Someone here provide valid reasoning for cannabis being illegal.
>hardmode: you can't pretend people won't do it if it's illegal
Someone here provide valid reasoning for cannabis being illegal.
>hardmode: you can't pretend people won't do it if it's illegal
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makes you unmotivated and lazy, which creates shitty parents and eventually poverty
National health.
The social problems it might cause,the number of users might skyrocket because of the lack of legal sanctions,among others.
It gives cops a good excuse to interact with and arrest blacks. If left to their own devices without police presence or without being locked up early once they demonstrate low impulse control and a willingness to break the law, then these blacks would commit far more violent crimes. Violent crime has gone down in the past decades BECAUSE of the war one drugs and black incarceration. Blacks are far more likely to be violent between 15 and 40. Lock them up for most of that period, using drugs as an excuse, and violent crime goes down.
This is a net positive on society, and I don't care if it means you can't get intoxicated as freely as you'd like.
If it were legal more kids would get into it, in the end creating a stoner generation / society.
As long as they aren't hurting anyone I think it's fine. Might as well as long as cigarettes are legal.
There is literally no reason. Anyone who bashes weed smokers but will drink alcohol and not bat an eye are hypocritical shitbags, no if's and's or butts.
Another reason would be they are too stupid/underage to find someone to buy off themselves so they try to find the higher ground by being against it.
in b4 dude weed lmao
It's for niggers. that's the only reason you need. Its better to have it illegal so as few people as possible will use it.
seriously if you smoke pot you are no better than a nigger.
people are going to smoke weed one way or another.
Why not put a dent in the black market, and legalize it? At least people won't be buying it off the streets.
Generally people who end up like that would have anyway, regardless of smoking or not. Believe it or not, but not every stoner is a loser.
Even so that isn't a valid point for keeping it illegal, those people are still gonna smoke it anyway, so it's not exactly right to punish responsible users.
It should stay legal for the same reasons alcohol and cigarettes should be made illegal.
there is no valid reason to keep it illegal
Are there no harms to society worth preventing, other than those harms that have a direct traceable impact on another individual?
Drugs, bigamy, divorce, flagrant homosexuality - these are all harms to society. You would do nothing to curb them? Is freedom of hedonism more important than a functioning productive society?
Are you like 15? Wait until you reach adulthood and see how many people are functioning alcoholics and smoke weed after they clock out.
Not trying to be a dick
But how could the war on drugs cause violent crime go down when the war on drugs is exactly what makes gangs wealthy?
I don't know if you know this, but legal, regulated weed would be much harder to get for kids than it is now. Literally a middle schooler could ask around school for 5 minutes and find a dealer, it would actually be harder when it's legal.
Think of the situation we had when there were probations on alcohol. It will become legal one day, but we currently don't have the laws to enforce anything but arrests.
Other than that, it's seen as degeneracy because your hippies, niggers, and children do nothing but smoke it all day. You'll be seen as a nigger or a child if you smoke weed.
Pot ruined my life tbqh desu. Totally my fault for sure, but I don't want other people to suffer my fate...
I should've said violent crime against white people. Gangs kill gangs.
I just believe in small government, just enough to maintain borders and basic human rights. Anything beyond that is the choice of the people doing whatever it is they do.
>Generally people who end up like that would have anyway
nah, you are much more likely to finish school if you're not a pothead
>people are still gonna smoke it anyway
so lets legalize it and make it culturally acceptable for everyone to smoke
Drugs are pretty much legal where I live (technically illegal but nobody cares), bunch of kids get into weed, heroin, cocaine at a very young age.
Ahhh okay, makes sense
I'm 23 and a well-seasoned drinker. I lose all respect for people when they tell me they smoke pot. I bet you listen to rap that talks about "fuckin da white wimmenz" too you pothead cuck. they go hand in hand.
If the right to get intoxicated is an important political position worth any thought or time to you, you should seriously reevaluate your life.
