Redpill me on Yemen.
Redpill me on Yemen
It was two dictatorship shitholes for decades, then became one dictatorship shithole, now it's a factional shithole.
Proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, classic Shia vs Sunni sectarian violence. The problem is there's really no "good guys" except for the innocent moderate civilians. The Houthis are shit, the gov't is shit, the Saudis are shit.
It's a bummer because Yemen is actually kind of nice, and there's great food and good beaches. Yemeni people are super nice in my experience as well.
It's actually Imperial Germany upside down
they all look like they have abscesses but it's just because their cheeks are stuffed with qat
It's legal to fuck children there.
If you replace the Y in Yemen with an S it's SEMEN
Why are Houthi's shit?
The more dead shitskins, the better
I love their national bird.
islamic shithole
>innocent moderate civilians
no such thing
All the men are zoned out 24hrs a day because they constantly chew khat
We fucking forgot a Turkish division and military HQ personnel there during wwI, they couldn't return after the war and these guys integrated to Yemen's institution and further fuck the country, that's all I know about them.
>Turkey ruins another country
>Turkey ruins another country
That's something we do as better as Americans.
Iran allies
>Believing in Sup Forumstard memes.
Not as great as Ramen.
You just know they ascertained 9 years old as a suitable age for giving consent from looking at when Mohammed fucked Aisha. Well, at least they're honest unlike the rest of the Islamic world pretending to have an age of consent of 18 or whatever when they molest prepubescent children all fucking day.
In the 60's-70's-80's It was divided into Northern Yemen and Southern Yemen. Southern Yemen was Marxist.
Yes that's right there used to be Arab Marxists.
In the 90's they united, but Southern Yemenis got screwed so they had a civil war and they lost.
Northern Yemen is geographically smaller but has more people.
Southern Yemenis are butthurt at the North, Southern Yemen is also overrun with Al-Qaeda.
Houthis live in the North and the country is super poor.
In the 50's there was also another civil war Egypt sent troops to help the republicans against the Northern theocratic monarchist.
The monarchist were supported by the west/Saudi Arabia and Israel. The monarchist won the war, that war is known as Egypt's Vietnam.
give me an example of such thing faggot
protip: you can't