If you're supporting trump, a chickenhawk coward who insults pow's and gold star mothers while serving as Putin's lap dog----- You are in no position to question the patriotism of others.
The fact that you think patriotism is about waving flags shows how pathetic and weak-minded republican tools have become.
William Morgan
Cupcakes for everyone below this post!
Landon Rodriguez
Awooo Let's win it boys
Samuel Martin
Jacob Roberts
>It's a 3 threads full of shills episode
What happened recently that kicked the bees nest?
Aaron Russell
>Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ What a fucking joke of a name not only is it a secure tripcode but you literally picked fucking "Fire Lord" Are you fucking 15 years old or something? what a fucking joke go away kid
Jeremiah Brown
Trump is patton reincarnated, and he lives like Teddy roosevelt. Prove me wrong Protip: You cannot
Ian Fisher
Alexander James
@83614954 (you)
Juan Wilson
Sup, mofos?
Xavier Evans
Please, shills, I beg you. Please stop shilling Sup Forums. You're creating the next dylan roof. It won't be a Sup Forumsack who snaps, it'll be a Sup Forumstard, a /k/ike, a robot. They will be the ones who can't withstand your shilling. We can. We know how to work around you, deal with you. But the others.. they can't.
Sup Forums is a containment board for the world. If you disturb it irreversibly.. You'll drive these people into the wilds. You don't want this. I promise you don't. We'll be the last of your worries when actual NEETs think their imageboards are unusable.
Please, CTR, spread this message to your uppers. Tell them this might be a really bad idea. The beehive need not be kicked.
Nathaniel Diaz
1million to 6million ctr budget increase
Adrian Turner
Unfortunately, I understand you
Humanity is searching for its own little comfort
I cry for you
My heart bleeds for you
Our diabolical gods have taught us to wage war and depredation
Our diabolical gods have taught us to be cold
Our diabolical gods have taught us intolerance
Our diabolical gods have taught us false founded superiority
We are all demons from one another
All the creatures of this universe are crying the tears of blood
No beautiful paradise
But unity of creatures is the answer
Woman over man
Tolerance over intolerance
Lucas Collins
Fire Lord Azula.
James Kelly
5 million more for CTR
Jeremiah Hernandez
I consider actions in service of our country much more patriotic than flag waving.
Hillary has been devoted to helping lift up the disenfranchised since she was in her teens.
Trump has been importing workers for his hotels, having foreign workers make his ties, etc., stiffing the mom-and-pop businesses who built his casinos, avoiding military service because of "heel spurs," avoiding taxes, and on and on.
Who's the patriot?
Jordan Hill
DNC was a huge flop.
They are on the ropes and running out of time. Also Clinton bumped their budget from 1 mill, to 6 mill.
Jonathan Jenkins
Faggots need to realize how important it is for the Don to dominate the news cycle by any means necessary. When push comes to shove, he can deflect any attack by pointing out how much worse Hillary/the establishment are
Just shut up and watch the man work ffs IGNORE SHILLS >IGNORE SHILLS
Benjamin Hall
but CNN said that the DNC was a huge success and that the RNC was a total flop.
Carter Anderson
That muzzie dude with a dead son that spoke at the DNC didn't hurt Trump as much as the establishment wanted, so now they're going into maximum overshill. Also more CTR funding.
Jaxson Perry
>Not wanting a lot of kids Why are you so low test user? Women are made for breeding, and awoo is a grill
Xavier Sanders
>trying to blend in with non shills
Jaxon Campbell
>we bot war nao
Noah Kelly
It's the general election now, friend
TrumpGenfags need to anticipate this
The Cunt's shills will be relentless, but they will be ignored, and they will be destroyed
Always keep calm and MAGA!
John Hill
ahahahaha oh wow
Carter Jenkins
hillary cannot even bus ride and events without getting sick and heckled
Blake Stewart
Levi Ramirez
Didn't that happen a month ago?
I thought that maybe Trump stumped someone or Hillary had another stroke, or there was another derka derka kill spree.
Could it really be just that the checks finally cleared for CTR?
Alexander Anderson
Daily reminder that Hillary only got like 50 people at her PA rally and about 20 of them were there to heckle her:
>speculate the Cleveland cancellations was due to lack of interest, ie. bad optics. Perhaps this is a possibility.
>However, there’s a very solid argument to be made that Hillary Clinton is not physically healthy enough for the rigors of general election campaigning.
Only one week and Hillary is sputtering
Camden Peterson
It's not too late to hand over the delegates, Donald.
Wyatt Mitchell
Oh well, if CNN says it then it must be true .My mistake Ahmed
Tyler Clark
this aint about grills kid, this is about serious meme magic
Asher Peterson
He's winning. Hitllary may have cancer. They are playing for a non-existent convention bump. He's killing media credibility among the LIV.
At the Colorado rally, he specifically told the "hit them" anecdote at length to make the point that 'hit' is rhetorical. I've counted at least five stories about how Trump wants to 'hit' people and 'make their heads spin.'
Every person who saw the rally, then sees the MSM do exactly what Trump said the opposite of, will never trust those outlets again for this cycle. And it is going viral, instance after instance.
Stacking the streets with bodies is their goal, user.
Isaiah Johnson
>I'd like to have a talk with you about your non endorsement of Trump-senpai
Jaxon Morales
Basically the check came in right as Hillary's internals showed she wasn't geting a bump in the convention.
Reuters actully cooked their own poll to put her in the lead.
@83615317 (you)
Robert Turner
Think you meant to reply to this guy
Levi Richardson
Luke Gray
so yes, help the people using @ by connecting their replies ;^)
Have y'all seen this? Some Princeton guy taking up Trump's point about working with Russia.
