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TRUMP confirmed Illuminati hunter

>it's real


Wow this totally proves that he's anti-establishment.

I am now a #Trumpeteer





Anyone else worried that Trump will be murdered

Nope. In death his strength would grow ten fold.

He didn't turn down a meeting with Kissinger though.

>turning down a meeting with a dying historical figure and gain credibility in the process

Yeah why the fuck would he ever go?

wtf i love trump now

>Wow this totally proves that he's anti-establishment.

Ooops, it actually means you're a TrumDumpster!


he would become a martyr and kick off the revolution

it needs to happen before ((they)) have automated war machines anyways



Gain credibility by meeting with the most prolific establishment globalist Jewish puppetmaster of modern times?

Yeah I suppose it will give him credibility among (((some circles))).

I think they'll try but fail miserably.
They keep forgetting he's thinking 12 moves ahead.

2 liberal faggots have already tried.

its obvious that there will be more attempts.

>12 moves ahead

He think Trump thinks at a linear level...

>it needs to happen before ((they)) have automated war machines anyways
This. There's a reason the emasculation of men is vehemently encouraged today through our media and social climate. With robots replacing workers in factories, and now drones replacing soldiers, masculine able bodied men will soon only be a hindrance to the government and globalist elite.

They only need indoctrinated beta numales to operate the drones.

how can you kill Trump when you're allready dead?

8-D under water scrabble
All jokes aside though the man actually is at genius level IQ, or at the very least close to it.

Unhinged SJWs like those two cucks we need not worry about, it's the professionals (((they))) will send after him.

I was a fence sitting independent but now i'm on the #TRUMPTRAIN



Of course. I seriously can't imagine Trump making it past his first term without getting murdered.

Hopefully though, it makes him a Martyr and inspires people to continue the movement.

I personally think he's off the charts. Probably around 170 or 180.

He's like a god damn wizard.
If he was on here, his shitposts would get 40 replies every time. The man is that amazing at baiting people.

if he is actually anti lobbyists and anti establishment then that will be a very likely scenario


I'm sure after that one incident, he's well prepared for anything that may happen.

Anyone who thinks he isn't at or near a genius level IQ is either ignorant on the subject of the man or just hates him because he is a big meanie!!!!!!!!!!

Probably went there to call him mr. penguin to be honest.

Only the most pure of coincidences friendo


>Daniel Mazurkiewicz
>not coming from a republican family

It's strange because like 99% of polish immigrants in the US are republican.

(((Triple))) brackets bruh

The Koch brothers and Trump are in town for separate events — Trump for a fundraiser, and the Kochs for the kickoff of the annual summer summit of their donor network at a tony resort in Colorado Springs.

But the Republicans familiar with the push said top Koch aides rejected the idea of a meeting.

“It is not going to happen,” said one of the Republicans, adding that the Kochs appear unlikely to back away from their repeated declarations that they don’t plan to spend any money in the presidential race, and will instead refocus their spending down ballot.



Trump won't be a Martyr. He'll get offed, and an establishment republican (Pence) will once again find himself in the whitehouse. Back to status quo.

wtf i hate kocks now

Win or lose, Trump has exposed the entire system for everyone to see.

Will be one of the most important political figures in our lifetimes.

It truly is amazing to watch this entire thing unfold right in front of us. If he does end up winning, it is truly one of the greatest stories ever told.

Don isnt a puppet.
They dont like him because of that.

He will win if the election isn't rigged.

The media is admitting that he's like 8 points ahead of her.
So if they're admitting that, in reality it's probably 15.

Hillary is doomed, people are waking up and the only way she will win is if she rigs it.

But unlike pussy Bernie, Trump will actually contest it if there's election fraud.

>They keep forgetting he's thinking 12 moves ahead.

Except for in the polls

What alternate reality is happening in your cuckshed?

Even the mainstream media is forced to admit that he's crushing her now.
They're saying he's 8 points ahead and that's probably a wildly conservative lowball estimate.

Fuck wit a nigga like meeeee

trump simply brings people out to the polls better

I don't know about you, but I am getting a little tired of winning.

He should stop winning so much. It's getting tiresome.


>making enemies of people who are worth 10x as much


Yes, save her!

wft I hate the NWO now

I couldn't find Kim, but Daniel seems to be legit.

this is why they hate us

Very low-energy shilling. Literally not very good propoganda if it's written. Maybe one of their lame duck false flags.