I listen to rap and drink, they go hand in hand
I don't know the situation in NZ, but here it's already culturally acceptable to smoke. The only people who don't think so are the older conservatives, even new conservatives like Steven Crowder think it's fine.
youre one of the worst kinds of faggot
If it becomes legal, it will justify all the false claims of weed being "totally safe, man!"
Weed is not safe. You can't die from overdose, but you CAN die from accidents, for example. You CAN get addicted. It DOES damage certain parts of your brain if you smoke it before a certain age.
If we legalize weed, believe me, every pretween faggot will think it's okay to smoke a joint or two before getting behind the wheel of their dad's Jaguar. There WILL be more deaths due to road accidents. There WILL be a further dumbing down of our college education system, which is dumbed down enough already.
Stop spreading stupid memes about degenerate nigger drugs which objectively do damage our society.
you're a faggot
So you like intoxicants, but don't respect people for liking other intoxicants.
To denounce its use.
Absurd amount of real medical benefits, but can't understand their value because nobody will give funding for research of businesses that have large amounts of a drug unless you expect to be visited by the Feds in helicopters at some point.
Because it's listed has a Class II substance meaning dangerous AND addictive when it's neither.
Because doing so will significantly marginalize cartel profits in Latin America and stop terrible violence in their streets.
america is infested with jews, we're not that significant in the grand scheme of things so obviously your culture is going to be more degenerate
people will surely do it more if its legal. Either way the jews win. if its illegal there is more drug crime they can make money off. and if its legal they can sell it legally and degenerate the public even further.
With legal weed, comes information and education. Just like they address alcohol in highschool, they will weed, by the time they're old enough, kids will know driving under the influence of ANYTHING is stupid.
>I don't know if you know this, but legal, regulated weed would be much harder to get for kids than it is now.
As someone who actually went to high school getting smokes and alcohol was a walk in the park, even if they are legal and regulated.
It happened with alcohol
Prohibitionists were right all along
>call yourself a "well-seasoned drinker"
>hates on weed smokers.
You seriously can't be unaware that you are a hypocrite.
Class II? It's schedule I dingus
>implying many blue collar workers don't enjoy smoking weed
I'm sick of these faggots pretending like they know how the world works. Saying all people who smoke pot are degenerate Marxist bums or anything like that is just like saying every white person is a childless cuck that pays for his wife's dates with Tyrone
Wait til youre an adult and discover that noones getting fired for having a beer after work.
But weed was probably easier, for legal stuff, you'd need someone 18, or a liquor store with guys who are cool, with weed you just look around a highschool campus. No matter what, if a kid wants drugs, they're gonna get them.
it is a vice like many others, makes otherwise happy lives in the long run unhappy, promotes weakness of the mind, on the plus side, gives quality of life to those that are broken beyond repair, but you could just shoot them.
For reference, even though anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit.
I'm a nearly daily smoker, like 4-6 times a week, since I was 17, and I'm 22 now. I'm an electric lineman with the LADWP, I make around 115k a year, and that's before all the medical benefits. I managed somehow to graduate highschool and stick through trade school.
It's definitely possible to be a "stoner" and be successful, just depends on your personality.
The same person that sold weed usually also sold the smokes, cheap native tobacco and rolling paper and if you put an order for it whatever alcohol mike strike your fancy. Saying it's harder is a fucking joke a dealer is a dealer.
I assume niggers get arrested for it a lot, which keeps thev off the street.
Checkmate weed fags
and they end up as the bottom/near bottom tier of your society, or do they not (unless 1% i guess)
Well if you're smart about it you should be alright, drug testing isn't as common as it used to be.
I work stock/general labor, and recently my boss got fired for telling one of the higher ups "his hand hurt", except he said it was fractured (even though he told us he just wanted to go home a couple hours early, the lazy fuck). So his boss told him that he had to go to the companies doctor, and they drug tested him and he got the boot. Stupid fucking idiot, he was a shitty boss too, I'm glad he got fired.
