Ok, so real life, why are you supporting trump?

Ok, so real life, why are you supporting trump?

He wants to stop Isis, but refuses to lay out a foreign policy plan other than ban muslims and to kill innocent civilians.

He also wants to build a giant wall and have mexico pay for it. You guys realize even if he is president, this will never happen, right? and if by some grace of god it does, you need to realize that this isn't ancient china and that we will still have illegal mexicans crossing the border.

He also claims to be self funded, this is false. He has taken about $12 million dollars from large donors, but would have taken more if he didn't piss off all the other large donors.

How can you support this idiot?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anybody that supports Trump are scientifically CONFIRMED low-IQ racist neanderthals.

Many studies have proven this over and over again.

Poor little white guys are scared that their time is up. JEJ.

South Park called Romania the asshole of the world. I'm incline to agree.

Because he pays me 10 cents per post.

thanks for your legitimate reason of supporting him.

Romania you really have no fucking idea what Trump's plan actually is. You literally are parroting things you've overheard. Get fucking educated.


He pissed off the Jew donors. Taking money from American millionaires willing to give it to support you is not a problem, taking Jewish money to further their agenda is.

thanks for your legitimate reason of supporting him.



here's his donors and their amounts.

I don't really care about this topic until it's shown that he has taken large amounts of money from really shitty people.

1. Banning and killing muslims is a great way to stop ISIS from affecting us, the only people that matter

2. Walls have worked for millennia and continue to work, why do you think Mexico wants one on their southern border? do you think muslims are kept out of israel by lines in the sand?

3. he self-funded his primary run and spent many millions of his own money and continues to. Hillary has sucked donor dick her whole life

.05 per post is a lot in romania, you must be a rich man

As far as paying for the wall all he has to say is "Were out of NAFTA, and anything that you do sell here will be taxed to shit." The idea being that el presidente would gladly pay the price of the wall to continue to do business in the US.

>self funding


where are you getting his foreign policiy from? he literally hasn't sad anything about blowing oil fields. It has been proven that bombing them hasn't worked. Also, killing civilians, in his eyes, is not about collateral damage, he said that we should seek out and kill civilians purposefully.

Against TPP, Against illegal immigration, Pro 2nd amendment.

>looks at flag

Hello Michael Moore.

Fucking shill.

>terrorists and violent criminals
>innocent civilians

This isn't even about whether Hilary is telling the truth or not. The fact is they're both conniving liars, but one has contacts and can make deals with other politicians and countries and the other says he can make deals, but really just wants to get in bed with Russia so he can put up a new Trump tower and Casino without sand-niggers blowing it up. He does not care about our middle class anymore than Putin or Hilary does and doesn't even realize that you can't just say "Chapter 11" and make the middle class come back.

You're a piece of shit for thinking that a wall or any of his other bullshit is going to pan out for you. Just take your own advice, go back to school, become a plumber and stop pretending like you're going be on his reality show one day. You're not.

Still creates more jobs than Hillary. Pays more too!

du-te departe, roma.

So you agree the Wall won't work.

Why do you want to waste possibly 50 billion dollars on shit that's useless.

>He wants to stop Isis, but refuses to lay out a foreign policy plan other than ban muslims and to kill innocent civilians.

That's actually about all you'd need. Stop letting Muslims into America and Europe, then just kill ISIS. They're a division-strength enemy.

>He also wants to build a giant wall and have mexico pay for it. You guys realize even if he is president, this will never happen, right?
First, it's now officially part of the RNC platform. So we won, period. We're getting the wall, be it physical or figurative.

>He also claims to be self funded, this is false.
He has self funded the great majority of his campaign and he isn't bought and sold by bankers. That's enough for me.

>How can you support this idiot?
1: He's the only Nativist.
2: He's the only one not bought by the Koch Brothers.
3: He's the only one who doesn't want war with Russia.

Killing civilians on purpose and deliberate bombing of civilian areas worked pretty damn good during the second world war.

and? that makes perfect sense, do you know what a trade deficit is? it means mexico is making a fucking killing in trade with us so we should obviously hold that over their head if we want a deal

i didnt say anything about blowing oil fields. regarding killing civilians, he only said (once, off the cuff) that we should kill the families of terrorists, which of course makes perfect sense because when you kill a terrorist his family will be more radicalized than they were before. dipping bullets in pigs blood before you do it is even better

do people really believe this?
there's this thing called TRIBAL WARFARE you absolute dipshit
learn some history

OK I'll break ranks and level with you.

Because he is the Republican nominee and the only chance of preventing a HRC presidency

I support his stance on immigration. I think unrestricted immigration, which is what the left is advocating implicitly, is a huge mistake for reasons of economics and national security.

I disagree with the philosophy and effectiveness of expanding of the federal government which is what the left aims to do.

I also disagree with a lot of Republican positions. I don't think every issue is a dichotomy and actually side with the left on some social issues.

Finally I could never support Hillary Clinton because she is a corrupt, self serving person. She hasn't a shred if credibility and if you support her you are either delusional, deliberately ignoring the facts, or complicit in the corporate/political industry that is the only thing stands to benefit from her presidency

everyone loves an underdog

some one say undergod?

I love how you can keep bringing this up, nobody listens, Trump gets elected, builds the wall and then all of a sudden everyone's like "wow it's not really stopping the illegal immigration"


kek kek kek

From what I've seen he uses the same strategy that populist governments use, just aimed at a different part of society. It's no surprise that he is getting so much support, popular things are stupid because stupidity is popular.

This isn't a board to convince or discourage people to vote for Trump. We all know why we support him, and you know why you don't support him. No one is going to change your mind, so why take up space here with such a shitty pointless thread?

You're going for a 1 man echochamber. Grow the fuck up.

>Hillary is corrupt
prove it

post an unbiased source backing up your point.

>He unironically believe voting matters, as if the system isn't corrupt to the core.


>He wants to stop Isis, but refuses to lay out a foreign policy plan other than ban muslims and to kill innocent civilians.
kill all mudslimes, if you ask me

would you miss them? why?

People support Trump because Hillary is evil.

Because when he gets elected, Donald Joseph Trump will put Hillary behind bars where she needs to be (more like a fema camp out in the baking sun)

So I am voting Hillary For Prison 2016.

first, you can't kill 1 billion people. second, most illegal immigrants overstay their visa after entering the country legally, or simply don't go back after crossing at a gated border crossing for a visit. the wall can't stop this. millions of people cross both ways legally all day every day.

There is no way a person could fake it this long.

If he were having his strings pulled by the globalist puppets, it would be glaringly apparent right now.

Remember when Paul Ryan went into that empty soup kitchen and started scrubbing clean pots?

His soul was already sucked out and he was on the campaign trail and 'fuck it' he was there with his family already so he had to.

Trump doesn't have to. His transportation is better than the president's, he gets more press than the president, real people love him more than the president and already, his views on world affairs matter much more than your current president's.

Last week, or the week before (too many happenings), I was watching Obama live touting open borders with the Mexican president at a press conference.

All of a sudden, (((The Media))) cut away to the gun attacks in Munich. The cameras never cut back to Obongo and his Mexican Minstrel.

POTUS got cut off mid-stream to talk about yet another horrible terror attack.

That won't happen after Trump acends the throne.

Even the most blue-pilled of people are waking up. Everyone else has already woken up.

Trump is going to stomp the living shit out of this, just you watch son.

why can't you?

Can you provide sources for your claims?

Didn't think so.


read the whole thread braindead drone.

soft fascism doesn't scare me as much as neoliberalism

Hillary should win, so the joke of a country called the USA can Fall even faster.

out of two, Trump is the neoliberal here as he is all for capitalism.

join the cause and fight islamism the PC way

"lets say you swim to north korea from a boat and make it to shore unnoticed. What chance do you think you have to be an Illegal Immigrant making wages to take back home?"

Wall Of Red Tape
a Wall that protects society from within, not from without

Immigrants and travelers into the country monitored, when their visa expires it raises a flag and the local PD comes to visit them.

Also This:
If you go to get a job and dont have an SSN, either you're going to be paid 100% under the table or the employer is going to Have to furnish your employment information to the respective bureau (employment office, IRS)

No SSN raises red flag, the PD or local FBI office is called, the employer is questioned and the illegal is tracked down.

Result being for either of these: You get Deported promptly no excuses.

Had A Child Here Fallacy:
For kids born to illegals while they were in the states this is abit of a grandfathering-in type of issue.

That being "if I came here illegally and had a kid, me/wife and child get the chance to naturalize"

Otherwise like the Sad Trump face... "But you have to go back". There arent many of these people and as we all know there are cracks that people fall into, and this would be one of them.

>you can't kill 1 billion people

America: Challenge accepted

>Ok, so real life, why are you supporting trump?
R1: Peace on Earth.
R2: Less Cucks in America.
R3: No more terrorism.

"He's not going into Ukraine, just so you understand. He's not going to go to Ukraine," Trump said.

"Well, he's already there, isn't he?" Stephanopoulos replied.

Trump responded by simultaneously criticizing the US's decision not to intervene to stop the annexation of Crimea, a former Ukrainian territory seized by Russia in 2014, and noting that many citizens of Crimea were allegedly supportive of Russia's decision to invade.

