Didn't Hillary vote for the Iraq War?
Shouldn't he be angry at her rather than Trump?
Didn't Hillary vote for the Iraq War?
Shouldn't he be angry at her rather than Trump?
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That's your brain on Taqiya
well done
Yep Hillary supported the Iraq war and Trump was opposed to it. He should be more mad at Hillary than Trump.
there was no vote for the Iraq war buddy, there was a vote for the resolution that authorized the use of military force in Iraq after all diplomatic means are exhausted, the resolution which bush disobeyed
"There was no vote to eat cake, just a vote saying it is okay to and that we should to the cake".
So Hillary said "Let them eat cake."
Where have I heard that before...
Trump was for it until he was against it
more like "its ok to eat cake when we run out of meat"
the idea behind the resolution was to force Saddam into letting in the un inspectors (a diplomatic measure), but bush attacked before they could check anything (before it was proven that a war is necessary)
Hillary didn't disparage his son and other purple heart war heroes like John McCain.
>War hero
>John McCain
Imma' stop you right there...
>Trump was opposed to it
Here we go again.
>In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.
>“Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”
Consider the record corrected.
Doesn't say anything on the 15 soldiers killed by american-muslim soldiers part though
>Comparing the opinion of someone with whatever facts the rest of us were fed with that of someone on the inside getting actual security briefings in real time with information that still hasn't been declassified.
Yeah, both opinions carry the same weight...
If I remember right, he only said he was for the iraq war in only like 1 interview ever, and all other interviews he had he said he opposed it.
Democrats are pro Irak war now.
Good job posting the one interview he said he was ok with it and ignoring all the other interviews saying he opposed it.
be honest, how much do you guys make per post
hello newfriend. Enjoy your stay at Sup Forums :)
no those are kikes in cosume
>Wellll, I gueeessss so.
That's what CTR keeps trotting out everywhere as Trumps big endorsement of the war?
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Feel free to post the interviews where he opposed it.
>only newfags ask for sources
was 13, but yeah, still not all of them, wondering what else we've got.
Here's one where he's expressing doubt and dislike for it.
That's the one I posted, downie.
you don't say
Source this in the meme and pure gold.
who remembers the media firestorm when Hillary Clinton lied directly to Pat Smith's face about why her son died?
yeah, me neither.
Firestorm was that this patriot MOM had the nerve to stand up and tell the truth at RNC. Twitter is a real eye opener to hypocrisy of press and idiot Hillary vaginas and POC vaginas and let us not forget gay and trans vafinas.
Michael Moore (before he hypocritically renegged on his vow to hold the vote for the war against Hillary as far as never voting for her) said it best regarding the craven reason for the Iraq War vote.
Hillary didn't give a fuck about anything but looking good to the jingoistic American public, already in a fevered state of "America Fuck Yeah!" due to 9-11. She knew damn well, that the GOP would crush any ANY Democrat who voted against the war.
So she supported/voted for the war in Iraq so that five years down the line, whoever ran to replace Bush would be unable to say she voted against the war/troops.
Hillary also hinged her calculus upon the notion that America would NEVER EVER swing back to the left. That the press would NEVER grow their balls and start criticizing Bush and the Neocons, that the left wing of the Democrat party would remain weak and neutered and never have the strength to oppose the Blue Dogs and their Queen (Hillary), let alone successfully mount a campaign to run on a progressive platform or that the public would even ACCEPT a "Hope and Change" platform enough to make it viable on a national level. Let alone elect a guy named BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA president.
Democrats just lie. They lie incessantly. They don't even hedge, or speak in minor equivocations; they simply lie, lie big, and lie repeatedly.
This man is likely not a Hillary supporter, he's just afraid of reprisal against Muslims and since he has no dedication to this country he'll sell it out to protect himself. If he knew the Constitution, he'd know that there's nothing in it that Trump has suggested be violated. Nothing Trump has said has been even remotely unconstitutional. This is why he just waves it around, virtue signaling, rather than actually stating anything or citing a section of the Constitution in his little tirade.
Men are disposable, sons are supposed to die in war, and if those deaths can be leveraged further then all the better. It's not a Muslim thing, it's a universal thing. I am sorry this young man died, and I am sorry they have to grieve, and I am sorry that they're scared that there will be anti-Muslim sentiment whipped up by Trump. But America does not make a better world by siphoning off the best of the rest of the world, and the detritus that is sucked up with the best does not make a better America.
This man's son's death can be laid directly at the feet of Hillary Clinton. I am sure he knows it, but he has to think of himself, and all the family he wants to immigrate here with him. He made his calculation.
> In the House, the vote was 296-133, with a majority of Democrats voting against the resolution.
> In the Senate, the vote was 77-23, with 21 Democrats voting no, joined by Independent Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont and Republican Sen. Linc Chafee of Rhode Island.
Odds are that if Trump was in Congress, he would've voted yes. Unless he was leaning Democrat at the time. (possible, considering Trump said he identified more as a Democrat in 2004).
CIA admitted they gave Hillary bad info. That was like 4 years ago.
Very well said.