>pic related is the average Sup Forumsack
No wonder most of you are raging virgins that hate women.
>pic related is the average Sup Forumsack
No wonder most of you are raging virgins that hate women.
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Muhammad Faisal Ahmed
t. Abdul Rakeem al-Aziz
I have the same kind of afro, he's a fellow jew like me
Have you ever seen the video that's from. 100 times worse than the picture itself.
Why are people still obsessed with that self-obsessed faggot kike Milo?
average Sup Forumsack is less extroverted and confident than that guy lol, but probably less autistic.
You're literally a Sup Forums user you fucking idiot.
Are you saying that's you?
It's old picture. This post was up every day last week...first day back still here. Cannot wait for the election to end.
It's like a WoW nerd calling another WoW nerd, a nerd.
I'm an above average Sup Forumsack. Do you understand what average means?
Come at me, faggot.
I took the Iron Pill.
Congrats on lifting for a year. I'm bigger than you.
M8 I'm 6'1 205.
And I'm 3 inches taller and nearly 25 lbs bigger you tit. Now you just need to stop being autistic enough to describe yourself as taking the iron pill.
Good for you, brah.
Best of luck with your e-stat goals of 2016. :^)
Oooh, bad news. I'm two inches taller than you, and I've got another stone on you. So now you can shut up.
Stay mad faggot. I'd post pics but I'm not at my pc.
That's because you're a fat cunt
Nope. 8% bodyfat. Nice non-argument now. Now that we've established that you are less intelligent, less attractive, in worse shape and also a far, far inferior speaker to me, what is your excuse for being inferior to a Sup Forumsack?
The only thing we've established is that you're fat and extremely insecure. Next.
I'm 6'7", have a 13" cock, and I made $400,000 last year working as a chef at Wendy's.
I agree, we have established that you are fat and insecure. That is why you have made a comically bad thread on Sup Forums showcasing that you are both seethingly furious at us for bootyblasting you, AND that you have poor impulse control and are terrible at trolling.
This is about what I'd expect from such a childish person. Thankfully you have put it on display for us, so that we can see how angry we have made the little liberal.