A new family moves into my commieblock

>a new family moves into my commieblock
>not just another Polish family
>a family that consists of black man and white woman (obviously)
>they have little mulatto kid, about 5 yo
>the man is often seen with his friends talking in some African language, but speaks meh-tier Polish when he has to
>woman looks happy and child looks healthy
>they smile and greet me every time I'm out with my dog
>overall nice people
What am I supposed to feel? I secretly see them as a problem, but they never did anything wrong to me really. This whole situation really makes me think.

We used to put burning crosses on their front yard. I guess you could send him a polite note saying that he almost made it to Germany, but this is still technically Poland.

Don't be a pussy and just burn their house down, you stupid kurwa

Kill them you faggot

Polska gets enrichment.

>What am I supposed to feel?

Your tiny, tiny, tiny white cockette not being able to compete with your neighborino's mighty BBC.

>having a problem with an educated black man raising his kid
I don't think you understand the meme.

there are exceptions to every rule

see what the rest of your neighborhood thinks about them, maybe get them to leave


Slit their throat. DONT LET THE FILTH INVADE POLAND. How the fuck did these shitskins even got there?

Fucking kurwa masch! Just pour petrol through the letterbox and toss in a match.

kill yourself

You first

Do you hear her moaning like a whore at night,
cumming all over that BBC, while you shitpost and masturbate ?

Who claims that on the pol his country is untouched, that is liar. Every country already got "enrichment", the differences in the level of "enrichment".


Chinese and arabs would have slit their throats if they was niggers with their women.

the pic made my brain hurt.

i cant figure it out.

I didn't know they were teaching Gaelic in schools nowadays.

Holy shit I kek'd

Burn their house down before it becomes a bigger problem for Poland. They will come if they are welcome otherwise.

>What am I supposed to feel? I secretly see them as a problem, but they never did anything wrong to me really. This whole situation really makes me think.
What do you mean you insane fucker? It is absolutely okay to have genetic diversity. As long as it's not exaggerated. The real problem is multiculturalism. When they begin talking about you to have to respect their religion, tradition etc you can start getting pissed. As long as they behave polish and are few in between those people are even an enrichment for you.

>that image
this is some serious next level bix nood shit