So are trumpfags ok with the fact that trump is pro LGBTQ?

So are trumpfags ok with the fact that trump is pro LGBTQ?

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hmm lets see, should I vote for the candidate that supports LGBTQ, mass muslim immigration, illegal mexican immigration, and gun control..... or the candidate that supports LGBTQ and is against mass muslim immigration, illegal mexican immigration, and gun control.
You ALMOST corrected the record Mr. Debts, but you weren't quite there

stop adding letters. Also
>le every Trump supporter is anti-LGBT
Hillary wants to bring more homophobes in America, how does that benefit gays?

Yes, because I'm not a dirty mudslime.

And Pence is anti-gay

>$0.05 deposited in your account

Sure. I'm LGBTQ myself.

Hate gays but Muslims suck more.

Honestly, I never got this hatred over gays. I hate the flamboyant faggots that shove their disgusting ideologies on everyone's faces. If some dude wants to get fucked in the ass by some guy then let him. if he wants to be a degenerate piece of shit and get Aids then we could just make him pay for the fucking treatment. Same goes for normal people. Just because they have some sort of retardation it doesn't mean we need to kill them.

yep, me too.

This is one of the things I like about him.

I'm jumping on the trump train now. THANKS OP

I'm bi and have a boyfriend right now... of course I don't care.

Trumptards will defend anything Trump does.


He could announce he's dropping out of the race and endorsing Hillary and they'd all cheer.

You are talking about a level of retardation and cult like devotion on an immeasurable scale.



He's doing it for political reasons

it helps them recruit more

Did Dahnald finally gave you the delegates?

>stop adding letters

Did you even watch the video idiot?
Trump said LGBTQ.

Clinton is a criminal.
The thing is I've noticed that Sup Forums keeps changing opinions whenever Trump changes his opinion.
A few months back whoever mentioned minimum wage was labeled a commie here.
After trump said that he's in favor of minimum wage, Sup Forums also started liking the idea.
Now the same thing happens with LGBTQ.
Sup Forums has been shitting on the fags since forever, and now that Trump expressed his support everyone seems to be ok with it.
You guys lack consistency.

I don't care what other people do in their bedrooms as long as it is between consenting adults.
I have an issue with this though:

Clinton supporters are even more deluded though.

I was surprised Trump actually used the "Q".


I think Trump doesn't really care about who loves each other. He is also supporting this because of the independents that have no problem with it either or even support it. I have read how most people in America are in favor or tolerant of Gay marriage for example so I don't think you can win an election opposing gays.

Yeah I really couldn't care less, being lgb is covered under the first amendment.

this makes discord in the left, he earns with the trolling, and if he shaves off voters that is nice too

>working with Israel

>Clinton supporters are even more deluded though.

Not even fucking close.

Clinton supporters know exactly what they want and are voting for it.

Trumptards drool about muh wall while Trump tells them he's going to give 15 million illegals the right to vote, then cheer whatever latest retardation spews out of his cock holster.

Trumpfags and clueless and gullible cucks.

They all couldn't wait to bend over and grab their ankles, because wall. Nevermind that he has backtracked on the wall and the muslim ban comments. Nevermind that all his serious policy proposals are very cucked libtard positions. Raise the minimum wage, pro-Israel, pro-LGBTQ

Trump's adult children are all married to Power Jews, converted to Judaism.

Ivanka married Jared Kushner, who is an AIPAC Orthodox Power Jew.

Eric Trump married to Jewish TV producer Lara Yunaska, had a very Jewish wedding under the Chuppah.

Donald Trump Jr. married to Vanessa Haydon, daughter of Bonnie and Charles Haydon. Jewish.

His youngest daughter Tiffany has been dating a Power Jew for a while, Ross Mechanic (Jonathan Mechanic's son).

Goes to Shabbat with his daughter and son-in-law, grand kids are being raised in Orthodox Judaism.

The Trump family will be the most Jewish family in the White House.

Let fags be fags. We got much bigger issues to fix.

About half of Sup Forums is gay anyways, so it's not that heretical a concept to take in. Some people here just still like gay bashing.

Pro-LGBTQ as so much pro-AMERICAN? Yes.

Identity politics have divided this nation.

Finding a happy medium is nowhere near backtracking, everything needs balance.

Thank you for Correcting the Record.

trump being cosmopolitan and not required to conform to social conservatism is probably the biggest threat to democrats he offers.

Yup. I lean conservative on most issues except social issues. I don't give a fuck what two consenting adults do in their own privacy, and neither should anyone else. Hopefully Trump will try to tune down how much it's being shoved down peoples throats, cause I don't think that will do anything but breed more contempt.

The truth hurts, for most people. Fortunately, Trumptards are immune to reality, like any other liberal meathead.

>I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.

>Clinton supporters know exactly what they want

That essentially means that Clinton supporters want to elect the biggest supporter of crony capitalism in the history of the US.

Clinton. One of the most corrupt politicians in the history of US history.

Clinton. A person who as we ALL know lied under oath (despite the fact that no one is willing to prosecute her for that, WE at least know for a fact that she is guilty of that crime).