"Well, he's there in a certain way, but I'm not there. You have Obama there," Trump said. "And frankly that part of the world is mess, under Obama. With all the strength that you're talking about, and with all the power of NATO, and all of this, in the mean time, [Putin] takes Crimea."

He added: "You know the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were, and you have to look at that also."


what you're not grasping is that Trump is establishment. There are dozens of videos of him on youtube at Republican conventions in the 80's supporting Bush Senior as well as the known pictures of him with the Clintons, the very one's that are establishment.
So you can't sit there and tell me he's different, he's one of them.

When Trump initially started running he could have taken and stand and not turned himself into another Republican but this is exactly what he did. He's not religious but he's picked a running mate that makes all the conservative idiots like you happy. He pretends to be anti-establishment but that fades with ever decision he makes to become more and more a conservative hack.

He's the same piece of shit that Sarah Palin was, and you'll lose for that reason.

My point I'll make again is that if we really believed in making America great, he's speeches would have been about how hard he's had to work to keep his business in America. How hard it's been for him to make his money and keep his American workers happy.

....but he has no American workers; he never did. He's never played by the rules he want's to "fix". He only pretends to care to make more money for..himself. Not you.

This is true.

Crimea demanded a public referendum to be annexed by Russia and the result was an overwhelming yes.

Crimea is part of Russia now, whether the rest of the world recognizes it or not.

Thats call democracy at work. A Public Referendum is the purest kind of democracy.

Latinos get a bad rap because of all the illegals that come here and refuse to assimilate, fuck that send them back

In the US, we have institutionalized male infant genital mutilation, yet female children are protected from so much as a pin prick by federal law.

We have affirmative action and title IX giving women an extreme academic and professional advantage.

Only men are required to sign up for selective service.

Men have no reproductive rights. A woman can kill a man's unborn child with the man having no legal right to intervene. When there's an accidental pregnancy, the woman has 100% of authority over whether she kills the kid or makes the man pay child support for 18 years.

The first woman meeting the bare minimum qualification to be president of the US will be the first female citizen born after all the above is corrected.

Women are given a free ride their whole lives while men are told to stop whining about being strapped down to tables while someone cuts half the skin off their dicks. And Hillary shits on white men all day, calling us oppressors and bullies and rapists.

We absolutely do not need a female in any political office until we have legal equality between the sexes.

I think if Mexicans keep wanting to come here we may have to Invade their country and annex it as part of the United States.

We had the option back in the Spanish American war but we chose to leave.

We could even do it for humanitarian reasons. Raise their minimum wage to $8 per hour.

>why are you supporting trump?

his team are a bunch of clowns and mafia figures connected to russia

we wouldn't elect a guy like that even in our shithole country

>Ok, so real life,
What are you fucking 12 years old?
>He wants to stop Isis, but refuses to lay out a foreign policy plan other than ban muslims and to kill innocent civilians.


>He also wants to build a giant wall and have mexico pay for it. You guys realize even if he is president, this will never happen, right?
Why not? The GOP controlled Congress is down with it, it's in the party's platform.

>He also claims to be self funded, this is false. He has taken about $12 million dollars from large donors,
[Citation needed]


Yeah, that's one interpretation, if you're a Russian shill. Let's not replay Sup Forums does Crimea, 6 fucking months edition.

I'm more interested in the fact that this fucking mongoloid can't speak in coherent sentences, and contradicts himself within two of them.

1. Bad Obama, bad man, so Putin take Crimea.
2. Crimea people good, want Putin.

It's day two, and he's burning really hard.

The wall itself doesn't stop all illegal immigration, it's a force multiplier and a deterrent. This is why we use walls for prisons, otherwise you would need hundreds of prison guards for each prison. With a wall, all you need is a few guys in a watch tower with rifles.

>wall across half a continent
>all you need is a few guys

ti would be cheaper for you to fix Mexico or to crack down on illegal employment, than to maintain a continuous wall

did engineers look at the feasibility of that ridiculous project? you can't build anything on sand or swamps, for example

You are Shillary.

>refuses to lay out a foreign policy plan
This is one of the reason I like him. I hope usa and west in general stop exporting democracy to places where its not needed and not wanted. Leave middle east alone, let them govern themselves. Also ban non white immigration.

>ti would be cheaper for you to fix Mexico or to crack down on illegal employment,
"Fix Mexico"? What does that even mean? Their entire economy would collapse without the remittance money, it's truly unfixable, their government is literally the Cartels. A wall is really cheap, even if for some reason we couldn't compel Mexico to pay, it's a net gain because illegals cost us about 100 billion a year. Building a wall is a lot cheaper than hiring 10,000 more Border Patrol.