Yes they do, but I would rather not go out on the streets and see kid druggies begging for money or cleaning shoes in their shitstained clothes.
All drugs should be legal, because freedom and shit.
Seriously... it saves money and gets rid of those who want out anyway...
Learn to Libertarian, you fucking moron
I'm arguing for it's legalization you fucking leaf
holy shit, didn't know I triggered so many rap-listening junkie cuck wiggers.
kill yourselves
Your country is also a shithole with nothing better to other than drugs
>Your country is also a shithole with nothing better to other than drugs
Funny how it applies to your country just as much.
Cool flag though. Not rare, but cool
Pot smokers are fuckin' annoying.
Also it's a teratogen that can cause birth defects
Why? Just because someone is selling legally doesn't mean the illegal seller is going to go out of business
Yes, but there's a much smaller market for it illegally, of course it will still be there, but it will be smaller.
Good thing there already isnt something like that around.
Maybe some sort of liquid that was once illegal too but isnt now
Maybe starts with A and ends with L
Because that way we can figure out who is law abiding citizen and who is not and lock those up. To make this even harder we should make other random things illegal too, like beer, glasses, curly hair, long pants, teaching physics, hugging in public and wearing red. This is an easy way to separate the enemies of the state and lock them up forever.
It's only not rare because I shitpost so much, there are like 3 or 4 other EC fags on this board.
hm, themoreyouknow.jpg
No, since dealer usually still have it for cheaper than legal after all the taxes and bullshit.
>huh who cares mon we should legalize n shiet 420 xddd
>Completely ignoring social problems that it might cause
Yes,goy,give the people more ways to keep themselves intoxicated,far away,unaware,weak.
Prohibition is un-American
Literally a non-argument brazil, your fucking slippery slope is showing. Have you been studying the subtle but slow social decline and have proof of it from one of the legal states?
What about the people currently smoking it while it's still illegal? Do you realize how dumb you sound?
the point is that they are "technically illegal", if they weren't, only official shops sold them to adults and there wouldn't be any dealers selling them only to kids
>He fell for the slippery slope is a lie meme
A lot of kids get their hands onto cigs, I don't think they wouldn't be able to get their hands onto weed, cocaine or heroin if it were legal.
That's a lie, high school student would still buy and adult would still buy if it's cheaper from the dealer than from the stores, that's what happened with smoke here people buy native ones since there's no tax on them and is usually sold at below the normal market value.
It fucks up your health, there is enough research done to prove it, other than that, none what so ever.
And yes I am aware of the fact we allow lots of crap which damages health. I'm not saying it should be illegal either.
I say make it legal. This way the government taxes it, and enforces standards of quality, so you get chemically treated plants that contain almost no THC, and end up getting cancer from smoking the chemicals that you get instead. Works for me. Degenerates get cancer, pot dealers get a boot to their ass, literally nothing happens to me because I don't fucking waste my time and money on that dumb shit.
Severely damages short term memory which damages long term memory in the long run. Smoking weed making you stupid isn't a meme any more.
t. Colorado
P.S. Fuck off we're full
we also do this in usa where there are native reservations
it is way cheaper like half price without the taxes
yeah if you happen to know someone buying for you. But this is much less likely because not all kids know adults like these and even then the person is probably your friend and buys you once in a while, not all the time.
It is also less likely because even if there are high taxes on alcohol, teenagers usually don't go and find illegal alcohol to save a little bit money. Like there are not many dealers of illegal alcohol, there won't be many weed dealers if weed is legalized. Nobody wants to risk with jail if they don't really need to. Selling kids who talk easily is a huge risk.
Because producing narcotics is not that expensive, there wouldn't also be a huge price difference.