Hunter Cruz
Low energy. Sad!
Mason Clark
Clinton never had a chance here.
John Morgan
Thats why you gotta PRAISE KEK i most posts
Luke Nelson
Awoo posters are CTR shills
Eli Brooks
Clinton News Network should be brought up on charges as they're the most blatant arm of the DNC. No reports of the seat filling or events outside. youtube.com/watch?v=L_T749zVYhQ
Bentley Roberts
@83615554 (you)
Levi Brooks
Oh. My. God.
Thank you for sharing this. Crooked is getting BTFO in a mostly empty room.
Matthew Cruz
Jayden Evans
Brody Price
I wasn't even trying lmao
Mason Bailey
Why haven't we seen Pence wear a MAGA hat yet? He'd look good with the white one.
Lincoln White
Hopefully she'll have a stroke and drop dead in a middle of a rally, forcing her entire campaign to panic.
Owen Wilson
>The fact that you think patriotism is about waving flags Well, that's part of it. Not constantly attacking the country and culture is another part, but leftists can't help themselves, hating America is what they do.
Hillary is losing badly m8
Ethan King
I did, was pretty insane seeing them completely stonewall him basically pleading to think about what they're doing. Doesn't fit the narrative, can't even address what he's saying.
Cameron Morgan
Let me help you out
Angel Young
Even legendary humanist Carter sees the racism of Trump as worrying
In an interview on Monday, Mr. Carter spoke of a resurgence of open racism, saying, “I don’t feel good, except for one thing: I think the country has been reawakened the last two or three years to the fact that we haven’t resolved the race issue adequately.”
He said that Republican animosity toward President Obama had “a heavy racial overtone” and that Donald J. Trump’s surprisingly successful campaign for president had “tapped a waiting reservoir there of inherent racism.”
How can you deny the obvious racism espoused by serial liar Donald J. Trump?
Grayson Nelson
@83615554 (You)
Blake James
>giving shitty tripfag the attenrion he is craving
You are the dummy here, my friend. As far as I know, he could have use such dumb trip to trigger cunts like you and get free replies
Hillary doing or saying anything? Sick and tired of hearing about what Trump said about X from the media and how it is surely his death, then le ironic posters eating that shit up
Gavin Watson
>walk as a hillary supporter through a crowd of bernouts
goddamn that man is brave
Austin Bailey
The Clinton News Network is full Soviet propaganda-tier. They have no shred of journalistic integrity, and stopped pretending to be impartial almost a decade ago
Hudson Rogers
what's all of that shit on the left there? are they in a factory?
Lincoln Hernandez
>saving the thumbnail please let me help you with that!
I'd rather they not. She is so weak I'm afraid the dems might put up someone who would be slightly inspiring
Dylan Kelly
Trying to get back the union vote they fucking lost.
Juan Price
The anti-awoo tactic is purposeful. They believe that the meme will fade as people leave the effort over time, and the newbs don't know the organic origin of the meme. They are continually testing for this.
>They don't know we are here forever.
Never the less, we must be aware of the purpose of their tactics. Anti-awoo is an age test for the meme. When nthey detect that no one in the thread knows where it came from, that it belongs to us, then they will start to convince people to stop posting it. That is how they try to dissolve the collective memories and cohesion among /TG/.
>Destroy their creativity
That is their plan for Momiji.
Matthew Anderson
I hate shills and normies so much. Why can't they leave us alone!? I don't come to Sup Forums to get berated my politically correct liberals. Someone needs to start spamming gore or something to chase them away.
Leo Bennett
Obama is incredibly racist but it's against the narrative to say otherwise.
Luke Bailey
Don't say that, thats not how to convince people Instead, start posting awoo, but then later "reveal" yourself as a shill
This will cause the sheep to properly understand that awoo poster are shills Because they will see the "proof"
It doesn't matter that the proof has to be faked, the trick is justified in order to eradicate the awoo faggots
Falseflag them, make no mistake they have flaseflagged anti-awoo people over and over and over they have used this tactic to make the brainless drones associate anti-awoo with anti-trump, so now its time to use their jewish tactic against them, they need to take some of their own medicine
Kevin Thomas
Nathaniel Adams
So the truck cucks are now revealing themselves...
How pathetic can Trumpists get?
Jaxon Garcia
and that woman that follows him? Is she a real shill4hill or also trolling like him? When you look at the crowd it feels like the election is already over despite the polls saying otherwise.
Matthew Barnes
MIGRATE Recycle this one
Chase Campbell
I've got your back fàm
Carson Cook
@83615989 @83615974
Levi Morris
@83616005 Thanks, take a free (You)
Daniel Walker
Thomas Baker
>In all honesty, I find KLK outfits too tacky. I prefer the TRUE CONSERVATIV-ness of clothing to be sexier. Leaves a lot to the imagination. Look at the way the shadows show off this awoo's breast. Look at the weight in them. You can feel how fuzzy and soft that sweater is already. You NEED her to be real. You will give all your money to Japan, Goyim, to fund the waifu projects. I just like awoo
Isaiah Price
Connor Barnes
Luke King
Pewdiepie isn't being ironic, he got in some hot water a while ago for playing some Donald Trump game and after he won he said "see, electing Trump isn't so bad" Feels good since every other youtube star hates Trump
Kayden Moore
Who else /HOTTOCLOT/
Benjamin Foster
Back from a long time not posting, and what the fuck is going on in these threads? Did summer hit this hard?
The amount of shitposting is insane m8s, don't let the shills get to ya. The @ posting doesn't lower the effect shills have, you're still filling up the thread with pointless replies. Just don't reply to them at all.