You Rage You Lose Thread Continued.
YRYL Thread Continued
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85 % of men have a small dick
> what's anatomy
Holy fucking shit. Every other image is actually funny, but this one always gets me triggered.
no, just 85% of frogs
>tfw above average
So is 7 good or meh?
That's actually true though.
Bone press is a meme. Why would you measure the part of a dick that's literally unusable.
Only fat fucks use bone press to avoid accepting that their gut is swallowing their dick.
I can speak from experience that this is a lie
girls find 8 inch/20cm painful, I'm 16,5 and I always made different girls cum really fast
sheep and goats will enjoy that size
>sample size of 100
but my peen is thicker than average
Thank you for your service.
Ask your commander to move my fucking medical packet through.
>Tfw average size
>Tfw 5'4
Midget tossing it is. I pity anyone with anything below average.
plz bump meme ops, two of our mains are gone this weekend and the slide is fuccin crazy
For all the penis talk, even a big buff dude with a huge dick will get shrugged off and laughed at by any whore. Men will never win when it comes to this shit, but we've been tricked into arguing about it for years.
I've never made it to the end:
Apologies if it was in the last thread.
That pic doesn't make me rage because I know that it's because men lie about their size. My Johnson is 6.3 inches but most girls think it's well over 7 inches. If you take men adding an inch to their size after their girlfriends ask them how big they are the chart makes sense.
Sometimes you can park a Smart Car in places where you can't park a truck...
Hey now. I wasn't talking about your mom.
I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9.64 inch cock making over $130,000 per year.
Feels good
Let's pretend pic related is 13 inches. Do you really think any chick gives a shit? Size matters, that much is obvious, but it's literally like fifth or sixth of the proverbial list.
Additionally, I've made the point elsewhere: it's just like tits on a chick. A nice pair of double-Ds goes a long way, but it doesn't mean shit if other things (face, rest of her body, teeth, whatever) are not in order.
>7inch benis
>mfw still virgin and the only woman I could get would know which size is impressive and which is not so I can't lie my way through it
>tfw BBC is just a meme
>tfw the only thing that could possibly go well for you was a lie
>tfw every girl expects 8" or more
>tfw 6.5" on a good day
I didn't ask to be born
Be 8 inches
Have 100 partners
Over 75% have had issues w me being too big. Only 4 enjoyed anal. These weren't virgins either. Lots of swingers and sex parties.
These tests are stupid penis size matters for what? Penetration. What about for a healthy and satisfying sex life. Do lesbians have the worst sex lives?
The point of these tests is to make click bait articles and body shame.
> tfw small
National Treasure 2 must have really sucked
I'm a full foot taller than you, and my dick is only 5". It may be easier for me to attract women, but keeping them is just as difficult. Keep your chin up; there are women out there who don't care about that sort of thing. Don't give up just because of rejection.
>7 inch penis
>decently thick
>still self conscious
Fucking kill me, it doesn't help I know my girlfriend's ex had a giant cock
If you had 100 partners and didn't realize that you're not supposed to go the whole way with an 8 incher, I'm going to have to call you a lying turbovirgin.
We need prostitution to be legalized and we need it now. Once these whore's vaginas are no longer worth more time and effort than the money it takes to fuck an escort can we begin the re-humble these human parasites.
>tfw my gut is swallowing my dick
I need to lose weight
>chef at wendy's
>130,000 grand a year
> keeps the wendy's fryer boy job
Double kek
Feels bad suffering from buried dick syndrome.
This + 90% of orgasming for a girl is from clit stimulation. I have an average sized dick length wise but its fairly thick. My gf can only handle it in a few positions so i use her vibrator om her agter i get off and she cums 100% of the time.
actually they do hire red seals to do the research of new menu items its a real job
>tfw average size penis but still able to hit my gf's cervix
I mean I think it's the cervix, it literally feels like my dick hits a brick wall when I go maximum deep
Are you black or just surrounded by deluded women? Both?
I assumed he would specified that he worked at their "labs" if thatbwas the case
This thread is full of men talking about their insecurities, but somehow manages to not give off a gay r9k vibe. Weird.
>I wasn't talking about your mom
Remember to report and sage this shit.
Did you ask your gf what was size her ex has?
I'm black, and whenever I flirt with non black girls they bring that shit up. I can see the hunger leave their eyes when I tell them. Should I just wait til they're trapped in my apartment senpai?
