Get redpilled, user, you don't have a gf and are sitting on this very board right now because of the jew, oh, let me explain
>Researchers compared the average volume and cup size of 400,000 women from 108 different countries to come up with their results. >They excluded women with breast implants, those who were pregnant, breastfeeding or had been pregnant in the past 12 months. >women born in the US have by far larger breasts than women in any other country >“The analysis of the results also showed that the correlation between a woman's bodyweight and the size of her breasts is quite different from one country to another. >“A typical woman born in the US or Canada has a very large breast volume regardless of her bodyweight.”
What can we evaluate from this? >The US which is the prime example of mixed breeding is somehow number 1 in something that's supposed to be hormonal and genetic >Even the non white American women have the largest breasts in the world, take into account that a huge amount of them is asian, for no apparent reason asians have A cups in their home countries, but they are much bustier in NATO countries and especially the US Oh, then it must be the quality of the healthcare! >Taiwan has the 6th smallest boobs in the world, Singapore is 11th, both of these countries are as developed as western european ones and have incredible healthcare
So what's the conclusion? The most likely conclusion is that the jew is pouring estrogen in water in western countries, with ridiculous doses over in the US and Canada
But why? If you read the effects of estrogen on the female and male bodies you'll understand The "big tits" is just one of the side effects, the drug is aimed at males Estrogen literally gives everything needed for a man to become beta, cuck, gay, trans, neet or geek The jew is literally feeding everyone female hormones and there's nothing you can do
>the u.s is the only country that needed a Caucasian and non-Caucasian version
Connor Rodriguez
Do cheap brita filters take estrogen out of the water
Gabriel Ward
It's alright famalam, they split the UK and Poland also.
Sebastian Peterson
>you don't have a gf and are sitting on this very board right now because of the jew No it's because I just play video games and jack off to hentai all day
Anthony Harris
If you want to fight these effects, eat more broccoli. Broccoli helps cancel out estrogen.
Brandon Wilson
The reason why the US has the biggest boobs is because we have the fattest humans. That's all.
Luis Baker
Prove it Show a water test
Robert Davis
>Get redpilled, user, you don't have a gf and are sitting on this very board right now because of the jew, oh, let me explain but i do have a gf who is completely submissive and has a higher sex drive than i do. just because some of you are cucked doesn't mean all of us are.
Owen Brown
You don't understand how your brain works Hormones literally program your brain to specific things, like "having passion for women" or "liking to sit in your chair for the whole day"
If the jew didn't add happiness injections in your food you'd might even grow up to be a Chad I'm not from the US or Canada, you do the tests >>>>>“The analysis of the results also showed that the correlation between a woman's bodyweight and the size of her breasts is quite different from one country to another. >>>>>“A typical woman born in the US or Canada has a very large breast volume regardless of her bodyweight.”
Dylan Morgan
American women have the largest breasts regardless of body size
Brody Powell
>If the jew didn't add happiness injections in your food you'd might even grow up to be a Chad Never thought I'd say this but thanks Jews
Jeremiah Rivera
Estrogen is in the water because of the anti baby pill.
Colton Reed
>If the jew didn't add happiness injections in your food you'd might even grow up to be a Chad nigga come on. you're the one who doesn't understand how the brain works here. no magical injection of chemicals will make you happy. most chemicals are deactivated before they even reach the bloodstream via first-pass metabolism in the liver and an even smaller number of the subset that aren't can even make it past the blood-brain barrier.
Evan Torres
"The Jew" doesn't neccesarily mean that the people behind this are jewish "Happiness injections" don't even mean that they program the brain to be happy
Those are just metaphors
Adrian Rogers
Plastic surgery, obesity, your shitty diets and inbreeding.
Adam Lopez
-> and >They excluded women with breast implants, those who were pregnant, breastfeeding or had been pregnant in the past 12 months.
Please read the OP
John Richardson
so do i get 3/4?
Matthew Hernandez
You get a 2/4, but how does inbreeding and shitty diets impact breast size exactly?
Sebastian Collins
>putting estrogen in water it is insoluble in water you fucking idiot. Just look up Xenoestrogens. I'm on vacation in Russia and it's fucking awesome, cheers