The younger more tech savvy ones were all Bernouts. They aren't supporting her.
David Roberts
Hillary's support is staged.
Sebastian Brown
the brexit side was far more tech savvy even though they were supposed to be old white men
Dominic Morales
Tyler Watson
The silent majority is feeling the hill
Bernie also attracted large crowds but look where he is now. That old Bolshevik Jew fucked the Hill and felt the burn. Lesson learned: STRONG GIRLS BEAT OLD WHITE MEN ALL THE TIME
Samuel Reed
>The silent majority is feeling the hill wrong, the silent majority is for trump simply because it is social ostracism to support him
Xavier Cook
Hillary is the new Jeb. The "inevitable" establishment candidate that doesn't actually have a chance of beating Trump because nobody actually likes her.
James Bailey
>Is Trump using bots or something?
Hudson Russell
I got like real 500 followers just for being pro-Trump on twitter, senpai. It's not bots.
Jonathan Martinez
People vote for Hillary for 3 reasons: she has a vagina, she follows Obama's policies and she isn't Trump. No one gives a shit about her as a person, she completely changes her beliefs every few months anyway.
Adam Ortiz
Luis Torres
You know Trump was often getting more votes in the primaries than Bernie and Hillary combined, right?
Liam Morgan
test post
Jeremiah Reyes
Also, Trump's "I love hispanics" post got like 500k likes on facebook.
half a fucking million.
Jose Cooper
Trump has nerds like us from here and Reddit and he has old conservative people who do nothing but watch FOX, listen to Rush, and refresh the Drudge Report 24/7
Most normal young people are dems but are not passionate about politics and would rather tweet about parties or food then a bunch of political stuff
Hillary's social media base is (((wonks))), middle aged cat ladies, and SJWs
Jaxson Lee
It's because Trump writes his own tweets. Therefore a lot of commie shitposters camp out in his tweets, trolling for easy RTs and likes from other commie shitposters.
Levi Hernandez
Trump also has what used to be the Blue Collar Democrat base, he and Bernie have completely gutted the Democratic Party.
Jackson Torres
Voter turnout is probably the best indicator of who will win
Kayden Green
Xavier King
Oh boy.
Colton Sanders
Trump has 1 bot. Neil Turner. Probably not payed for by Trump or the RNC.
Most replies to Trump and Hillary have been bots. Here are some buzzwords bots use: >Queen/King >drag him >racist >delete your account
Tyler Taylor
Her tweets aren't very inspiring desu. I will get rid of Citizens United! After I'm president. So that everyone running for president is on a more equal playing field. After I already won.
Adam King
Elijah Adams
Gavin Turner
>tfw primary turnout in NY went up fucking 350%
Bentley Hall
>Hill wins OH, IL. FL & NC >OH down by 49%, NC 30%, IL & FL by 2/3%
Anthony Garcia
when you consider that most bernouts will either stay home or vote independent, the numbers are even more stacked in trump's favor.
our boy has had this in the bag for a long while now imo
Austin Brown
Hillary shills do not exist! keku
Michael Peterson
Actual democrats have a better candidate on the republican ticket, trump. Not all of those fucks are progressives
Dylan Roberts
I'm talking strictly about who's actively supporting him on social media
Landon Scott
I instantly noticed how the first day of the DNC convention there were zero American flags then people started to complain and day after day they put up more and more flags.
Xavier Martinez
>democrats voting for trump in significant numbers
I love this meme
Sebastian Ward
With the way primaries turned out, dems need all the help they can get
Juan Flores
>Is Trump using bots or something? No he's just provocative and good at baiting to get more attention. It's actually pretty simple. Clinton can't roll the same gig, lest she lose all of her credibility.
Hunter Rivera
Bernouts are a loud minority whether they admit to it or not.
Most of his supporters are internet millennials yet Bernie only have around 3 million twitter followers.
Jonathan Clark
>Is Trump using bots or something? People are hiding their power levels. Trump is going to win in a land slide as long as the election isn't rigged. It's become social suicide to openly support Trump
There are a lot more closet Trump supporters than you think.
Jose Cook
This. It's well known among my friends and family that I'm conservative, but I haven't openly supported Trump because frankly I like my job and I don't want to be lynched by progressive and tolerant® liberals.
Caleb Rivera
>Trump is going to win in a land slide as long as the election isn't rigged.
To bad it will be rigged. Shillary already stole the nomination, she's going to do everything in her power to steal the election.
Zachary Morgan
This makes me so fucking happy. I've never felt so excited about an election in my life. I truly believe this is the make-or-break do-or-die moment. If killary wins, America will never recover.
Caleb Martin
>cheap american flags with flimsy plastic bases
Nolan Kelly
Dindu dindu nuffin.
Wyatt Rivera
The whole patriotism act and "how great America already is" at the DNC felt really forced and fake too.
Joseph Flores
america will turn into europe if crooked clinton wins. DNC felt like fucking eurovision songfestival. crooked clinton can't wait to scissorfuck merkel. what a sad sight.
Ayden Thomas
I'm a registered Democrat and I voted for Trump desu.
Isaac Anderson
This relieves some of my fears about Shillary becoming president
Jaxson Lopez
Agree with this. Turnout was massive for Brexit, too
Christian Allen
Nigga how high are you
Jordan Jones
>democracy >only two parties >dynasty politics >same old same old >listening to bullshit speeches >wasting energy like cucks >not realizing election outcome is predetermined >thinking your vote makes any difference
This applies to all parts of the world with "democracy". A good dictator that can whip the country into shape is better than a 1000 retarded politicians.
Whites are no different than niggers at this point.
Owen Sanders
we are racist, bigoted, xenophobic, with awful police that are horribly racist against black people and we are the verge of nuclear war with multiple countries while in still in recession
>yet america is already great
Aaron Sanchez
people just gotta know what trump is memeing at all times of the day
i don't even have an account but i check out his page daily
Carter Martin
People who allow their emotions to get in the way of pragmatism hinder progress for everyone else.
The fact is that elections are an elaborate ruse as the outcome is predetermined by the people who write checks to these beggers. There are standard speeches and subjects that are addressed in each election to temporarily pacify the people while politicians gracefully undo their pants and proceed to dry anal the public once they are elected.
If US was truly a democracy, Ron Paul would have won years ago.
Mason Taylor
>if the US was a democracy someone no one would vote for would be president
Makes perfect sense
Kevin Reed
He was more popular than Bernie Sanders but his name would not even show in polls and media actively blocked his message. There are several videos on Jewtube about this.
Hunter Taylor
memes and baby boomers
Carter Moore
>The logo on the stage
Nathaniel Johnson
Why are all her posts in quotes, even when they come from "Hillary?"
I think Trump comes across as more genuine in this way.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Not just that, but Trump sounds so riled up. High energy. Hillary is boring and uninspired. Real low energy.
Nathaniel King
Stars in a circle? reminds me of the EU flag.
Carson Williams
If you look up those accounts though, you'll see it's just a coincidence. Those are spambots who try to sell shit/link to sites but throw in some random junk from news articles to avoid the spam filter. I'm not saying Hillary doesn't have shills/bots, but I don't think those are hers.
Adam Thompson
she has dissociative identity disorder and she's on the spectrum. basically she's living life in 3rd person. it's really dangerous because when she makes a mistake, she doesn't feel responsible for her own actions because ''hillary'' did it, not her. #lockherup #hillaryformentalinstitution
Andrew Ross
Hillary's campaign has been such a fucking hilarious shitshow, i wonder how much cash they've spent on it
Charles Wright
millions and millions of dollars
Levi White
They plan on spending up to 2 billion just on the campaign. Two BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS .