>Americucks will defend their """"""""""country""""""""""
So glad that I don't live in a 3rd world shithole
>Americucks will defend their """"""""""country""""""""""
So glad that I don't live in a 3rd world shithole
Other urls found in this thread:
>be 90% less likely to prep the bull
send us a fucking link, leaf
This. OP confirmed retard.
soon burgers won't even be able to make fun of that cuck Trudeau when they've got Shillary the known criminal in the White House.
It's really all over for you guys isn't it?
>22% more money
Lmao I could buy your mom into whoring. You can't even look us in the eye you pathetic poorfag.
>spend 54.95% more money on health care
>31% more likely to die in infancy
>2.7 times more likely to be murdered
lol I think you'll be too busy paying for your shitty health and bullet wounds
>implying I'm going to jail
>implying I live in a niggertown
>implying I care about a class divide
>implying I'm unemployed
>implying I'm an infant
>implying I fuck niggers
>make more money
M8, these statistics are ramped up by blacks. If we removed blacks, those numbers would drop astronomically. For example, AIDS/HIVwould literally be cut by about 50-60%. Gun violence too. They really do hold our nation back.
> more likely to be in prison
if you're a nog
> more likely to be murdered
if you're a nog
> more likely to be lower class
if you're a nog
> more likely to die sooner
if you're a nog
> more likely to die in infancy
if you're a nog
> more likely to get AIDS
if you're a nog
> more likely to have more babies
if you're a nog
stats inflated by niggers
>class divide
>die sooner
>die in infancy
>more babies
That just proves whiter countries are better to live in.
>implying cuckholdry wasn0t born in USA
>M8, these statistics are ramped up by blacks
How could white trash feel good about themselves if there weren't nggers around to blame?
>m-muh muh nogs
burgers made of scapegoat meat
Such is the price of having an uncucked ballsack.
>60% white
There are so many nice things on this list, yet still no one in their right mind would ever move to your shithole country. It must be everyone else that is stupid though and not you.
based kraut gets it
>22% more money
>40% more class divide
It's ok ill be a millionaire soon
t. americans
Can't wait for Trump to win, and all the niggers flee to Canada.
The we'll see whose laughing.
>Implying we'll let them through or give them GIBS
He is going to trade school. He will be a millionaire when he reaches 35.
>Live in liberal muslim utopia of Canuckisatan
>Be only 80% white
>Make fun of America because only European country less white than you
this only applies if you associate yourself with degenerate liberals/nigs/spics
Arent they the majority?
What are you racist?
It's 2016!
t. Chang from Vancouver
Canada is easily the most pathetic nation because they have no national identity.That's why they have no qualms about electing a crazy faggot like Trudeau. Easily the greatest shame of the British Empire. Sad!
Wew, that was a close one.
>Canada is easily the most pathetic nation because they have no national identity.
>speaks the colony
>countries flag is the same as a company
>if you re a nog
So, an average american?
>be American
>go to theatre
>get shot
>go to school
>get shot
>go to club
>get shot
>go to church to pray for peace
>get shot
>People meme here all the time about us being 60% white
>We point out that the large chunks of brown people/nigs drag down quality of life significantly more than white people
Looks good. Do you have any engineering jobs?
They aren't poor Syrian refugees that need our help. They are uncultured Americans that should stay out.
>Amrican constantly point out that white americans are the majority
>"HURR DURR, whites dindu nuffin, it's the blacky and hispanic fault"
Nah, only tourism
Also you better be white
and they say europe is doomed
White Americans commit crime at right around the same rate as white Europeans.
why couldn't those fucking Southerners pick their own fucking cotton?
website bls
>Amrican constantly point out that white americans are the majority
Are you high? No one here argues that we're as white as your average European country. The common narrative is that when you break down most of these statistics according to demographics, white figures become close to that of other European countries.
Also change your trip back you commie prick.
None of these would be a problem if you were white
canĀ“t wait to be an oldfag in year 2060 shitposting on pol about how white america is at that time
>White Americans commit crime at right around the same rate as white Europeans.
source? ANd no, that Sup Forums pasta is not a source
>White Americans commit crime at right around the same rate as white Europeans.
is this true?
Just a reminder
>that murder rate
>that AIDS rate
Damn son
>applying averages to individuals
What did they mean by this?
>The common narrative is that when you break down most of these statistics according to demographics, white figures become close to that of other European countries.
>Also change your trip back you commie prick.
Just for you
He's right though, you stupid diversionary kikes.
Good luck seeing a doctor anytime soon unless all you have is a papercut or a scraped knee.
>W-We are better then Latvia!!!!
>We are white guese!!!111
>It's the blacks and joooooooooos!!11!!!
Americans are 4.2 more likely to be imprisioned the Venezuelans? get your shit together USA
no we don't.
do you?