Kids is the countries where weed is legal or decriminalized consume it lot less, there are also less Hollywood movie style potheads who identify themselves trhough consuming weed
a "friendly" adult would provide just like they do beer
people don't realize that cannabis was in a ton of medication in the 1800's and early 1900's and cannabis was a relatively good ingredient in medication, and people forget that no one was lazy or violent ect. before the prohibition of cannabis, that's all just propaganda. also the only reason prohibition was put in place was because of racism (inb4 nigger/spic lover) because they said black jazz musicians and migrant farm workers became violent and raped white women, weed,marijuana, cannabis whatever you want to call it doesn't put you in danger of any serious health issues. and people who say "well its degenerate" alcohol could also be degenerate too by your definition of degenerate, which leads me to believe that people who say that are just a bunch of loser neck beards who never had fun in their high school years or have just never tried it.
people like this guy is exactly why it needs to be illegal
>people like this guy is exactly why it needs to be illegal
Yes, I think having weed and harder drugs heavily controlled will just protect society as a whole. In my opinion alcohol should be illegal as well, imagine a world without drunks.
>It is also less likely because even if there are high taxes on alcohol, teenagers usually don't go and find illegal alcohol to save a little bit money.
They pay an adult to get it for them because bootleg alcohol is an entirely different beast to native cigarettes. If you could get illegal vodka for half the price of the cheapest brand on the market with no taxes to booth people wouldn't look back. Producing tobacco isn't expensive and look at the price of smokes or even tobacco itself. Saying the same wouldn't happen for Marijuana is wishful thinking.
So does free speech need to be illegal because millions of retards have no business exercising it?
>imagine a world without drunks
>making it illegal means people won't do it
I'll go with "What was prohibition, alex"
Yes but it limits the usage, much fewer people would drink if it were illegal, just how much fewer would smoke cigs. Of course some would still do it.
It doesn't limit usage at all. Usage levels stay the same, and organized crime goes through the roof. We settled that argument 80 years ago.
Something only someone from an authoritarian controlled shit hole would think.
From druglibrary org/prohibitionresults1.htm
>"Alcohol consumption rose to record levels during alcohol prohibition.
National alcohol prohibition began in 1920. Apparent alcohol use fell from 1914 to 1922. It rose thereafter. By 1925, arrests for public drunkenness and similar alcohol-related offenses were already above the pre-prohibition records. Consumption by women and children increased dramatically. "
Because weed is a pleb drug and keeps people from doing hard drugs that are, unlike legal weed in this scenario, illegal for the thrill.
people unironically think the amount of people that smoke it would skyrocket
obvious bait but I'll take it anyway
>proven medicinal uses
>taxable source of state income
>will drastically lower the power of cartels in Mexico due to the current war on drugs
>kids will stop thinking it's edgy and rebellious to smoke weed, leading to a generation with less pothead dipshits
>no more dude weed lmao references in every film because the fight to legalize it is over
Mostly bait to see how stupid people who want to keep it illegal are.
This offends me as a vegan transgender atheist German engineer who vapes organic decaffeinated compressed soy breast milk on the regular and a person who does Indian naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian Apache helicopter dog who serves only to one master: my chihuahua which I helped cross the border of Mexico because I hate Donald Trump. My dog also walks me, if you find that weird you're an arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.
it depends on laws, if you get jail time, they probably won't sell much. Cigarettes are probably treated as harmless products but illegal vodka for instance is much more harmful. There are more severe punisments for that. Nobody who knows the certain crowd is going to get it. From 4 countries where I have lived I only have heard about illegal alcohol in my native country and even then couldn't get a dealer because they are Russians selling to the homeless or poor.
Secondly, you don't need invest a lot to produce legal weed but you need to do it for legal alcohol or cigarettes (because you need to grow lots of tobacco and vodca/beer is more complicated). There won't be a huge price difference as weed isn't popular among the poor/homeless which would be their main market. Nobody would produce these illegally if the only market is underage children. There is too much risk for that.
Quick answer: when you legalize something, you normalize it. No good to promote degeneracy.
Weed is for niggers , Curtis put that away right now
If you want to be a degenerate, be my guest. My problem is going around and pretending it's good for you.