All misanthropes welcome.
Feel free to share your insights, discuss your views and imagine a better world (that is, one devoid oh human life).
All misanthropes welcome.
Feel free to share your insights, discuss your views and imagine a better world (that is, one devoid oh human life).
i used to hate all non whites
now i hate all non whites AND whites, because whites are letting themselves be wiped out
sounds about right.
also this
I used to love everyone, then I started hating the people who harmed me (brown people mostly) then I started hating jews when I found out that they engineered the current situation, then I started to hate whites because I saw all the traits that I disliked in other races in them as well.
Now I hate (it's a strong word, disdain or spite would be better) humanity in general and dream of a world where nature, animals and machine could coexist without the presence or need of humans.
I can't be a misanthrope with explicit agoraphobic tendencies and when my worst fears concern people. I don't know how to break free from these chains, must be too mentally weak desu
So if you hate yourself why haven't you killed yourself yet
Can we cancel islam pls? The rest are bearable.
I don't hate myself.
All of them at least should kill 1500 people
Like that guy from Uwe Boll's film
I guess its called rampage or something
Any room for the misologist?
Great idea you fucking frong.
Please Kill yourself and everyone around you.
>Please Kill yourself and everyone around you.
If I had a "remove humanity" button, I would press it. I don't though.
if you're a mansthrope and misologue, feel free to stay.
Define "white". Where do we draw distinctions between who is white and who isn't?
someone help pls
someone who is not arab, jewish, asian or black
I'm at the point where I wouldn't mind getting canceled myself but this isn't the board for that. Try /adv/.
Jesus christ rare AF
Why am I not surprised that it's a French that started this thread ?
People are extremely stupid and I hate them.
A good example of a stupid person is this post.
People who make posts like these are a good example of stupid people in this website.
There are other kinds of stupid people that I hate, but the kind of stupid people in this website are the kind that make posts like the one I linked to before.
The day when lone wolf attacks will be able to result in a statistically significant number of casualties approches.
Technology's force multiplier keep rising, and those that have the brains and means to wield it shall be feared indeed.
The balance of power have gone from tribes to cities to nations to superpowers to end up in the individual.
It's easier to ennumerate who is human : western, central and northern europeans, and the japanese.
That's pretty much it.
Of course, the criminals and traitors in those groups are honorary subhumans and should be treated accordling.
Am I a misanthrope or a sociopath. I can't be around people for very long, I hate shallow conversatoins and feigned happyness.
I'm not convinced.
there is nothing wrong with hating mankind.
you can't trust anyone and i won't trust anyone but one person that i know for 10 years now.
i was that even before i went to Sup Forums, but Sup Forums showed me that i made the right choice.
despite all that: i work at a senior center. most old people are just as hateful as everybody else. i often hear them praise hitler.
If those are the only choices, misanthrope. Sociopaths don't into emotion.
being or not being a misanthrope is a choice.It's a philosophical ideology. Just like you chose wether you like chocolate or not.
Being a sociopath is different thoug, it's seen as a medical condition. I'm no doctor so I won't put a label on you.
Misanthropes are no better than edgy atheists. Fucking kill yourself. Type of losers who say shit like ''i like dogs more than i like people XD"
Every conversation is shallow and happiness is a choice made, you are not a special snowflake, just a faggot. Sorry!
hi hater
bye hater
don't bother with hating anything.
hate is a strong word. I don't "hate" humanity in the sense that I don't actively waste my energy about it. "disdain" is better suited.
Overall, I dream of a world without humans, with only nature, animals, even machine. To me, daulphins are the master race of the earth.
I fucking hate every single one of you, but Im glad to have found like-minded cunts.
>daulphins' cuck
stop existing then. You will feel nothing, like when you was not born yet.
You're confusing hating everyone with hating yourself