'You're afraid.'

>'You're afraid.'
>'Of you?'
>'Of death. You're the last one.'
>'YOU were supposed to be the last. Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave.'
>'I suppose we're both disappointments.'
>'Heh, I suppose we are.'
>'Humans... are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that.'
>'They're doomed.'
>'Yes... But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them.'
>'You're unbearably naive.'
>'Well... I was born yesterday.'
This is one of the best scenes in the entire MCU. It's a glimmer of what Age of Ultron could've been. General AoU thread

Other urls found in this thread:


based Vision makes anything better.

Unearned sentimental nonsense

From screen right to a tumblr page

This really is the best scene in AoU. Made me feel like maybe I didn't waste $8.

t. Megatron

$8 per every minute Vision was on screen.

I agree. This was perfection. Up there with Joker/Batman interrogation scene in terms of getting to the core of their respective characters.

How would you improve Age of Ultron, Sup Forums?
>Make Ultron a fucking psychopath. Genuinely terrifying.
>More Wanda
>Less Iron Man

It wasn't until I rewatched the movie for the first time that I realized how much I actually liked Ultron. He wasn't Ultron from the comics, and I needed to understand that before I liked him. I just wish the rest of the movie was as captivating as this scene.

There's something about Vision's outfit that looks cheap. I think it would look better with solid white eyes.

This is one of the dumbest speeches and just reaffirmed my hatred for Vision.

>They think order and chaos are somehow opposites


I'd only streamline the plot and remove some superfluous storylines like Thor's quest and Banner and Natasha's relationship.

Also make Ultron's progression clear. He's born, he goes after one upgrade, and then he moves on with his masterplan.

Friendly reminder that Ultron will be back. They pulled away the camera when Vision "killed" the last drone for a reason.
Hopefully they'll use the feedback from AoU, and combine it with their new artistic freedom since Ike the Kike got kicked out to make a superb Ultron in the future.

ultron pls

The eyes make him look more human and thus more identifiable and likable, so I understand the design choice.
He needs brighter colors, IMO. The greens and yellows are too hushed.

Vision has never looked anything but ridiculous in any version.

Maybe, but make them too bright and he looks garish. The weird plum color they made his "skin" is already kind of pushing it.

Sorta like how Tony in IM3 kept switching armor, I would want Ulton to switch different designed bodies throughout the movie

Don't you know? Pulling the camera away or fading to black at the moment the trigger is pulled is the highest form of art.

I just saw this movie for the first time yesterday and during any fight with a large number of Ultrons I kept on wondering why all you had to do was destroy the head to take them down. I mean the rest of the body should be fine, put in some backup sensors in the torso and it could still do whatever while headless. But I guess I can handwave it as Ultron not being the most sane thing and that effecting his designs.

I like Marvel movies and would like them to continue. But that's going to be kind of hard if they keep on killing villains.

spoken like a real human bean

Couldn't Ultron have stored a shitty copy of himself on like a usb and dropped it in the ocean or something without anyone knowing? Then he just waits years and years until someone finds him and plugs him into something.

Like I would have put a copy of myself in a geocache somewhere and wait for some hiker to find me. Re-upload myself to the internet and than slowly rebuild myself.

How would Vision have known that one body was the last one Ultron had? Didn't that drone just come out of a lake or something? Why couldn't another one have just stayed at the bottom and wait for them all to leave?

Doesn't he do that though

Why all the AoU hate?
I liked it more than CW. It's up there in my top 2 MCU films along with the Avengers.

If you take chaos as entropy, then the end result of chaos is a perfectly ordered state.

Plebian-tier normalfag detected/

I liked it, but even I have to admit they crack jokes way too frequently.

Entropy: Noun: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

Normies think Civil War was the best superhero movie ever outside of The Dark Knight-- he's full circle contrarian.

That really was the best scene. Movie needed more moments like that.

Yes, but natural entropy that breaks down ordered structure would result in a uniform distribution of particles and energy.

>They pulled away the camera when Vision "killed" the last drone for a reason.

So they would have to animate less and save money, most of the budget going to the big fight scene earlier. You could have recreated that effect by taking a big light bulb out into the woods with a car battery and hook them up.

I'm just honest.

The problem is that it felt like it wasn't earned. The movie never gave Ultron any real thought beyond bible talk and quips, so his relationship with Vision felt underdeveloped.

I liked it too, but Whedon was injecting too much humour into it, especially in scenes where there shouldn't be any.

