>We will work tirelessly with responsible gun owners to pass common sense reforms
She keeps referring to "common sense gun reforms" what does she mean by this?
>We will work tirelessly with responsible gun owners to pass common sense reforms
She keeps referring to "common sense gun reforms" what does she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
she means banning all guns
it's just common sense
She wants to make America as much of a success as modern Europe
But right before that she said:
>I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns. I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
Common Sense is a trigger phrase used by Dems to appeal to the "greater good" in people. They slip their ideas uner the guise of "its just plain logic guys".
Ban of Guns if course.
Liberals use a lot of words, but say nothing.
They love words that can have various meanings
>(((she))) said
thanks for correcting the record
And you believe her?
She means that she's going to do some cosmetic reforms in an attempt to make every voter like her and her party.
I should have quoted a larger area. She said in her speech:
>And if we're serious about keeping our country safe, we also can't afford to have a president who's in the pocket of the gun lobby.
>I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns. I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
>We will work tirelessly with responsible gun owners to pass common sense reforms and keep guns out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and all others who would do us harm.
>You know, for decades people have said this issue was too hard to solve and the politics too hot to touch. But I ask you, how can we just stand by and do nothing?
> I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
Someone that shouldnt have a gun = the average citizen
Someone that should to have a gun = cops, army
Which somehow means we must get rid of the AR and AK platform rifles... Because they're out killing people by themselves.
>shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
Will get a weapon regardless.
Everyone should have a gun. It is a constitutionally guaranteed right.
>and all others who would do us harm.
That could mean anyone.
Several of the recent mass shooters legally purchased their weapons.
Why exactly does a civilian need this type of weapon? You can't carry a gun like that concealed.
>NRA, which gets 90% of its funding from individual members, is an arm of the gun lobby
Delusion at its finest.
>m-muh gunzzzzz
It means she's an old shriveled up cunt that wants to take people's rights away like a Jew.
It's a way to grab the majority's attention without adding specifics to alienate anyone.
It's the same as saying "common sense drug law." Everyone that believes they need to be changed will agree, but in their heads they are all thinking different things.
In other words, it means whatever the average voter wants it to mean.
Because they're fantastic rifles that are cheap, last forever, and incredibly modular.
Concealment isn't the point. Weapons that are easily concealed are used in most crimes.
Well one instance is people with a history of domestic abuse. Why should they be allowed to own a gun? They're definitely the sort of person who could do an innocent person wrong. In fact they already have!
Imagine how many innocent deaths we could have prevented if we had worked to keep guns out of the hands of people with a history of domestic abuse.
didn't she get 20 million dollars from Saudi Arabia for an arms deal?
I fucking hate this bitch
They're already barred from getting firearms. People with a history of violent crime cannot pass a background check and are barred from gun ownership.
>"common sense gun reforms"
Restrictions on the ownership and transfer of firearms.
>muh guns
>what is the second amendment
Not even an argument or discussion. The current restrictions on firearms alone are sickening.
Stop trying to take our guns while arming the Police.
Just once I wish "common sense gun reform" meant following up on the millions of felons we know that have illegal firearms but ignore, due to lack of funding.
>yfw you realized murder is already illegal
No they're not, because republicans have blocked all attempts to implement universal background checks.
Not to mention not everyone with a history of domestic abuse ends up being convicted.
>We will work tirelessly with responsible gun owners to pass common sense reforms
It means that despite the fact that Hillary brought a mentally handicapped person to speak at the DNC, she would create a set of laws that would serve to prohibit a mentally handicapped persons right to bear arms and defend themselves.
She's the candidate for less rights.
Glad I could clear that up.
Common sense gun reforms means the Mexican cartel can have any guns they want, ISIS can have any missile launcher they want, but a law abiding citizen cannot have any weapons.
Let's be honest. There's really no reason to own something whose sole purpose is killing things now that we don't have to scourge for our own food. The only argument in favor is that banning the purchase of firearms violates some freedom we should all have.
