How well does tuition-free college work in socialist nations?


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This upsets me

Socialist policies only work in 90%+ white countries

>free college

>50% of your income in taxes along with ridiculous sales tax


Why did you search "sweden college"?


and lower if your wage is below a certain threshold.
I pay 22% tax. Earning about 2400 dollars a month here.

Debateable, Everything is prohibitively expensive in those countries along with slow economic growth and most of the citizens live low middle class lifestyles.

My salary paper I get each month does not lie.
I pay 22% taxes on my income.

...with small pops and an established successful society

Wife is from Poland. Very difficult to get a job without contacts and a Master's degree at minimum. Bachelor's degrees are no longer worth the paper they're printed on.

Kind of like what's happening now in North America. Free education would only accelerate that.

You're arguing with someone who fucking lives there. Shut up.

It's alright. You need good marks for the really popular courses. If you don't have those you'll have to draw a ticket and wait up to a couple years.

>Implying foreigners that don't pay taxes get free college
Here I pay around 300$ per semester + books for college. You get accepted based on grades,etc and I don't think haven't noticed half the students studying liberal arts like Sup Forums told me.

Here's a PDF of how much taxes you pay on different salaries in my county and city.
If you go down to my salary (23300), and read the first column which is the tax I pay, you see it's no way near 50%.

And a capitalist economy

I can't name a single college in sweden. I can name probably 100 in the US if I tried

>Give me free college!
>Waaaah! Why do I have to give 4 years of my life to get it!
Anyone who bitches about college tuition is retarded.


Income tax changes with your income...

Unless he posts a pay stub, he can fuck off and you can eat a dick libcuck. You talk as if people don't lie on the internet

Chalmers Tekniska and KTH are among our famous ones. And Lunds.

>le free college
So you could bum around for 5 more years without any being responsible for your life.


Never heard of em

>thinking Sweden would allow white people to immigrate
god liberals are so clueless

>we should move to whiter countries

it wouldn't be such a funny meme if they didn't keep doing it over and over again

Their schools are inferior and you pay for it in taxes. Our schools are far, far superior, and we are taxed less. This is because we are a real country.

Argentina also has free college but it's fucking garbage based on what my family there have said.

Tuition-free existed pre-WW2 across the board globally, you fucking moron.

Ask your grandfather with the 80 IQ how proper education felt/

stupid question here:

What level of education is college? Is its like gymnasium? University?

School is mostly free here too if you go to a community college first then go to a state school
Decent grades but nothing great and I only paid for a couple summer classes

Most of the people here going into massive debt are doing it at a private university or would be too stupid to get into college in a socialist country

They tax the allowance your parents give you? Jesus, Sweden is full of cucks

Depends on the type of degree.

Obviously you're getting nowhere with social sciences or other bullshit like that.
Even universities don't care about those degrees, they create these because the government pays for every student so they can repurpose the money they get on more valuable degrees.

Getting a decently paid job in Poland is hard nevertheless, with or without education.

College is the same thing as university here

It is free here.

It doesn't work.
Our french universities are in a huge crisis and can barely fund themselves. The majority of the students, like 70%, are just negroes or dumb idiots who just fail their first year and then go do something else. Having a diploma from our "free college" is completly useless, and all the great french schools (HEC, Grandes Écoles) require you to pay up.

College and university are the same thing here. Some schools just use different names

So you get taxed for everything along with income so I'm still right. Good to know

>thinks being a dumb ignint American is proof that Sweden has no good colleges
>american """"""education""""""

oh k. Thanks burgers.

well we have free college in Denmark then.

It works just fine.

However we are getting a bit tired of Swedes coming and studying and then leaving with paying taxes. The whole point of free college is that you actually pay it back through taxes later in life.

So free for Danes but soon not free for non Danes.

For students its fierce competition as its all based around entrance exam scores. For academics, results are poor since everything but professors have poor wages so talented people arent interested on research. Funding is constant issue and I dont see anything getting better but much worse in future.

What? No. You claim that we pay 50% of our salary directly to the state, which is wrong.

We have high food taxes and such, but that's completely beside the point as the quality and pricing of food is entirely your choice.

You might argue that college for everyone causes degree devaluation.
You might say college is not for everyone.
you might say that educating every citizen as much as possible, even at a high cost, has such big returns that it is almost always worth it.

Personally, the current system needs to be fixed first. This idea that we need to study multiple topics & specific fields even when we want to focus on one specific thing is crap.

This slows down everything & causes not only humans to waste time (YEARS) learning things they won't need or do not want to learn, but also increases costs.

So why focus so much on the current broken system, a new system is needed, then from there we should decide if it should be tax funded or not

imo free education is blue pill commie shit, kids should pay at least 100k dollas per semester sempre fie

Not everyone gets picked. Only the top % gets admitted to uni, either by their grade or a test people can do once a year here.

