This is what blacks actually believe.
This is what blacks actually believe
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its a proven fact that egyptians had black skin
i'm starting to feel bad for blacks and their inferiority complex
It is true.
fucking manlets
even in the "best scenario" they can be counted as berber and not niggers
Yeah, just like the original people from the UK. Black people did everything and went everywhere first.
Putting aside the whole lack of historical knowledge with the we waz kingz meme since, the late dynasty egyptians actually did have some dark skinned/sub-saharan pharoes (of course they were when the empire was fading/dead), what I never understand about WE WAZ KINGS is this:
A king is one person that will rule over thousands to millions of subjects, many or most of whom was poor. The existence of some black kings doesn't tie black people to some noble bloodline any more than the existence of King Arthur makes all anglos royalty. It's not "we waz kangs", it's "some very few of us waz kangz, the rest of us waz ruled over by kangz". I just don't get it.
Black skinned people in ancient Egypt were mostly slaves.
Niggers can't think that deep you idiot
EGYPTIAN WUZ WHITE fucking stormfags. Egyptians were definetly but not West African either but they sure were black. Todays african-americans arnt related to the egyptians. The egyptians probably looked like todays ethiopians or copts.
Nigger are fucking idiots. What an huge surprise.
Weird coincidence that black pharoahs were only during the time that Egypt was crumbling...
Also their was actually a dynasty ruled by Nubians (aka todays Sudanese people) who was black.
Why are today's Egyptians white? What specific event led to the bleaching of Egypt to the extent that it is today?
There is hormone called "Melanin" burger
t. Jamal Collins
Lolwut? Since when?
Is this really white to you ?
I don't understand how Bantu niggers can't understand geography. When the Egyptian empire was at it's height the area that Bantu people lived was about the same distance as New York to Venezuela, also separated by a vast uncrossable desert.
The evil Greek barbarians conquered the space-age Kemets and drove them out of Egypt.
Don't ask me how they managed that, just trust me.
Not an argument
East africans called nubians invade Egypt after the pyramids, ramses...
Descendants from west africa who were enslaved by other black tribes claim they came from pyramid builders.
>Not an argument
Not an argument.
Ever heard of the Arab invasion or islamization m8?
Okay, so where is that proof?
There should be a catch-all term for WEWUZKANGS and it should be called "Po Boy's Law".
In biology book ?
Then why did Sesotris III ban blacks from entering Egypt?
Caucasian here. Absolutely fine with this. It's true and if that raises my respect for black people I'm happy to see it. How's Egypt doing these days?
They sure aren't niggers, now are they? I'll rephrase it for you spergs.
Why are Egyptians not black anymore?
There is only white or colored.
Not white = nigger.
Wasn't Egypt's economy based on slave work at the pharaoh's age?
Because Muslim invaders completely wiped out any trace of them with slavery. Helped by their own black kings, like true thugs.
>dark skinned/sub-saharan pharoes
Never a Sub Saharen dynasty, the closest to a nigger was the Ethipopian dynasty. Ethiopians aern't the same as SSA niggers. Ethiopes are basically Arab rape babies
>Caucasian here
Thats actually wrong.
Egypt had slaves, but most of pyramid builders were paid workers.
no proof I see
no proof I see
This isn't real.
Explain burger.
the ancient egyptians lived thousands of years ago. there is no possible way of knowing their skin color; they could have had pink skin for all we know.
Why are they so desperate to appropriate Egyptian identity?
Assuming this were true, they are proudly admitting they were slave owners.
Fucking hypocrites.
Shoo shoo leaf boy stick to your cuckold threads
I want proof that ancient Egyptians were the same as modern blacks.
maybe they were dark skinned but I find it hard to believe the modern dindu is related to Egyptian royalty kek. most can't even read.
Nigger is a derogatory term for an African American. They are not Arab or Hispanic or Indian or Asian. Stop drinking so much rubbing alcohol and go outside you Slav fuck.
>dark skinned
Indeed they were.
Read this
mmmmh...are you thinking yet?...