I spend less on health insurance than you have to pay for in taxes
I didn't die in infancy because my parents weren't poor shits
I don't live in an area with niggers and even then, I have a CCW
>class divide
Literally autism and jealousy because someone being richer than me means nothing
In Canada, childhood Leukemia means you'll die before you see the doctor.
>Good luck seeing a doctor anytime soon unless all you have is a papercut or a scraped knee.
meme. People who have emergency needs are attended right away. The waiting lists are so high because old people decide to have it's weekly social gathering in the hospital wait room
yuck canada
Don't be a nignog
Don't live near nignogs
>More money
Damn right
>More money on health care
Thats what insurance is for
>Class divide
Don't be a nignog
>Less free time
That's where you get the money
Don't be a mexican or liberal
>Earlier death
Don't be a methhead
>Infancy death
Don't be a new age yuppie
>More likely to have AIDS
Don't be a nignog
Wow, it's like every problem you're seeing is caused by being a fucking nigger.
wow this website rly is a bunch of nonsense
Wrong. ANYONE with a chronic illness has to wait. Fact.
They don't "suddenly" move you to the ER because your cancer is about to kill you.
>Wrong. ANYONE with a chronic illness has to wait. Fact.
show me those facts then.
But i already know the answer
>inb4 some shitty paper by mises.com
>They don't "suddenly" move you to the ER because your cancer is about to kill you.
wat? Are you stupid? you think people that are in critical condition have to wait in Canada?
Look at murder.
Few years ago white males made up 38% of the population:
Yet they committed 4,582 murders (2012)
Compared to niggers, who make up 6.6 percent of the population (first source) but committed 5,531 murders (second source)
This means blacks committed almost 1,000 more murders than whites when adjusted for population.
Niggers generally commit 50% of homicides each year despite only being like 13% of the population
This factors homicides committed by all races against a specific race in the US, meaning that it's going to be higher for whites in the US because we have a lot more nigs/spics than Europe. Bad comparison.
We also defend your country dipshit.
And basically all of western Europe.
Hopefully Trump will win and we'll tell you smarmy cunts to fuck off and watch your economies practically implode trying to balance the plethora of gibs with actually having to maintain your own defence
be 100% less likely to bow to the queen.
are you fucking black, OP?
don't be black
don't live in a black neighborhood
Problem solved.
With the exception of free time, since you will work for a living instead of living off welfare.
>99% more likely to own a gun
>99% more likely to receive better healthcare than Canacucks
>99% more likely to be free
Pretty jealous to be honest
>idiots still give leftypol actual replies
Don't waste your time
We don't have as many niggers
t. leaf
Yes, all fance and dandy, but how is the white only crime rate when compared to european countries (wich was what was being discussed)? see thisI already seen all those statistics multiple times.
Also muder is not the only crime there is
>more the 4000 unknown race murderers
>life span
>infant mortality
Our country is full of nignogs and wetbacks. Remove them and we would be the best in the world ranking in all these things.
>class divide
Good goy detected
>Spend more on healthcare
Yeah, and we get more from it, too. I noticed how Canada had to cut a deal with Detroit for health related travel, due to lack of competent doctors to meet demand. I mean, if you're relying on Detroit then...
Looks like I'm moving.
Most of that shit is essentially solved by not being a nigger or faggot.
>use 8.8% less oil than Canada
>be 80% less likely to be in prison
>>in a country that is a literal prison
Point the page, i'm not gonna read 70 pages
What survey is this
A whole bunch.
>UK comfirmed for best Anglo country
>Yes, all fance and dandy
So you admit that niggers are on average more violent when adjusted for population, great.
>how is the white only crime rate when compared to european countries (wich was what was being discussed)?
I already responded to that. The graph that that user posted is not homicide rates, but homicide DEATHS. This means that, for countries like the U.S. who have are relatively a lot less whiter than European countries, those figures include a big chunk of crimes perpetrated by non-whites. It doesn't show what percentage of those victims were murdered by people of their own race. Which is why the comparison falls flat unless you're comparing countries with a similar demographic as ours.
>Also muder is not the only crime there is
Never said there is, but most crimes (especially violent crimes) are done by non-whites
>more the 4000 unknown race murderers
Even if EVERY single one of those mystery murderers were white (unlikely it's even >50% but just for the sake of argument), blacks would still commit a proportionally higher murder rate
>spend 80% less then americans in Healthcare
>have pretty much the same lif expectancy
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, thanks for the cheap pills, americans
These shitty stats only apply if you're a nigger.
Take away niggers and shitty mexicans and standard of living is bretty good
>So you admit that niggers are on average more violent when adjusted for population, great.
yes, but white americans are nigger tier compared to europeans(and europeans do not descriminate their underclasses in the crime rates).
>who have are relatively a lot less whiter than European countries, those figures include a big chunk of crimes perpetrated by non-whites.
I'd like to see that. i've seen in Sup Forums that something like 95% of whites murdered are by other whites.
