I think, after nearly a decade lurking on Sup Forums, that I eventually understood that the true redpill is the blue pill.
I was just wanted to be happy. You taught me about the jews, the nigs, the muzz, the spics, the women, the sjws, the communists, the turks, the capitalists, the krauts, the chinks, the leafs,... You taught me everything. And I'm not happy.
Recently, I met this girl, Sup Forums. Completely blue pilled, loves everything and everyone. And I'm happy with it. I'm happy not to blame muslims when we are getting bombed. I just say with her : "We will get through it with peace, love and tolerance" and actually start to believe it.
Have I fallen for the vagina jew, or is the blue pill the true red pill which leads to happiness?
But what will you do if she dies or get raped because of muslims?
Colton Johnson
same shit happened to me till i realized bitch cheated on me after being 6 years together with her and supporting her.
Have fun, OP.
Zachary Nelson
>Have I fallen for the vaginal jew yes you have the typical symptoms
that's why i don't want a gf until we build a national socialist society
Gavin Martin
You've fallen for the vagina jew, lad. You can play along with their feminine love and tolerance bullshit to humor them and get pussy, but once you start actually believing that lunacy you're a gonner.
Cameron Stewart
Yes. She's a qt and a true Ayran like me. I love her.
Brody Cox
But I didn't let her views change mine, to clarify. if you really change your views just because of a bitch you haven't been really "red-pilled" or whatever you want to call it, anyway.
She didn't care about me being open about wanting all jews/homosexuals/retards gassed even though she was total blue pill love everything naive hipster
Eli Rodriguez
Thomas Morgan
like a sane person would, not resent an entirety of a religion or ethnicity for the actions of one psychopath. the rapist or murderer doesn't give a shit what skin color their victim is
Leo James
paki here.
Austin Murphy
I did not change my views on the world. But I started thinking that actually drop them could lead me to be happy.
So I was trapped. I don't talk to my racist brother because of her. Is there any cure?
Jonathan Gomez
>Getting this brainwashed. She must be blueballin' OP.
Logan Perez
Fight me.
Ethan Williams
Stay strong OP. the greatest redpill will come soon and we need as many men as can fight
David Gray
i have all of tower hamlets behind me
i remember in school. this white boi get the best looking white girl in the school so we bullied him until he had to move and they broke up.
then i shagged her lol
Easton Young
people who are red pilled are more likely to cause other people to become red pilled because red pilled people are shitty people who think others are just as shitty as they are. blue pilled people think everyone is as for equality and decency and tolerance as they are. they're wrong but it's nice to believe.
Brody Morris
You're barely a man OP.
If you just want to feel good then fuck off. There is blissful ignorance and there is the truth.
Most of the people here don't want to "Jurb bur hurppy" Because its not enough to be happy all the time at the expense of the truth.
John Mitchell
this board is a cesspool of misinformation and sensationalism. taking anything posted on here seriously has an endgame of becoming a dylan roof or eliot rodger retard. you will become depressed with yourself and be incredibly prone to violence against anybody with differing characteristics as menial as skin color. see the huge contrast between donald trump and the democrat party convention
Xavier Ward
>not slowly converting a normie wife into a redpilled shitlord If you fail you won't have any children or they'll grow up to be degenerate faggots and dykes. Get to work.
Grayson Butler
Dominic Stewart
>the rapist or murderer doesn't give a shit what skin color their victim is
Josiah Perry
Kek confirms it seems. I am fucking depressed atm, my job is lame, my health is shit, I don't have many friends. My life stinks as hell. She is the only thing that is not too bad in my life.
Cooper Morris
Ignorance is bliss.
Adam Rogers
ITT: OP finally lost his virginity and is in the "honeymoon phase".
Come back a couple months from now buddy.
John Garcia
You're not red-pilled, you're just a pathetic cuck who is in denial and hiding from the truth because you cant handle it, because you think you cant be happy without also knowing what is going on in the world.
> "We will get through it with peace, love and tolerance"
Im sure you'll say the same thing when you discover her in bed with Jamal
Leo Watson
I have zero diploma. I work, not even legally, on a construction site for 1000€ a month, where everyone but me is either poortuguese or arab.
Hudson Campbell
Jesus is the true redpill...it's loving everyone but knowing the truth about them.
John 8:44
Revelation 3:9
Wyatt Lopez
>things that didn't happen the post pakis are weak and beta, literally only here because we allow it.
Julian Mitchell
>Completely blue pilled, loves everything and everyone.
she will make a great kindergarten teacher
>And I'm happy with it. I'm happy not to blame muslims when we are getting bombed. I just say with her : "We will get through it with peace, love and tolerance" and actually start to believe it.
