CNN brings on a jew professor expecting him to tow the party line, but he instead drops a MASSIVE redpill and shills for Trump. The CNN host is visibly angered and bewildered.
Clinton BTFO
Media BTFO
CNN brings on a jew professor expecting him to tow the party line, but he instead drops a MASSIVE redpill and shills for Trump. The CNN host is visibly angered and bewildered.
Clinton BTFO
Media BTFO
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Don't let this thread slide.
At least they allowed him to talk.
CNN on suicide watch
This. I was expecting "technical malfunctions"
You can see the moment he hears "End this interview now." in his ear
can't shut down a jew. it's like a protective blanket
>CNN We could talk about this subject for hours
...but we gotta get back to making unsubstantiated accusations about Trump for hours
Hey not theor fault their boss is the devil
Smerconish's face is classic. You can tell it's not what he expected.
wtf i love jews now
>inb4 he will go missing
hahaha the absolute madman, he will be remembered rip
Based Stephen (((Cohen))). I think he was the same professor who argued that the referendum in Eastern Ukraine was legal, or something. I remember this name.
The reddit crossposting here on Sup Forums is starting to get fucking embarassing
Based merchant
I can't watch the video atm. Is the host Lemons?
>this guys accent/voice/attitude
200 percent jew, Cohen really rustled CNN up though
So Trump Jew shilling can come in handy
Based Patriot J00
Dumbass reporter gets BTFO.
How hard is it to become a professor for shit like poli sci/history?
Of course Jews love Trump
Why are liberals the new neocons?
when did liberals start demanding a world police? The fact is we have very few ties to the Baltic states outside of preemptively trying to thwart Russia who has made no serious moves to annex them. Russia has more deals with these places than Nato allies.
Nato is a group of thugs to intimidate UN states that don't toe the line. I'm not saying we do nothing if Russia invades our allies, but we don't need Nato to sit on their asses doing practically nothing.
)))cohen((( dodges the ovens
So this is the thread they're sliding.
Why don't we have people like this running for president? Delivering the news?
Russia scholar = Russophile
Their opinion is as biased as American scholar's opinion on Israel
But first a quick commercial break.
>3 pharmaceutical ads
>2 beer ads
>1 dating website ad
>1 car ad
Fuck off stormcuck
Bump, that glance off camera was to his handler giving the throat slash gesture. SHUT IT DOWN!
intelectually honest debate != winning elections
This is so refreshing. I literally get paralyzed with rage when watching CNN blatantly shill for neocon foreign policy with no opposing view points.
>Oh shit, this isn't the answer I was looking for
Nobody who knows Cohen could have been surprised by this. I like him he's a good man.
What time?
top kek
How will retarded "Drumpf is hitler durrr" piles of human dogshit ever recover?
Yeah, he had somed based appearances on RT. He's highly intelligent.
>as one who cant match your credentials
then shut the fuck up and stop being such a manlet
>Oh shit an answer
Even the reporters are so braindead from modern "journalism" they can't handle a genuine response without going into false analysis shill mode.
Can you imagine that reporter debate with this guy
That fucking face of "Holy shit someone please tell me what to say"
Never underestimate manlet rage
>It never happened
That's how.
>The reddit crossposting here on Sup Forums is starting to get fucking embarassing
How would you know what gets posted on reddit?
Based )))Cohen(((
awsome guy but to keep it real the cnn guy was okay too
2:40 looks twice then shills for CNN then as soon as Cohen stops speaking, commercial break
They couldn't silence him without looking absurdly totalitarian, they also probably didn't expect that response. I mean he only got 5 minutes.
But this does give me even greater respect for Trump's foreign policy, I hadn't really considered that interesting before now (I just saw it as a small step in the right direction), but with folks like Flynn leading the defense department and that critical attitude I really think Trump will manage to really turn the tide of a lot of foreign affairs and greatly reduce tensions with Russia as well as possibly other nations that still feel threatened by NATO.
What part's supposed to be the redpill?
Kek someone should make that shop.