So you want people that have been accused of a crime, and without any jurisprudence or proof, be barred from owning a firearm. You're a fucking moron. That would be tossed out so quick.
And universal background checks already exist dick snot. All FFL purchases must include a background check nationwide. The only reason PPT purchases don't is because they limited access to the NCIS database based on being an FFL... However if it's found out you sold a firearm to a restricted individual, you are liable.
>Let's be honest.
>sole purpose is killing things
what is sport shooting?
what is honesty?
>So you want people that have been accused of a crime, and without any jurisprudence or proof, be barred from owning a firearm.
If they have a history of abusing their spouse, then yes.
>You're a fucking moron. That would be tossed out so quick.
That depends on who is doing the supreme court nominations. I bet you think access to an abortion isn't a constitutional right either.
this is what she means
don't give an inch
Sport shooting is a fair point. It seems that we could allow this without keeping guns in the home/on your person outside of the range.
>That depends on who is doing the supreme court nominations.
vote Trump or lose everything, quit being a whiny fencesitter just because he said some mean things
She means the House of Representatives will remain Republican no matter who wins the presidency, so she doesn't have to give specifics. Also, it's baffling that the Democrats seem to think that gun control is a winning issue, when pretty much all electoral history of the last 20 years says the opposite.
Some of her supporters (or at least people some conspiracy theorist whackjob is alleging are her supporters) might have misunderstood her.
But she explicitly said:
>I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns. I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
>accused of a crime
turns into
>history of abusing their spouse
>I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place.
>by someone who shouldn't have a gun
>someone who shouldn't have a gun
who would this be?
This is what she means by "common sense". You fucking commies already ruined California, so move there and quarantine yourselves.
>gun control is a winning issue
It is a winning issue in the relevant, non-shithole US states.
>If they have a history of abusing their spouse, then yes.
Then tell them to call the police and file a restraining order. Go to court and have the abusive person tried as a criminal. We are a nation of laws. Not feels.
>That depends on who is doing the supreme court nominations. I bet you think access to an abortion isn't a constitutional right either.
I think abortion is great. It helps keep down the birthrates of people known to breed criminality. But that isn't the point. The supreme court, no matter how liberal, will toss that law out. You cannot restrict a constitutional right/right of nature based on accusation.
>or lose everything
Only if you're a pencil dicked blowhard who abuses his girlfriend so he can feel "big" and your "everything" is your AR-15.
The purpose of every weapon is killing things. When you think that we should surrender our weapons and be at the will of anyone that has weapons you have no common sense. Weapons are used for protection as much as killing and if you think we should surrender our only means of security and protection then you're a retard.
That Democrats will win no matter what, it's not a winning issue among blue-collar whites in swing states.
t.single degenerate single mother who needs the govt to protect her from the abusive relationships she enters.
You commie faggot
This is the other argument that I don't fully follow. From whom do you think you are protecting yourself? There are more "good guys" shooting other good guys than shooting bad guys.
Mexico has very strict gun laws and has substantially more gun violence than the USA.
Damn if only those cartels would follow the law
Hillary says "I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment. I'm not here to take away your guns."
You people are retards. I'm sure you could find all kinds of stupid shit trump delegates have said in private. I'm willing to bet there's a lot of racists among them, but I'm not about to call Trump a racist just because his supporters can be.
Oh, so you want the only guns that are legal to be guns that can be concealed?
You do realise over 95% of gun crime is done with handguns right?
You're such a fucking faggot, it's unbearable. Hillary Clinton has already been exposed in lying to Congress, under oath.
What makes you think she wouldn't lie to the American people, a group she considers to be nothing more than sheep?
They're protecting themselves from the government which is going to take away their guns duh.
You commie fucking douchebag, the whole point is to be able to kill people. You have the right to keep and bear arms, not for sport shooting, not for hunting, not for use as a buttplug, but for use in defense of yourself and the body politic. Now fuck off and die you piece of shit.
I also enjoy that despite the average Northern Mexican being less than 100 miles away from a US city, they speak less English than your dumbest Kraut.
