Sup Forums taught me that the Jews secretly plotted the refugee crisis to weaken Europe.
And what has Sup Forums taught you?
Sup Forums taught me that the Jews secretly plotted the refugee crisis to weaken Europe.
And what has Sup Forums taught you?
Other urls found in this thread:
The holocaust never happened.
The Third Reich is best Reich.
That I'm not white
there's like 3 different companies in this photo lol
That I'm not white
that everything in that chart is for normie shits that need to get their shit straight
North korea is Best Korea
That I'm not white
Good, you're learning.
That i'm white and therefore i'm fucked, along with my country.
wheres the rest of the image faggot?
The holohoax and the true depth and power level of evil kikemaster Soros.
I'm pretty sure there were kids on the internet before 2010.
These Jacob Sartorius fangirl cunts who were born in 2006 aren't the first generation to be raised online.
Sup Forums taught me that nowhere is safe.
That I'm not white but a bereber living in basque country
Where's the Sup Forums version of this?
That i am a subhuman
These terrible adults. These poor children
That no one is white
Big words coming from you, bror
Sup Forums taught me nothing new, I already knew about this shit. It only taught me that I am not alone
Better pic
No you're not. If you take pride in your country and you are right-wing you're far from subhuman.
Hell, there's a difference between black people and niggers. Black people are intelligent folk who've created masterpieces such as jazz, niggers are welfare leeches who listen to rap music. The difference is night and day.
/jp/ taught me to enjoy simple things.
Sup Forums taught me simple unrelated things can amount to a bigger picture
Sup Forums taught me its the Jews creating said picture.
Sup Forums taught to love my fellow countrymen and improve my community.
No shit
The plan is to destroy Islam and move to a Luciferian religion in place of modern atheism and Abrahamic monotheism.
>Thought me
You had one job
>not attacking jews
>luciferian edgy hipster nu-religion
>thaught me
Fuck off reddit, communism is the most kosher ((("revolution"))) out there
>Race war when?
10 out of fucking 10.
>You had one job
wasn't mine.
Sup Forums taught me that niggers and Jews are bad news.
Actually, 11 out of 10
Reform Jews represent most of the "atheists" Pike was talking about.
> says Abrahamic religions will disappear
> supporting Jews
pick one
That South Africans are the whitest of the whites.
Have you even read Pike's stuff? This guy invented the KKK, not communism.
That the jews companies taught me all the above
Actually, 14 out of 88.
Reaffirmed my belief that black criminality is the true evil of America.
Sup Forums has taught me that KEK is the only true god
Sup Forums taught me The Donald is a pretty cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything.
How is Pike remotely communist?
>bad edits
>Soviet gun
Found the FBI agent.
Sup Forums taught me that hitler was a great man
You realize jazz is also degenerate right? You realize the National Socialists called jazz degenerate music right?
If you listen to or like jazz you are barely better than a rap listener.
Too only use Asians as cum bunnies.
I think that's the whole point of the image.
It's also why he's carrying an AK47 with that flag behind him.
That I shouldn't dilute my top tier Hitler's wet dream genes by marrying anything darker than myself even though I'm not particularly attracted to Aryan women.
>KKK inventor attacks Christianity
>he doesn't know about Rev 3:9
>wanting christainity gone
>not a kike puppet
Choose one
This only afirmed my belief that the KKK are just jewish puppets
Where is the proofs?
Three main things
1. That goyim truly are inferior to Jews in everyway and therefore need them to run the economy, media, and government
2. The Holocaust wasn't that bad unitl the last days of WW2. The only camps that existed with the intention of extermination were those established in territory gained via Operation Barbarossa. The camps in Germany were no differrent then the Japanese internment camps in the USA, they only became literal hell on earths duirng the end of the war where even the average German was begining to starve
3. Antisemitism is not an irrational hatred, but a response to Jewish power
That basically everything I knew before didn't happened they way they teached or told me throught school or media.
in every way?
i agree that their intelligence is enviable and should be strived for, but i dont think they should be put in charge of anyone, but themselves
>Untermensch Slav Gun instead of glorious piece of german tech
Not in every way. I was just trying to "troll"
Jewish power is taken via consent (as opposed via conquest like Islam). The Jews that are in charge are in charge because people want them. People want Jewish movies, Jewish loans, and Jewish leaders.
And yes, Jews have higher rates of mental illness.
in a weird way you are right
there is no way that they would be in charge if people where both aware of their ambition and wanted self rule.
im quite ashamed to admit that most of my fellow goyim seem to be reluctant to grasp these two things.
That pic has been making me rage for years.
Just meaningless details that won't change the fact that the world is running towards its end, humanity was hopeless from the very beginning, and that I will never amount to anything.
The only thing it has taught me is that killing myself would maintain the corrupt casket building industry, the organized crime arround cemetary managment and things like this, so I don't even know what to do.
Maybe just packing some stuff, walking until Irun out of provision and die in a field somewhere, letting my body return to dust and nature.
That ideas are bullet proof.
>he puts jazz on the level of rap because national socialists didn't like it.
Stop pretending to be redpilled.
Sup Forums taught me to make it mac tonight
Pike was a high-level Mason, which would be the source of some of his anti-Abrahamic sentiment. If you think a Jewish created religion worshiped by billions of slaves is the highest truth in the universe though, you're the kike puppet literally by definition.
Its hard to be a berenstein in a berenstain world
Not the Jews, no.
>TFW not white
Christianity is a kike puppet.
>And what has Sup Forums taught you?
That I'm not remotely white.
That I'm gypsy.
Identify soviet shitposters.
Putin propaganda.
Trump propaganda.
Meme magic.
Hate Hillary.
That the term Hispanic was created to group multiple demographics together and use them to farm votes
Sup Forums taught me that there is no hope for humanity at large. It's all just a downward spiral from here on out until a mass culling of the global population occurs and the world powers and jews start practicing eugenics and genetic manipulation.
Also meme magic, praise Kek. I'm seriously beginning to believe in it now.
That the west is just as full of shit as the east, but their jewerdry is not yet fully focused on us yet.