That's our way to filter out the people who aren't fit for uni.

Scot here.

we get free Uni becasue we steal the money from the english

You are from the US, of course you can name a bunch of universities over there.

I always wondered:

How is the state of non university education in the usa?

For example:

To be a mechanic or electrician you have to train 3.5 years here to get the qualification. (If you are good you can do it in less time)

This is true for all non university jobs. Depending on job the training is 2 - 4 years. (2 year stuff is mainly assistant stuff - low tier - even lower pay)

Which is fine, but over here (I would assume in your country too) due to affirmative action & cheating, that part of our broken system is especially broken. Which will have very real future ramifications.

You see this also in companies & how they hire people. If you happen to be transgendered or black or whatever special snowflake group you want to go with, you WILL be hired, even when you're not qualified & not competent for the position.

>wait up to a couple years.
There seems to be a reoccurring theme when it comes to government provided "free stuff"

The only problem with our college system is Fafsa and government subsidies for state universities that let schools charge higher tuition since the government will still give out the loans.

This cancer was always the fault of liberals who instead of getting out of the situation, want to enlarge their role in it instead.

It works in countries where they have smaller populations and high levels of taxation on salaries and spending. Also, if there are viable alternatives to university it reduces the number who want to go.

The Universities are funded by taxation.
You can get in and study, so long as you have good enough grades to get in. If not, you have to either improve your grades, or fuck off to some other country.

It's not completely free though, it's about $100 per semester. And anyone can apply to join. The only tiny caveat is that courses are taught in Norwegian, so if you're not one of us, you're not going to get anything out of this.

I don't know about how it works in the UK, but here, you can get a perfectly good life with just high school grades.

I'm an IT tech with no college or uni education at all. Sure, my salary is below my colleagues with uni grades, but it's far and beyond above my wildest dreams before I even started the job.

>The only problem
It is a problem, but not the only problem

Besides, you have to accept that some of these people should not be there, they aren't learning anything there, they are just partying & wasting time

They have NO IDEA how to pay back a loan & accepted the money anyway

Yeah, Norway has free college aswell.. You still need loans though, because you know whats not free?
Living. Housing + Food + whatever = living expenses. Those arent paid by the gov, you have to either have a job (no part time job will be able to cover it though) so everyone who goes to college will be reamed in debt.

We have what's called trade schools.
Depends on what you're getting into honestly. Some programs are 6 months. Some are upwards of 2 years.
My friend is currently attending a 51 week course at Universal Technical Institute
A quick google search would honestly answer these questions Krautbro

Karolinska Institute are quite famous afk, and even among the top 10 medical universities in the world.

>my salary is below my colleagues
How can you be happy knowing that this is your life now
That you will always be near that level, forever

I've always wondered how people can be okay "getting a job" & just working for someone, forever.

To me the only acceptable job is starting your own businesses. And ALWAYS advancing, always getting further. ALWAYS making more. And of course, doing things which will have an impact on the world, which will create things that the world didn't have before.

Theirs around three different ways to become a tradesman in our country.

The most direct way is to go to a trade school. They cost money but they accept all students. Learning time varies on the trade. Electrician school can be as long as 4 years for example and then graduates have to take their respective certification exam before becoming a certified tradesman

Second way is to apply for an apprenticeship to a trade union. This is the preferable method as it's free and you can earn money as you learn but You must pass a series of exams before the trade union might accept you.

This takes the longest and that's to directly go entry level into a certain field and just learn as you go, taking a certification exam once your training is complete. An example would be auto mechanics who start out as lube techs and work their way up. Process can take up to ten years though

My salary increases every year by about 5%. Can't complain.

It's actually pretty great.

It's about the same way in your country that it is in ours, but with a protracted pre apprenticeship and a slightly longer route to becoming a master.

You're guaranteed to get paid 6 figures + when you make it your career. If you're an apprentice, you make way over minimum wage to start.

>be american
>be in debt circa quarter million dollas for degree
>never get the job you deserve cause it ain't Berkley degree, cause education classism
>dont get job anyway cuz niggers and trannies
>get shot
>500 000 in debt now

Regan was based, turned yous into wage slaves.Just keep dreaming the dream.

So people have to pay taxes for schooling they might not even be able to have, that is if they ever wanted it in the first place. Retarded

Because most of them are still children in every way but age. They treat college as an adventure rather than career training for their future. They've also been told that they're a special snowflake and can do whatever they want so most of them go to college for useless degrees that aren't even worth the paper they're printed on.

And they want us to pay for this now.

I also pay for emergency services even though I have never needed and might never need them. I know its shocking.