The millions of other people with guns.
What's interesting is that real deal commies would never give up their guns.
This is more insidious. It's about control. She's more of a fascist. Check out Mussolini s first Fascist Platform and compare it to liberal politics.
So because Clinton is lying, this random drunk delegate somehow has insight into ~the real truth~ which coincidentally lines up perfectly with your paranoia. Funny how that works.
so disarm all the niggers and spics then, they're the ones committing these fucking crimes
>mfw nearly all mass shooters have been democrats or had democrat parents
feels good man, molon labe faggots
It's just a coincidence that they destroy constitutional rights wherever they go.
Eat a dick, shill.
She wants to make a database of gun owners and then cross references it with anyone admitted to mental facility to be denied for a gun, and then push to do it for anyone who's had a misdemeanor, then eventually just anyone in the NRA etc.
At the same time, weapons will become part of the 'internet of things' so guns will be hacked and turned off/on.
>moving goal posts willy nilly
Boy howdy, I remember when I used to lose basic arguments too. Step it up user
The misuse/misunderstanding of the word "communism" on this site is a lot like the similar misunderstanding of fascism on tumblr.
Well Spanish is their national language, so it makes sense that their people would speak it. Also, unlike European/Asian countries that have better average incomes than Mexico, the average Mexican citizen will never have any reason to deal with American businesses or government, so learning our language would be pointless to them.
It's not about control it's about safety. She's just trying to make it so that "be American" "get shot" is no longer a meme you dummy. Is that really so unreasonable to imagine?
Oh no I just realized you're right, that's not what she's trying to do, she's trying to take over the world! That's a way more reasonable perspective why didn't I realize it before!
Any rifle can be used for hunting or home defense. An AR 15 is pussy lil .223 anyway and only good for hunting squirrels. The better question is why are you so afraid of it and the answer is because you don't understand it.
>the average Mexican citizen will never have any reason to deal with American businesses or government, so learning our language would be pointless to them.
The average Mexican worker in Northern Mexico has a work visa that they use to travel into the US everyday... Until they inevitably overstay that visa and have a child here to collect welfare.
The Mexican economy is incredibly dependent on the US. You're also an idiot. Just like the 40% of Mexicans that have never been to school or have below a 7th grade education.
It's mostly a catch-all term for collectivist authoritarian assholes who want to exercise control over every facet of life. Fuck you, and fuck the horse you rode in on. I'd still fight to defend your right to espouse your worthless ass opinions, but for the record I hate you and your ilk and if you try to take my shit, uniform or not, I'll fucking waste you no questions asked.
This is the part where the shill starts claiming the other person in the conversation is a tinfoil hat/conspiracy theorist in order to devalue their opinion, seeing as they cannot refute the arguments presented by the other person
Truly this is a fascinating exchange. Look closely at how the shill squirms to find their scripted language.
I believe that "what did she mean by this" by OP was the first time I have seen that phrase used correctly in months.
If you don't understand how doublespeak works there's no hope for you. Everything politicians say is framed in a deceptive manner when they want to weaken the people. Do you think people couldn't read between the lines when obummer started spouting "common sense gun legislation"? The delegate knows the same things we know, it's the idiots who don't get it. It's all about framing...
gruber explains reality:
Ok fine not an AR-15 exactly.
>The two guns used by the shooter in the Orlando nightclub massacre that left 49 dead are high-capacity, quick-reload weapons commonly found in gun stores across the country.
>Omar Mateen legally purchased the weapons from a Florida store on consecutive days about a week before the rampage, federal officials said.
>The Sig Sauer MCX .223-caliber rifle's magazine capacity is 30 rounds. The weapon is a semi-automatic rifle, which means each shot requires a separate pull of the trigger. The Sig Sauer MCX rifle takes an AR-15 style magazine and ammunition.
What exactly does a person need a gun like this for? Not particularly good for self defense, but very good for mass murdering people in a nightclub.
>Niggers are shooting everyone
>Surrender your only defense against armed niggers
Great idea pussy.
