Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor...

Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you're a Trump supporter. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.

I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends, your co-workers.

You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted as the norm.

Other urls found in this thread:


Le bump

>Go out in public and see what happens

You've already made this exact same thread.
No one cares that you're surrounded by human trash progressives that affirm your own shit ideals

Shitty pasta, sage
Go shill somewhere else

>Most people are rational and goodhearted
they secretly love trump. dont overate amerifats amerifat

I posted it again!

Top gig (short for giggle)

>tfw ur social group are all based trump supporters
OP probably got bashed by a whitey

>this pasta
>not old
pick one

Hillary isn't?

How can you call this an echo chamber when we allow paid shills like you to invade the board?

Everyone I've met who dislikes Trump does so for extremely superficial reasons and is in almost all cases, a masochistic cuck. Not somone you want to emulate.

>voting for someone who wants to rip apart the constitution

Nice pasta

This is bait, but most of the people I've talked to at like work or just random people actually like Trump or at least say he's better than Hillary. And I live in swing state Ohio


Just on my way to work (~15 miles in PA) I see about 6-7 large Trump signs that people have put up. I see no Hillary signs. I see tons of pro-Trump posts on Jewbook from friends and family. Almost no pro-Hillary ones. I honestly think people are waking up.

I actually did this just a few days ago while I was getting a haircut. The consensus was that Trump as a raging lunatic, Hillary was an absolute snake, and that Trump was far more likely to affect real change than Hillary "business as usual" Clinton. Trump didn't get the glowing praise he gets on Sup Forums, but people accepted that he'd brought up real concerns Americans have that no one else wants to address (the democratic party would have you believe the lack of bathrooms for transgender people is a bigger issue than NAFTA or the fucking TPP).

Don't be demoralized burgers, even here in Leafistan Hillary isn't as universally beloved as Buzzfeed and CNN would have you believe.

>Most people are rational and goodhearted

>Go to your neighbor and tell them you're a Trump supporter. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.

seems legit

And why are there trump voters?
And why was trump leading in polls a few days ago?

The shills aren't even bothering to write their own material

Just sad, low energy, get em out of here

>Go shill somewhere else
OP is not wrong, user.

I'm known in my family and circle of friends as being the super political guy. I always talk politics and always jump at the chance to debate it with anyone.

I was a Johnson supporter until about mid June when I switched to Trump. I don't publicly shill for Trump, I mostly debate policy, but I've been letting it slip to people that I support him now and the reaction has been neutral at worst, but mostly positive.

On the rare occasion someone seems disappointed that I've gone to Trump, I've given them my reasoning and they concede that it makes sense.

I'm hoping that since my friends and family generally take for granted that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to politics that my supporting Trump will make them take a second look at him.

Yet he is winning in the polls.

OP is, otherwise no one would vote trump.

Kek I'm 99% sure this is a Correct the Record Shill. This exact post was up a few days ago, same pictures and wording. Go get a real job like the rest of us voting for Trump do. If dem views are so popular than why are we winning in the polls?

>most people are rational
Kek I almost thought this was gunna be solid bait

Could say all that with brexit, but brexit won

>Go outside
>People try to run you down in their cars so they can get to Starbucks .001 seconds faster
>Decide to go for a drive instead
>Road rage everywhere
>Go in the store to avoid the bullshit on the roads
>Everyone shoving carts manically like the product is going to be out of stock
>Drive back home - more road rage
>Get home, turn on tv
>Nothing but constant news about murders, assaults, robberies, etc.

Yes, most people are very calm and civilized compared to this echo chamber user. In no way does this show a slice of society at all. In fact, all these posts are by two people, one named Dave in Ohio, and another unknown individual with too much free time and a Sup Forums pass.

I went outside and people supported Trump here. They want Hillary in prison. Huh, turns out it's just the media who hates Trump.

What's pretty insane is that a huge country like the US ends up with Trump and Clinton...

There must be millions better in the US?

>lol just conform
>lol why do you actually want to think for yourself

It is rather tedious.

Talk about frogs who desire a king!?!?


Ammunition on why Trump isn't racist

Now, go out there, and do God's work, anons!

Give it up shill.

65 million dollars was spent on bad advertising throughout the primaries to try and hurt Trump,..... ZERO result.

You make me sick, fucking coward.

Lol Kek

>All the morons I'm friends with on Facebook think the same thing as me.

You're a fucking idiot.

I already posted it on my facebook. I'm not the kind of person that rocks the boat, or makes political statements (this is the first time, actually). So, my friends might be interested in my post. The problem is, I hardly post anything on facebook nowadays, and it might not show up in their news feed.

I'm chaotic neutral , and i want to see what will happens. (and i don't care about usa)

report and hide

You must live in a cuck city. It's literally the opposite where I live, everyone here hates Hillary and Obama.

Wow. I totally didn't see a thread with the exact same wording the other day and the day before.

This thread surely sprouts from some manner of original and rational thought and isn't just some ctrl+v talking point from a paid shill poster connecting to a US VPN From India.

It really made me think.

I better go and vote for Hillary now so she can succeed in triggering World War 3 by being a power hungry psychopath.

>Truck heading off a cliff
>Guy in the back: "maybe we should turn away?"
>Driver "Haven't you ever heard the story of the frogs who desired a king?"

Nice meme