I'm too retarded :^(
absolute topkek, at least one mentions the problem here and manages to redpill a few cnn drones watching this shit.
can we push more of this guy? maybe get him to do some more media apperances
That CNN and other news networks are bringing fuel to the flame. They keep going with the narrative that russia is the supreme enemy. He called out the news networks for printing out dangerous headlines that suggest all this
All those Hillary signs behind.
That the US really doesn't need to be that heavily involved in NATO and that we are plummeting towards a 2nd Cold War with Russia because of an overly expansive anti-Russian coalition in the west.
Yeah that headline was pretty fucking long.
Cohen didn't answer the question if he thinks NATO should defend Baltics or does Russia have a legit right to attack them in his mind.
He just spinned it saying where are the proofs of Putin wanting to attack Baltics. Russia did organise unrest and cyber attacks after Estonia wanted move this commie monstrosity.
Why wouldn't NATO have a purpose?
>highly intelligent == right-wingnut
flag checks out
Holy fuck I just noticed it what the fuck what the fuck how biased is this network
lel his face is absolutely frozen as based jew SHUTS. IT. DOWN. he's
very well spoken
Bumpeando este tred.
Here's what happened I bet you fuckers anything:
>DNC emails leak right before convention
>Hillary and co go to famous "war room" to discuss how to spin it.
>One of them gets the idea to say it was Russia
>Quickly right it up and put it out on all channels getting the right shill "experts in place."
>Media shills eat it up because they are always looking for how to stump Trump
>No one bothers to fact check any of this
This incident has been the worst journalistic malpractice since Iraq War 1. They are all shilling an allegation with no basis whatsoever. The articles imply Russia gave the files to Wikileaks, but there is NO proof of that till now. It was invented by Clinton to cover for the leaks and the media enabled it like the shills they are.
>the Hilllary banners in the background
>Jewish guy defends Trump's views on a certain subject
>Jews are known to be subversive
>But user loves Trump so there's not even a 0.00001% chance Trump is a Jewish pawn
>There must be "based Jews"
>There must also be "based blacks"
>Brb, I have to let Jamal fuck my wife, because he's a really chill guy
>Anybody who calls me out on being a cuck is from stormfront
Go fuck yourself, circumscribed goy.
>All those Hillary signs behind.
Good ol American subliminal manipulation.
Clinton News Network.
Intellectually lazy trash post checks out.
Because NATO was formed to stop the advancement of communism across europe, but since 1991 there has been no communism to stand against, so NATO has been searching for a reason to exist.
keke imagine the turmoil and damage control in background. SHUT HIM DOWN
Should add that the claim that "Putin" hacked and leaked the docs is so juvenile and ridiculous that it should be obvious to the media it isn't true.
The fact that the media and public at large are still talking about this as if it has any merit is shocking to me, and I am also shocked that there aren't people out there shitting on the idea and saying its an outright fabrication.
The truth doesn't fucking matter to anyone, it's literally just a bunch of globalist shills doing anything to stop Trump.
Holy fuck how does that host even have a job? He talked more than his interviewee.
Thank you for correcting the record, I know now hillary is 0% connected to globalism.
Thank you
asking for the proofs is the better question, otherwise he would legitimize their story about Putin wanting to attack them.
Asking for proofs before providing your speculation will always stump them. t. COMS 103
>anti-Russian coalition
Every country in range of Russian tanks who does not want to get invaded and occupied is in the "anti-Russian" coalition.
Eh, how is that relevant?
Damage Control
This. If this something like this happened to Breitbart or Infowars they would have erased it.
Can someone shop massive amounts of sweat running down his head or big veins on his forehead? Would be pretty hilarious
This egghead sack of shit is so bought and paid for I could only get through half of it. It does show you that there is an undercurrent of truth out there even in academia.
Equal threat in the form of Putinism has risen.
USA evoked the fifth after WTC too.
>news stories are posted on multiple sites
How disgusting. We need a program that automatically deletes information from Sup Forums that can be found anywhere else on the internet.
>everybody who disagrees with me is crazy
CNN get shit on
Stop browsing reddit, cuck
Jesus, I didn't even notice that.
Wtf i hate cnn and clinton now
Hillary shills like to use the "trump is a jewish puppet" card and the "trump is a clinton plant" card