Sitting at a comp, completely safe...
Complaining its not safe enough...
Referenced spousal abuse in a previous post...
Referenced "mens need to feel big" in previous post...
Is there any doubt what kind of person this is?
Your bad relationships are your fault kiddo. Maybe we need the govt to regulate your poor choices?
>who want to exercise control over every facet of life.
How is taking away your ability to kill other people controlling every facet of your life? Come on. This has nothing to do with anything but guns.
>I'll fucking waste you no questions asked.
This is why people are made uncomfortable by guns.
556 is a good round dude cuck up
>She keeps referring to "common sense gun reforms" what does she mean by this?
Take guns from legal gun owners, and give them to poor black people.
Hey you're the one who said "it's about control" and "it's just like with mussolini and fascism."
I'm not accusing you out of nowhere of being a conspiracy theorist, you pretty much directly implied that Hillary Clinton was trying to implement fascism is the United States. Now you're saying that I'm being unfair by pointing out that this is a fucking ridiculous viewpoint to have.
Actually it's an excellent platform for home and self defense and you have no right to tell people otherwise. If you hate freedom this much just fucking leave this country. Go to socialist Europe and bitch.
>not particularly good for self defense
it's very good for self defense, I don't know where this idea comes from
Why are gun controller ls so dishonest
Yes they want to ban guns. We all know that's what they want but they keep lying.
>He doesn't know how IDs work
Welcome to Sup Forums Is it your first day here shill? Get comfortable, because no one is going to care about what you're talking about.
If she were clear and explicit, literally everyone with a shred of common sense would realize that she is evil and she wouldn't get a single vote.
But by being vague and just asserting that she's making common sense changes, she capitalizes on the laziness of the majority of Americans to take people's word at face value and not do any deeper research into the facts.
They're extremely good for self defense. Handguns are horrible for high stress situations. Have you ever had to shoot a handgun past 50 feet? Might as well just set your neighbors house on fire with them in it. Atleast then they'd have a fighting chance of not dying that way.
Rifles are great for high stress situations where accuracy cunts.
>what does she mean by this?
Literally, it's whatever the interpreter considers "common sense".
A gun enthusiast may think, "Well, she's talking about rocket launchers and miniguns, no need to have those. Common sense."
And a liberal may think, "Ban all guns with the exception of police. Common sense."
And a BLM supporter may think, "Ban all police from brandishing weapons. Common sense."
It's literally whatever you interpret it as. It's a fairly common tactic when you have the forethought of hiring political speech writers.
Has this chick reacted to this video yet?
To keep would be tyrants and boot lickers like you in check.
You can't take them outside.
And this fantasy of being attacked in your home by multiple people is just that, a fantasy. This doesn't actually happen in real life.
Very vague statement. Clearly on purpose.
She's right. Clinton knows her place in history. She will flood the country with immigrants if elected to ensure perpetual democrat presidents, keep passing restrictive gun laws throughout her term, then hand the presidency over to someone who will ban guns. Or maybe it will be the next guy. Either way, a vote for Clinton is a vote for a Democratic White House, now and forever, and eventually a land without the Second Amendment.
Maybe it's because the ability to level the playing field with the implementation of violence with ranges weapons is what keeps people safe at night. Are you going to tell women that they have no right to use the most effective means of stopping rapists, and should just let it happen? Get fucked asshole, you aren't an American. Firearms simply make it so that size does not automatically give someone the upper hand over their potential victim.
The largest terrorist attack in recent memory involved a semi truck and 86 civilians.
Why do we need semi trucks in the first place? Seems like common sense to ban semi trucks user.
And yet anyone with a 9mm can easily stop a shooter with semi .223. In fact if one or more people have a .45 .357 etc. the shooter with an AR is already outgunned at close range. If someone has a shotgun he doesn't even stand a chance. And you're scared of a .223 but you wouldn't have to be if you're in a movie theater with me. If you get your way though and I'm unarmed then we're all fucked.
That's right "kill all the hillary clinton shills." It's just self defense! It's in the constitution!