>Even if EVERY single one of those mystery murderers were white (unlikely it's even >50% but just for the sake of argument), blacks would still commit a proportionally higher murder rate
Again, i'm not comparing "white" americans to niggers. I am comparing white americans to europeans.
>United "King"dom
more like United Peasants amirite lmao
This is something that most people don't realize: a lot of medical advancement is done in the US. We pay the price and everyone benefits.
Just another reason to bow down and worship your imperial saviors from the New World.
Once we get rid of Obama and the god emperor is our president we can start working on solving your sandnigger problem, too.
>pic related
Trudeau would welcome them with his hairless white ass spread wide and ready for BBC.
You know it and we do too.
>This is something that most people don't realize: a lot of medical advancement is done in the US
Because you are the largest economy. UK, Germany and Denmark (not sure if Austria and Switzerland too) spend more per capita on medical R&D then USA.
>Just another reason to bow down and worship your imperial saviors from the New World.
Lol, no. It's another reason to laugh at you guys. So pathethic.
>Once we get rid of Obama
And Hillary becomes president?
>working on solving your sandnigger problem
We have like 0.1 % of muslims, bro
There are proportionally more interracial couples in America and Canada is 20% whiter than you are, cuck. You've prepped a bull into presidency.
>yes, but white americans are nigger tier compared to europeans
Are you talking about homicide rates? Because we're still lower than some Eastern European countries like that same graph showed and only 1-2 murders more than the average European country. Compare this to our niggers, who commit literally 16+ more murders per 100k than US+Europe on average.
>and europeans do not descriminate their underclasses in the crime rates).
[citation needed]
>i've seen in Sup Forums that something like 95% of whites murdered are by other whites.
It's closer to 93%, and 7% still leaves quite enough room for non-whites to skew the data against white Americans since, again, we're not a very white country.
>Again, i'm not comparing "white" americans to niggers. I am comparing white americans to europeans.
I don't even know what the fuck this means anymore. You're just redefining white now?
You get far enough north and we learn how to check your easily-counterfeited money, you know.
14.1 people per square kilometre in Ontario. Being generous here, ONTARIO. Where everyone lives.
33.7 people per square kilometre in the U.S. incl. Alaska.
You're more likely to run into problems with that many people close by!
Maybe American whites are holding them back? The blacks that came up here escaping slavery seem to have fared pretty well.
In Canada you secure a trade AND support your fellow man! Fuckin' eh!
Why would you link an article that helps disprove your point? Look up: Canadian Red Ensign
To be fair we have had a few of those up here. Just a few.
Poor work ethic I'd assume.
>Canada only knows averages. All information from mighty Stats-Can
I busted my head open falling down drunk off a two story building, didn't mind I had to wait a few hours in the Vancouver hospital because a motherfucker got shot at the same time. A nurse actually gave me a toonie for snacks from the machine.
Good luck with that insurance deductible mate.
Plus, let's see:
>$37,451 to $90,750 $5,156.25 plus 25% of the amount over $37,450 for single person
If you make, say $60,000 a year, that's around $10,800 in federal taxes.
>Federal Personal Income Tax Brackets 2016 Taxable Income first $45,282 15.0% over $45,282 up to $90,563 20.5%
If you make $60,000 that's about $9,800 in taxes (in USD, $7,500)
Sure, we pay sin taxes and gas taxes and other taxes, but if you quit smoking and drinking and start taking the bus you're better off here! (Plus my employer pays for all health insurance coverage the government does not cover)
>treat people like animals
>surprised when they act like animals.
You Americans are literally the worst group of people on this earth.
I hope China decides to nuke you.
Per capita spending is meaningless when those countries populations are so small.
If you want to keep laughing until Merkel drops a million allahdu's in your back yard, fine. We'll make sure to put a higher price on exported medications and intellectual property when Trump is president. Better trade deals are a big part of his platform, anyway.
Why do stupid Canadians even exist, you're literally no asset to the world at all.
to constantly remind americans that just north of them, across the border, there's a nation that's 20% whiter, 5% more christian, and 2% less gay than them
that's why canada exists.
Notice how it doesn't say
>50 million more times likely you'll be cool af
>Because we're still lower than some Eastern European countries
wow, better then SOME fucking shitholes. What a accomplishment. Now let those countries descriminate their own underclasses (gipsies, russians...) and see the result
>ame graph showed and only 1-2 murders more than the average European country
Wich is the double. Nice.
>Compare this to our niggers, who commit literally 16+ more murders per 100k than US+Europe on average.
Always with muh niggers shit. Jesus christ, i alrady know that.
>It's closer to 93%, and 7% still leaves quite enough room for non-whites to skew the data against white Americans since, again, we're not a very white country.
And you got to accont the number of blacks and mexiicans killed by whites, wich would probably even out
>I don't even know what the fuck this means anymore. You're just redefining white now?
What part didn't you understand? the ""? ignore it, then