Clinton. A person who was either too stupid and irresponsible to follow proper security protocols as a Secretary of State, or she did it on purpose to cover her ass because of something shady she was doing.

Sure. Trump is a fucking clown, and says 10 stupid shit for ever 10 words that come out of his mouth.
But he's not worse than Clinton.

btw I'm not pro-trump
but I'm anti-clinton as fuck

Trumptards KNOW he's bargaining. He talks about it all the time, ask for more to get what you were looking for.

>Large issues plague this nation
>Let's worry about what people do in private

Explain yourself

Whether Clinton gives 15 million illegals the right to vote or Trump does, the end game is exactly the same.

So when he was calling for more gun control following the Orlando shooting, what exactly was he bargaining for?

not really, no

Fine by me, as long as he takes transgender people out of all military service and disallows biological women to be in combat.

His VP pick wants to put the fags in gas chambers, the pro lgbt shit is just pandering. He doesn't care about them either way.

but clinton is worse

Anyone making this argument should be permanently barred from voting.

You had seventeen candidates to choose from and you picked the one that has no better reason to support him than "clinton is worse."

You people honestly should be gassed.

Trump isn't talking about giving fags any special privileges, he's just saying he'd do a better job than Hillary of keeping them safe from mudslimes, which is true.

You'd be surprised how many people think there are only two candidates.

You'd also be not-so-surprised at how many females will vote for Hillary because "Well, she's a woman"

considering the that is the fundamental effect of third party candidates, against one of the two choices

Yep. Social conservatism is a losing battle that will only cause repubs to lose elections

>pay denbts
did your sister start blowing men for sandwiches yet/did you?

Clinton is not just worst than Trump.
Clinton is pretty much the worst considering ALL candidates from both sides.

That's what I think as well.
US elections are generally a shitshow but 2016 will go down in history as legendary in that regard.

Yes, that's one reason I support him. He lets social issues remain social.

Yup, not all of us are stupid christcucks here on Sup Forums

>he still believes in the sky fairy


You know only actual fags attack Christianity whenever fag rights are mentioned.

have fun in hell you blasphemous fuck

I hate the argument that "Trump only appeals to the poorly educated." Trump appeals to poor uneducated white people just as much as Hillary appeals to poor uneducated black people.

There's a large proportion of Hillary supporters supporting her only because of her name recognition and affiliation with Bill; who many blacks called "the first black president" in the 1990s.

Hillary supporters do know what they want, and what they really want is Bill; but they don't realize how different she really is.

have fun living your life in fear of what an invisible sky being might do to you

protip: once you die you're dead

>After trump said that he's in favor of minimum wage, Sup Forums also started liking the idea
Trump didn't say that and Sup Forums doesn't believe that.
Where are all the shills coming from suddenly?

Do trumptards lie because they think it works?

This past week, Donald Trump stunned Republicans who nominated him just the week before, when he told Bill O’Reilly that he supported raising the minimum wage to $10. Trump reiterated the stance in a press conference the next day. This goes not just conservative orthodoxy, but even against views held by moderate Republicans. - See more at:

His wife is a Tranny, like our P.M.

It's sad because you're supposed to be a Trump supporter, and you don't even know what Trump's stance is on such an important issue.

He probably gives more of a shit about LGBT rights than Shillary does
>Wants to get rid of Islamic Terrorism instead of just damage control on the issue, blame guns and further disarm citizens as criminals fuck shit up
>Supports second amendment. Are you homo or trans and don't want to end up as yet another one dead to a beating? Arm yourself, shoot to maim or kill if it goes to far, no one will fuck with you again
>Hillary didn't even support gay marriage until around 5 years ago when it started becoming a hot topic and she realized it got more voters

Hillary will be BTFO soon because of all this.

This is what's so frustrating about minority voters (LGBT, blacks, Hispanics, etc.). They vote for the party that panders to them the hardest instead of the one whose policies would actually benefit them more.

They're retarded, most of the hate for trump saying "I support LGBT" are faggots saying "Oh, he's republican, he's just saying that, he doesn't mean it, all republicans are homophobic and bigots", even though Hillary is the one that didn't even give a single fuck until she heard it would get her more votes.

And if anyone really thinks Hillary gives a single shit about LGBT rights, you just now that if another Orlando happens, Hillary would just say "Oh guns are the problem, not Islamic extremism" and disarm everyone while ISIS goes to ruin more shit and she just sucks Saudi Arabia's cock as we just have to bend over to Islamic extremists. But then again, most of these faggots are the type who are probably gay because they chose it, not because they seriously are, and are probably all "Fashion, fabulous, SCANDALOUS!" because "Some TV show portrayed gay people like this, I say I'm gay, so I'm going to act exactly like that and post shitty LOGO TV memes". I swear most of these faggots aren't even really gay and just pretending for attention or the fact that they think it will make them a better person.

The LGBT shit is just a distraction from the far more important issues of immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Trump is great on immigration and foreign policy and much better than Shillary on economics, so I couldn't give less of a shit if he's pro-gay

Yes. Every time I see a thread like this, people immediately start altering their own views and making exceptions / excuses for Trump.


wtf I hate trump now!!

gay trump supporter. yes.