Lighten up, sweetheart. You might actually enjoy shit that way.
It's 'cause we're being mildly sincere here. This is an okay thread. Probably due to the lack of Swedes, if we're being honest.
>above average dick (7.5 inches and fairly thick)
>makes it look like monster cock relatively
feels good man
lanklets btfo
Already saw and everything is false
Remember to sage
Naw, I'll just wait for the mos to ban your underage asses.
Learn how to get her off reliably and repeatedly and it will no longer become an issue.
White girls who seek you out are only there because they're looking at you as a living BBC meme. So don't expect them to be anything other than whores anyway. My aunt married a black man, and while I've got no idea how big his dick is, I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of big dick memes that she fell in love with him. He's actually the only uncle I have that isn't a giant douchebag desu.
Propaganda. Women are only orgasmic when they're shopping.
These images show a vagina the size of a eggplant.
You can reach the fully erect posterior fornix with your fingers for fuck's sake.
T-this isn't real...
Isn't the real average around 5.5" at best?
If you pass the toilet roll test you're fine, I've slept with 20+ chicks and the only one to ever say anything other than complimentary was a black chick who almost gave me an STD
But you can hit the cervix with a average dong. Its all about positions.
Don't date/fuck white girls.
>World's average
>having to use a vibrator
All this penis size stuff is trolling, but needing to use a toy to get her off is bad news bears
Oh god, what's the toilet roll test?
Does the head have to stick at the end?
How far does it need to stick out?
Nobody ever talks about VAGINA SIZE.
Vaginas vary in looks and size just as much as penises. Odd this is rarely brought up on Sup Forums lol
I always have the feeling I have a small dick, but then I go and actually measure it (ruler on top of erect penis, only slightly bonepressed) and it always comes out in the 6.3"-7" range. This should be (above) average, yet it still feels small in my hands.
What gives?
This. It's easily under 6"
>small hands and feet
>5 ft 6
>7.8 inch dick, 5.5 girth
idk how
>He doesn't understand how statistics work
>just last night got a girl literally dripping wet with just the index finger of my right hand
Women are easy mates
She had to change her pants before we went to sleep. Too bad she was on her period n was adamantly against fucking. When she was sucking my dick I was reaching around over her ass and her thighs were splattered with pussy.
Honestly I don't get this sex is hard meme. Last 5 girls I've been with in past 2 years (since actually learning how to sex) have all been the same.
I have a bit over 6 inches.
>Doesn't account for all "lesser than x" and arbitrarily starts at 5
Oh yes, I lost.
TFW a girl will never throw up after gagging on your horse cock
Too much porn
Vaginas come in all sizes and humidities.
Don't how you'd actually measure it accurately tho, seeing how it fluxes like it does.
Maybe it's thinner? You can still do well with a short, thick penis or a long, thin one. Relatively speaking ofc. It just means you hit different spots.
Nobody ever claims that women's vaginas are too big.
Why is the burden 100% the male's?
>what are statistics
i'm by no means defending the content of the obvious baitpost, but sample sizes of 5 can be considered statistically significant if the appropriate tests and randomization were done.
I'm not really into white girls like that.
>Latina masterrace
I'm constantly called "white" and Oreo by anyone who knows me. I just wanna fuck without having this ridiculous bar to cross.
The entire continent of Africa didn't exist, it'd probably be like 4.5 desu. East asians really bring the average down
I do.
It messes them up to no extend.
Also repeatedly make comments about their "odor".
lost so hard. this is our future. democracy is failing.
>I can see the hunger leave their eyes
>muh dick memes have infected this user so bad he pretends to be a nigger and slyly tries to re-meme bbc
Lost thoroughly
The obvious solution is to just rape her in the relaxed state before the ovaries float up. She'll be cumming before she know what's up!
This. Women are shit when it comes to spatial awareness. You could hold up a ruler without the numbers and they'd tell you it was like 20 inches
Ok i just measured mine .
Just over 7 inches, is that good?
Where does women stand on peeing inside them?
I'm a 6'4" black child girl pre op who benches 500lbs and am a cook at pacsun who makes $400,000 dollars a year
Jesus fucking christ, a good chunk of women don't even have the capability for orgasm through vaginal intercourse. And if she likes you you really think she gives a shit if your dick is 13 or 17 cm? Get real and don't be so insecure
Sup Forums doesn't care about women's right's anyways
ty for ruining my day, i didn't feel doomed enough