>Arab or Hispanic or Indian or Asian
All are same as niggers you untermensch.
They arent white.
that's retarded, I'm not white but that doesn't mean I'm a nigger. I've never smacked my mom or raped an old lady, I'm definitely not a nigger.
your argument is stupid bro, niggers can take credit for any non white empire by your logic.
Rooted in an inferiority complex due to the lack of technological achievements by sub Saharan Africans. It's a deluded attempt to claim some sort historical significance.
I like how their arms can get fatter but they aren't strong they cant even work their not lazy they get tired fast some peoples muscle shrink some grow needles to say i haven't seen anyone strong with a muscular build most have it either with shake protein or natural.
Tl;dr niggers are useless
> I'm not white
I certainly am, really.
whites literally wrote a fake history of egypt and that's what you've seen your whole life. And when someone comes along and shatters that delicate white ""reality"", Sup Forums absolutely loses its shit. This thread is a fine example, with whites unable to deal with reality lashing out and those simply bearing facts.
The only reason you're so against the idea that ancient egypt was a black civilization is because you've watched shit like The Mummy your whole life (written by white people to reinforce a white narrative) and think it's god's absolute truth.
If you ever bothered to do actual research, you'd realize how feeble the whole idea of a "olive skinned" ancient egypt is, and you'd then question everything else you think you know about white """"history""""
Hitler lost lmao
Heres all the proof you need
Do you have a time travel machine? 5000 year old colored photo of a nigger on the thrown? Nice evidence.
>dat face characteristics
we wuz fold never talk about this, just always try to refer the skin color/tone
someone post that picture where a black biatch raging over an egyptian actor on the facebook, said, he cant be egyptian cuz he is white
just let them have this, because then they can't complain about slavery
you can't have it both ways
are you a nigger?
naw, we just no niggers are too stupid to build an empire. it's got nothing to do with movies lmao.
niggers can't even build functioning communities with government money.
wtf I hate whites now
Not the second race war.
The best actual science shows that ancient Egyptian populations were...
roughly equally split between Eurasian and sub-Saharan genetics
So pretty much exactly what you'd expect based upon geography.
Breach it brother
better send Germany that memo.
black's not quite the word either
they would have looked similar to the rest of the middle eastern civilisations of the time i.e similar to Arabs.
>we just no
>calls others stupid
you're just showing your ignorance here. there are other documented black empires like mali, so the idea that blacks can't build a civilization goes out the window. in fact, black civilization predates european civilization by thousands of years. not that it makes a difference in your mind, since they're all "niggers". I'm happy everything online is tracked now and you'll likely be punished for online hate speech in the coming years.
>are you a nigger?
no, but i wish i was, it's the only based race out there, sorry for taking egypt from you
>This is the nose and chin of a subsaharan african
(P.s. No one's saying they're aryan)
The aliens have more facts dude, grand architects today said they couldn't build the pyramids.
>a fucking leaf
kek, this is what hotep niggers actually think.
We was albanoids not shit
Hebrew unions were hired, they brought their own slaves
>all the sciences
Get fucked , ya cunt!
So what if it's not real? We can make it real. 2016 baby.
hide hotep nigga threads
reddit tier dog crap.
You can thank to USA for creating this :^)
Replace black with white and everyone would yell RACIS
This kek proves it. Plus he's right, black people are litteraly to stupid to do anything related to have a functioning society except be slaves. Look at American crime statistics next to black intelligence statistics and tell me they ran Egypt.
it's mummified, the features are withered. that wasn't his actual face.... I hope you realize that. far as white knowledge is able to discern. tons of ancient technology was forgotten when the white barbarians destroyed roman empire. it took white people 2 thousand years to rediscover concrete, for example. knowledge the romans had gained from their contact with ancient african civilizations.
solid, insightful posts. this is why whites are le """"""master"""""" race. your own ignorance is killing you worldwide but you're too racist and bitter to open your eyes and save yourselves.
Because da white people stole their knowledge of maff and shit
this is you
We get it, u waz kangz and shiet.