will back down from this "invade the Baltics and the Ukraine" bullshit.

I guess you have a point.

Donald, this is silly.

Hand over the Ukraine or I will no longer be able to guarantee your safety.

Is putin in ukraine? No

Checkmait, athiests

>autism in action


We all know, but what he proposes is better than neocon-constant wars for the Jew shillary.

Trump is a necessary start of what either reinvigorates white america or finaly wrecks it.
He's not why we want but he is the only way to start moving things in the right direction.

Best case scenario is that he wins and gets nothing done. Or that the left does some millitairy coup and takes power from him so we can be rid of this democracy bullshit. But for anything like that to materialise he first has to get elected or visibly robed of the election.