So if we got "free college" what's to stop ton of middle aged people from going back to school? Wouldn't everyone try and go back to school if this happened? Schools would be flooded by applications from people of all ages right?

> Sweden have fixed tax rate
You're retarded if you think this, I'm fairly sure not even the US have a fixed income tax.

>worked for a few years then finally went to community college

>the students in my summer course were all attending private colleges and in 30k-90k of debt

I don't get it at all. What the fuck is wrong with these people? That's not even the worst part.

>they are in crippling debt and are scraping a 3.0 in community college courses as well as their usual unis
>some are much worse

If you're just a student and say "I did well, got a 75 on the test" reevaluate your life. The lack of effort people spend on their education that they fucking paid for is psychotic.

>Second way is to apply for an apprenticeship to a trade union.
Thats interesting.

Apprenticeship here is between the company and you. So for example VW trains you to be an eletrician. You visit school and get paid but also work for them and get trained by them.

>So if we got "free college" what's to stop ton of middle aged people from going back to school?
>Wouldn't everyone try and go back to school if this happened? Schools would be flooded by applications from people of all ages right?
Yes. But why would this be something exclusive to tax-funded colleges?

Yours is the trade school way. The proper apprenticeship with trade unions is extremely old school and outdated, but it's nice to have.

Plumbers, iron workers, construction workers, welders, and even elevator mechanics can sometimes take those routes.

>a slightly longer route to becoming a master.
Master isnt that hot anymore. Master is 1 year and Technician is 2 years training and a higher level. Much more theoretical stuff but much better pay.

>tfw Finishing Masters Next spring

P-Public Administration woo....

I have no idea what I will do with it

52 of the top 100 colleges are american, none are swedish. retarded leaf.

>equating healthcare with college

Health insurance for emergency care is for "what ifs"

College isn't a "what if" it's a choice and if you make that choice, you need to be ready to be saddled with the responsibility of that choice i.e paying for tuition.

You don't get to take money from someone to pay for your own personal investment. You need to reach into your own pocket for that

Don't you have a bull to prep?


Because community college doesn't give them the "college experience" and community college is seen as a place for idiots and or undesirables.

As I said before, most of these millennial retards treat college as an adventure, they intentionally choose out of state colleges, stay on campus, and give themselves larger loans so they have pocket money if they don't want to work between semesters.

They do this to themselves and then blame other people when they realize what they've done.

Yes you can get back to university. And many people actually do that after getting vocational training and feeling they can achieve more (mechanic->engineer).

I would say mid 30´s is the point most people dont try it anymore. To long out of school, family, etc

Some companies do this too. That last method I mentioned? There are some employers who will offer to put you into school and certify you in a trade if you show the capability.

My father was put through trade school by his employer but I applied to a trade union

Free tuition college in a high population country USA (300 M) would make jobs VERY hard to get and would devalue a normal college degree in favor of a post graduate degree or PHDs

Over here, there's only Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. Master is the end of the road.

You have to pay for roads, military and goverment salaries even if you think you dont need them and there are people in those fields whose personal investments are paid by others.

It's already devalued. You need a bachelors these days just to serve coffee and most of these millennials get undergrads in fields that now require you to have a Masters at the minimum


Everyone uses roads, the military is a deterrent, and government salaries is debatable, some of those jokers make more than what they deserve.

College is a choice, there's no way around this, you can't take my money to pay for your degree. You can't equivocate standard government services with bullshit like free gender studies degrees

Current system works fine.

If anything it should become even more expensive in the US so shitty people self select out of it.

Undergrad you pay a little, should get most with scholarships if you are talented.

Then you do masters/phd for free if you have good grades.

Here if you are a mechanic you can get trained to be:

Master 1y (specialised in leading people)
Fachwirt 2y (moneycounter, selling, buying, etc)
Technician 2y (Like half an university engineer but with the bonus of being able to use a wench)

How much VAT are you paying for everything, too?

Some of us prefer making more than 25k a year ha

College is only free for citizen, not amerifats

russia has "free college" too. all it does is make them smart unemployed people who get overwhelled by their inability to be a millionaire even they capable. they get angry at the system that made them that way. it usually ends with pic related.
>with great knowledge comes great sorrow

it doesn't

we have the best colleges for a reason.

the recent problem was created by predatory kike student loans that were given out like candy which turned our college system into an effectively socialist college system.

>how will it work

Do these people really think swedes want a bunch of shitty millenials in their country just for free college?

Romania - decent, but highly depends on how much effort the teachers put into it. I've only been to the good schools, and had a lot of teachers who were really dedicated, but otherwise, they're underpaid as balls. The great majority have 0 incentive to invest effort, hence our education is shit and everyone is unhappy with it.

25k a year in small town america is plenty.

But it isn't in Sweden.