You seriously think he was talking about particles and energy?

Additionally that's the natural fallacy, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's correct or good.

Well, honestly, Ultron can't truly be "killed", so even if Vision destroyed the last drone, he's probably still around. Which is why I'm looking forward to his next appearance in Ant-Man and the Wasp

>A copy of Ultron was put onto the internet before the Avengers showed up to act as a backup to activate at a later date
>While on the internet it runs into Zola's digitized mind

I don't know. Usually I judge the MCU for having too much silly humor at inappropriate times, it just didn't strike me that badly in AoU.

Plus, the scene where Banner and Start argue about making Vision is probably my favourite scene in the MCU.

The general consensus was that it was too light-hearted and quippy compared to the serious, darker in tone movie that the trailers made it out to be. It's a fault you see in most of Joss Wheadon's movies and shows. He seems to think that constant sarcasm an deflection is charming, but it starts to grate on you once you realize that's all there is to the movie.

All we need is a post-credits scene with Ultron saying "Hail Hydra"

Funny enough Vision was one of the only characters who I thought was better in AoU than Civil War. He stole AoU - got the biggest laugh and the best scene - but in Civil War he seemed kind of clueless.

but he never said it was correct, he just said that it was beautiful

>too worn out, grumpy digitised weirdos talking about their defeats, bittered and annoyed

Have Ultron eventually be a legitimate threat to the likes of Thor or Hulk, rather than being able to get taken apart by any one of them individually.

>>Make Ultron a fucking psychopath. Genuinely terrifying.
He already was.

I know that there's a lot of 90s kids here and they were raised on the idea that for something to be threatening it needs to be especially grim but personally I'm way more scared of someone that can dismember you while being absolutely casual than I am someone that's constantly barking threats about how they're going to kill everything.

>he reverse engineers Pym Particles and pulls Yellowjacket out of the microverse

>they're doomed

I would probably enjoy that actually. Slice of Life anime with Ultron and Digi-Zola as the protagonists and their adventures through the internet when?

The problem isn't that he made jokes and was petulant, but he didn't do much that was really scary.

The big weakness in the plot was having Wanda give the Avengers all those nightmares. Not only does this technically make her responsible for the Hulk's rampage (which is never mentioned again) but more importantly it means that the Avengers' big demoralization is because of her, not Ultron.

There needed to be a sense that Ultron is too big a threat to defeat, not his stupid mutant twin sidekicks. Once they turn on him the movie's over.

have ultron hijack the hulkbuster for the climactic fight

Director's cut. It should have kept the scenes lost for time.

There are better ways the story could have engaged with ultrons view but thats pretty good

Nah, nah, you're missing the point. Ultron can't be terrifying by bulking up. He has to go into a more sinister direction.

Humans are natural bro. Everything we do is based on nature, even the tehnology we create and the ideas we conceptualize because it gave rise to us. And it WILL outlast us, on our world or beyond, in some form. Rejecting nature is akin to a child rejecting his parents because he does not yet understand them.

Nature is not always "right" by human standards but it is the closest thing to a god that there is.

The Hulk's rampage is mentioned in CW and it's part of the reason Banner ran away.

Not really except from a broken one to a new one in the beginning that he keeps throughout the rest of the movie until he switches again to one that's exactly the same

The only times Ultron was genuinely terrifying, he was facing off against people who had absolutely no chance of hurting him at all (ie: the Black Widow scene and the one where he tore that guys arm off). Baseline humans without any technological assistance, in other words.

Thor and Widow's stories were shitty, but both actors had had a child during production, so they had to shoot a lot of it alone. I forgive those, because the ideas behind both were actually pretty cool, but implemented like shit. It is what it is.

The jokes were too much. Should've had Tony say "Language" instead of Cap and it would've worked a lot better. Should've forgone these things and go for character development through exposition/jokes like the Russos do.

Seoul and Johannesburg should've been merged into one action sequence, slightly longer than either if need be, but not as long as both, so to give them more time at the farm/jacuzzi, which I liked but felt weird and short.

Ultron should've been like Stark, but more cruel and mean, not the same brand of sarcasm. At least not after he gets to Sokovia. He should've been less apologetic and c3po-ish at the end. Should've made different 'buster-bots' to try and beat the Avengers instead of a generic army. Would fit better with 'worst part of Tony' and parallel with Iron Man 3.

Everything else I was cool with.

Shut up, you fucking toaster.