Wow, really makes you think. It's almost as if Democrats couldn't use a CTR account to copy a statement from another poster that was legit, so that they could post the comment and then later report on it as if Trump is using fake followers to spread false narratives. Almost like they were going to do through Craigslist ads as revealed in the DNC leaks. I guess I'm now a #HildoDildo.

Keep it down you fucking dumb fuck..!

>t he's like 8 points ahead of her.

No he isn't, you idiot.

What are you on about bud? Not sure I follow...

can one of you give me like a shortened version of the significance of this woman the statue of liberty is based on and why it's important?

You can't fire me! I quit!

Yes, he really is.

I know Weedman tells you Trump is a meanie and can't win, but he will.

The Koch brothers are incredibly influential, you don't want to be a conservative with them not on your side. Trump fucked up.

They wanted to see how much it would take to buy him. AND HES NOT FOR SALE. HAHAHAHA!
Please liberate Canada from the cucks.

Poor guy. He went looking for a handout and they shot him down. He couldn't even get a meeting. Must've wounded his pride terribly.

Trump to be assassinated. Someone warn him!

If Trump wins you can come here. North GA. We have 27 acres and the area around that is developed. We got grandfathered in to a homestead permit and have a large garden shit ton of chickens 7 goats, 2 hogs (breed - eat 1 sell rest) and a dairy cow.

It's honestly most likely the other way around, Trump doesn't need to deal with any lobbyists, but they need to deal with him.

Of course, they corrected the record to try and make Trump look bad.

Deal, how's the moose hunting down there? Also what concentration is your maple syrup, I don't drink less than 85%


Reminder that Teddy Trust-Bustin' Roosevelt was shot in the chest on his way to give a speech, gave his 90 minute speech anyway while bleeding on stage, and declared "I've just been shot, but it takes more than a bullet to kill a bull-moose!"

Also a reminder that Trump is the spiritual successor to TR's America in the 21st century.

Praise kek in the highest for he is the bringer of light and the god of darkness. Illuminate the truth and give us our answer we request. Trump for president 2016.

>trump literally ever having wartime leadership experience, speaking softly, or carrying a big stick

Not in my experience desu

I would say his positions on Russia epitomize the speak softly approach, and his hardon for a strong military is very big stick.

Do you guys seriously think the Jews will just let this one slide? Hes going to get shot from 3 different directions and they'll say it's a single shooter, who conveniently gets "assassinated" so they can just relocate him and change his name.

trump stumped


Pro israel and has the jewish blessing, as his grandchild is a certified jew.

To strike him down now, would only make him stronger.

No doubt they'll keep trying all the time.

the thing that worries more is that more people will be glad he gets assassinated.

nope. your mom has to be a jew to be a real jew

It's not just that he's a genius (which he may or may not be), it's that he's a super genius in one specific subject: playing the media.

Considering how Bernie has said nothing about the DNC is still so fucking strange, especially with how they treated him....

realistically I think Hillary and friends will rig it. i'd be damn shocked if Trump won.

>Implying manafort and associates would allow this

>h-he's a puppet of the Koch brothers
- reddit before they were btfo again

Koch brothers are 100% globalists, they would never back Trump.

Some are saying hilcunt threatened him or ruffed him up so he backed down.
Others are saying he knew from the beginning what was going to happen and was only in the race to push his own agenda.
And then there's the last theory that he was just used to round up all the liberals and herd them into clinton's claws.

Was from a thread last night, The comment in particular: Have fun...

As the cuck that's running Canadia will say, if you kill your enemies, they will win.

Being THIS new

The more Trump acts like an oblivious idiot, the more you fucking cucks think he's a genius. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so deeply sad.


Teddy was also 30 years younger than Trump when that happened. So his body handled it better.

Trump did meet with Kissinger thouhh. So it's not like he's avoiding all the evil kikes.

Because Kissinger allowed it. The Kochs realize what a joke Trump is and are not wasting their time or their money.

if (((they))) try to have him killed they'll probably wait until he's in office so Pence can take over as cuckservative-in-chief. I think that's their plan omega in case they can't rig the election hard enough

>holier than thou attitude
>posts youarenotsosmart

Underage detected

Thanks man, that record really needed correcting.