Sup Forums likes Trump because he's good on immigration and isn't a neocon shill. Trump has never claimed to be a social conservative and no one supports him for his social views. If he started backpedaling on immigration, then you would see people seriously questioning their support for him

He wants to put 15 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship and voting.

Exactly how is that good on immigration?


Topics like gay marriage and abortion are nothing more than "faux-outrage" issues pushed by the media to distract people from the real issues they dont want you to talk about- such as immigration, race and the economy.

I couldnt give a fuck less about some guy sucking another dude's dick in the privacy of his own home... not when we have beaners trying to overthrow our country, niggers rampaging through our cities and Muslims blowing us up in terrorist attacks.

Seriously, fuck anybody alienating potential Trump voters over some stupid fear of gay people. Fucking Christcucks really are fucking cancer of the highest degree, its like theyre actually trying to purposefully sabotage this election at this point.

I guess I should say relatively good. What other candidate has seriously proposed banning immigration from Muslim countries and building a wall to keep out future illegals?

Any source on this. Also:
>Wants wall
>Doesn't want Muslims coming into the US

Relatively good?

It's essentially what Clinton is calling for at a slightly slower place.

You people are literally insane.

Spare us the bullshit. He walked back on the muslim ban in less than a day.

In his own words:
>I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.

His son clarifying things for him:
>The point isn’t just deporting them, it’s deporting them and letting them back in legally. He’s been so clear about that and I know the liberal media wants to misconstrue it, but it’s deporting them and letting them back legally.

Christ, his own vice president submitted a bill that would give them citizenship in six years. It takes a legal immigrant ten.

Trump supporters are human fucking trash.

>HURR lets let our countries be overrun by third world shitskin criminals and dangerous terrorists because a slim minority of men like cocks

This is literally you right now.

Again, source on this shit?

nobody cares about fags, he is pro LGBT in the same way that Hillhound is - to avoid stupid ass controversy

OK, Mr. Adolf Hitler 2.0- so when do you plan on running for President with the slogan "Gas the Kikes! Race War Now!"?

As of today, who's your preferred candidate?

Watching you low information retards ignore 90% of the shit your manchild candidate spews out of his cock holster is fucking horrifying.

So, what other candidate has seriously proposed a ban on Islamic immigration? That alone makes him much better than any candidate to run since Buchanan. Sorry he isn't explicitly running as a white nationalist.

>the only choices are genocide and amnesty

Trumptards in a nutshell.

Yea, I think I'm okay with this. But I hate the "t" is LGBT. I don't want to be associated with the mentally ill.

When your candidate backpedals within hours of "making that suggestion" it should have told you he was full of shit.

Pandering, but I don't care because they don't stfu.

I don't have a problem with LGBBQ people themselves, I have a problem with the faggots who have to announce they're gay, lesbian, or _____sexual and dress up as rainbow flamingos, and I have a problem when they try to force their fucked up ideologies into the public attention and corrupt impressionable young children. I have a problem with faggots adopting children too. Gays and Lesbians won't be able to spread their genes or disgusting ideals into newer generations and they will die off, unless they adopt a poor innocent child and turn him into a faggot.

Also transexualism/transgenderism is a mental disorder and these drag queens need counseling.

So who's your preferred candidate then with a stronger anti-immigrant stance than Trump and with as good of a chance as winning as Trump?

PROTIP: Nobody

Youre not going to change from a progressive. SJW, Obama shitfest to Nazi Germany 2.0 over night you fucking retard. Its going to take baby steps and lots of time to undo decades of indoctrination.

There are plenty of mentally ill people within the gay community alone. Ever hear of bug chasing?

Do you really think Hillary is going to be a good choice?
>Pathological liar
>Huge shill
>Rigged Election
>Practically got away with murder everyone knows she did
>Most likely to cause nuclear war with Russia
>Only selling point is "Muh vagina! First Woman president! How Progressive!"

Trump's republican party is the new party for gays and degenerates. The Democrat party is literally more conservative at this point.

Oh yes, the "fuck of death". I still don't understand what these faggots are thinking.

I think they will do what ever it takes to make america great again and to expose americas current corruption.

Yes. Because the alternative is Hillary.

>All critiscism and no solutions or alternatives

Typical robotic Hillary shill. Gtfo of here, retard. This bait is weak as fuck.

We gave Christcucks control of the Republican party for over 25 years now. You guys fucked it up beyond all repair, and now we have to clean up your mess. Sit the fuck down and take notes, Joseph Smith.

Yeah. Great fucking job flushing the republic down the toilet trumptards.

You should all hang for treason.

It's political posturing, once elected he'll ban them for good.

>b-b-but hillary

Literally the only argument you monkeys can come up with.

Maybe you should have picked a candidate that wasn't shit.

Explain in explicit detail how giving 15 million illegal mexicans the right to vote is better than the status quo.

>Voting Garry Johnson
Might as well not vote


Answer the fucking question you mouthbreathing, double digit IQ, barely-literate retard.