Make Ultron a program that Stark stole from Pym a long time ago that Stark tried to improve on

>Should've had Tony say "Language" instead of Cap and it would've worked a lot better.
That makes no sense.

Right. It's a shitty line to begin with, and fits no character at all. It's just another of many examples of Whedon writing everything the exact same way. Character A says thing, Character B says snappy comeback. Repeat for anywhere from 20 to 140 minutes.

I think the line could have worked for Cap but in a different context. Like if they needed to go out and meet the press or something and Cap wanted the Avengers to make a good impression, but I'm not saying have a meet the press kind of scene added. Plus it makes Cap seem like an old man which I like when it's not overplayed.

Cap is a fucking soldier. I'm sure the Howling Commandos cursed up a storm while at war with Hydra.
I like scenes that show the contrast of Steve's sensibilities and the modern world, but "language" made no sense.

It's make Tony (mockingly) patronising towards Cap, assuming that he's a boy scout, when in actuality he's really a matured soldier who wouldn't give two shits about swearing in a battle.

So long as there were no kids around him to listen to him swearing. That's actually one of the key differences between Superman and Cap.

>Should've made different 'buster-bots' to try and beat the Avengers instead of a generic army. Would fit better with 'worst part of Tony' and parallel with Iron Man 3.
Fuck this makes too much sense.

This is why you're a pleb. Its literally the exact same scene that they shared at the start when making Ultron.

Tony guilted Banner twice, and he crumbled both times. See, if you had said the part right after where Cap tried to stop it, Thor bringing Vision to life, and the talk thereafter then you'd be fine.

Swing and a miss, user.

> Order = Vision
> Chaos = Wanda

Or as some people think:
> Vision = Order
> Wanda = Order


>It's a privilege to be among them.

It is when you get to fuck Scarlet Witch.

fucking sapient dildo


This is really good, if a bit preachy with his ideas. This is the Ultron we deserved.

Thats as dumb as all the Stannisfags in /got/ who still insist hes still alive

Put Abomination here

They should have doings this ,but with abomination instead of hulk and wanda instead of Khan.

that would be pretty cool.

> try to control what won't

try to control what won't WHAT ??

Is that Ultimate Reed? Doesn't he slice out a chunk of tony's brain?

What were they thinking with this scene !?

What happened with Natasha after the airport showdown? She just disappeared.

So In Ultimate we have Reed Ultrons, in regular Marvel we have Pym Ultrons and in the MCU we have Stark Ultrons.

I sense a teamup, well it's that or one of them starts dating Master Mold.

I forgot about Maker. Have they dropped that wonderful asshole?

They only appear to be opposites.

Absolute pottery.

I assume she got arrested

that's like saying tidal waves and whirlpools are opposites

What's the difference.

i think it looks cool

I honestly think the couple of great scenes in AoU make it one of the best MCU movies, or at least one of my favorites.
Too bad it was kind of incoherent and also had some of the most terrible scenes of the franchise.

>>Infinity Wars
>>Thanos rips the gem from Vision's head.
>>Vision dies
>>Sad moment
>>Suddenly, he reboots
>>Everyone is confused, but relieved.
>>Talk to Vision, seems okay
>>Leave him alone
>>Starts talking in James Spader's voice.

Change the QS death scene. It's one of the worst scenes I've ever seen.
>Ultron using a plane for no reason
>Whedon masturbating to his clever bait and switch by having QS go "didn't see that coming"
>terrible execution in general

>Should've made different 'buster-bots' to try and beat the Avengers instead of a generic army. Would fit better with 'worst part of Tony' and parallel with Iron Man 3.
That would have been great.

>Well... I was born yesterday.'
More like Witsion

Ultron would be a very easy character to bring back and I've got hope for a hype as fuck Guardians of the Galaxy reveal but I doubt they have any plans.

honestly you'll wish they had

Cure the obligatory episode where Zola "walks in on" Ultron and Master Mold conflating blueprints.

>>Starts talking in James Spader's voice.

That makes no sense. All traces of Ultron were destroyed. And his upload into Vision was cancelled. Nothing made it in.

If Vision dies, and then gets rebooted, it'll probably just be like wiping a hard drive. All his memories will be gone.

>All his memories will be gone.
>The first thing he asks after he wakes up properly is who the woman by his bedside is.

Fuck you, remove Hulk/Widow and use the time for more insane vision quest bullshit

Vision was handsome as fuck in Civil War

Hi Wanda.

If it was Wanda, she'd have said Pietro