How do I write humor like this? I'm trying to punch up my Hamlet script

How do I write humor like this? I'm trying to punch up my Hamlet script.

There's really only been one type of humor for decades now, it really helped me to withdraw from the fake culture offered by TV.
Oh look, random real celebrities, especially of somewhat faded or tarnished status, are parodying old programs in such a way as to not question the ruling ideology. Oh wow, how do they find so much material.
OP, your sadness will lift when you stop thinking that there is anything worth imitation in pop culture.

what the fuck

Quality thread


Comedy is hard

This is next level autism. What the fuck?

it's why I'm asking for help.

How much does one season of this cost? writing, voice acting, hand drawn animation?

How much would those 90 episodes of MDE World Peace cost? three guys improvising into a camera, then editing it down to 11 minutes.


Nobody really types like this right?

nobody gives a fuck about your stupid Nazi show

the fuck

bump I guess
this Hamlet draft is so much worse than I thought it was

To OP: just subvert expectations. That's all this show does.

I quite liked the first season and some of the second one, but it's getting a little tired now I find. Mike is still funny, and the plots are usually still amusing, but I find Marquess and Norm Macdonald's shticks to be running pretty thin. Yung Hee just isn't even utilized whatsoever.

Hamlet: jesus christ its my dead dad
Ghost: ham man son i back from dead to tell you...
Hamlet: holy shit
Ghost:son you must
Hamlet: is it true niggers dont go to heaven
Ghost: at this point in time a danish man would have never seen a nigger before so this isnt racist also kill my wife
Hamlet: fucking heck

Hows that buddy


>subvert expectations
A lot easier said than done.

yeah racism is hilarious


I like you

A good way to get into writing a Hamlet script is to SERIOUSLY and METICULOUSLY plot out someones murder. Like find someone you don't like. Follow them around a bit, get to know their routine, just really LARP the shit out of planning to kill that guy.


I saw your thread on /lit/ as well. I have nothing to offer, but I hope things pull through for you.

MDE sucked, user. Let it go.

they probably won't, but thank you, this mean's a lot more than you think it does.

>go on google and look up "actors who ruined their careers with a scandal"
>make a lazy hanna-barbara mystery cartoon clone around that actor where all the jokes are robot chicken's "lets put adult stuff in kid's shows that's funny"

Let me try: The Randy Quaid and the Sunshine Gang. Randy Quaid is in a band who solves mysteries while running from a league of assassins who kill celebrities. One of his bandmates is a jeep, one of his bandmates is the ghost of a whale, and one of his bandmates is a plucky ethnic child.

Second season is Randy Quaid and the Sunshine Gang IN SPACE.

are you german?

You've clearly never watched it.

This is hilarious.

the thread or show?