Put yourself back together, coward. Her gender role is to be optimistic, your gender role is to be cynical about how the world REALLY WORKS.
Jason Stewart
>when christfags post verses like anyone's actually gonna go look that shit up
Ryan Richardson
Grayson Fisher
The real red pill is nihilism, and from that, that you're free to believe and act however you want, and to assign value to anything you'd like. There is literally no difference prima facie between being an anarchist, communist or staunch conservative. Do you. No one gives a shit. Just be prepared to reap what you sow.
Cameron Morgan
You're a faggot OP. It is precisely when you have a girlfriend that you need to be super redpilled. You know shitskins and sandniggers will hit on her in the street. You know she'll be targeted by rapefugees. You know everything about women and degenaracy. Why would you want to swallow the blue pill now that you have someone to care about? Be a man for god's sake.
Ethan Edwards
>give the other cheek > Somehow redpilled.
Dude, I'm a trash that fell in love with a lefty, not an idiot.
Jason Parker
i did and its just some vaguely connected stuff about satan.
Robert Reyes
>But I started thinking that actually drop them could lead me to be happy
You'll be happy, sure. But is ignorance a good price to pay for happiness?
You'll also be happy if you start doing heroin constantly. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Jonathan Roberts
Dude if you're happy then just go with it. Leave this fucking wasteland of a board. Everyone else who is giving you shit is just jealous you found "that" girl.
God fucking speed user.
Camden Myers
Charles King
Redpill her bit by bit you moron, I turned a "current year" into a fascist.
Hunter Hernandez
>Kek confirms it seems. >I am fucking depressed atm, my job is lame, my health is shit, I don't have many friends. My life stinks as hell. She is the only thing that is not too bad in my life.
Do you at least get to put your peepee into her teepee?
Leo Lee
You have so much to learn, brother. I cant tell you what you are in store for, but I can give you some advice. Bitterness and poison are the same thing. And like poison, you dont know you are until its too late.
Like any psychic trance, you do not know you are in one until you are out if it.
May Kek guide you through the craggy narrows of the vaginal jew, and may he light your pathways with a smug twinkle in his eye. Praise unto Kek. Kek be praised.
Leo Jones
>You'll be happy, sure. But is ignorance a good price to pay for happiness?
What do you think? I don't know.
Julian Gutierrez
You are like Cipher in The Matrix
Sebastian Howard
You're high on Oxycontin, OP. Just dont loose yourself in the process and keep an awake eye, always. There are your core values that base themselves on your observation and logic. But, on the other side you have to present the world a blue pill face, it aint easy but its doable.
Joseph Jackson
Good for you.
Matthew Mitchell
>Recently, I met this girl, Sup Forums.
you'll probably marry her - she'll take all you have
Henry Roberts
>Revelation 3:9 I really liked this verse.
Lincoln Green
everything is fine user, everything is fine
Jacob Scott
>He fell for the happy meme.
Jace Cooper
Congratulation, you have just reached the limit of the rabbit hole. " edgy music plays in background ".
You guys don't take Sup Forums ideas seriously in real life, do you?
Ryan Smith
That would be hilarious. She woud get to her hippies friends and start the "GAS THE KIKE RACE WAR NAO" meme. Will try that.
She is a lefty, why do you think we call them "cuck"? Because these women don't have sexual limits. (until it becomes rape by magic.)
Brody Price
>loves everybody
Then you won't be surprised when you find her getting gangbanged by a flock of arabs. For tolerance, user. For tolerance.
Julian Baker
ignorance is strength
Hunter Cruz
War is peace.
Joshua James
Caleb Murphy
freedum is slay-wuh-ree
James Lewis
>he is a lefty, why do you think we call them "cuck"? Because these women don't have sexual limits. (until it becomes rape by magic.)
? Please elaborate desu.
Adam Scott
>being happy why the fuck would you want to be happy?
Jordan Robinson
of course not.
I just come here to vent and act like a idiot.
Someone said it a long time ago, Reddit is were actual neo-nazi's and fascist go and try to act normal, Sup Forums is were well adjusted people act like complete idiots.
Of course we atract some real idiots, but they are mostly edgy 16 year olds who are going trough a phase.
Trust me, I was a hardcore Nazi when I was 16. They will eventually grow up.
Austin Ross
Well brothers, thank you for the advices.
I have to go to bed, I work early tomorrow (4AM yeeeey)
We did everything I wanted to do. She will eventually cheat on me because I can provide her enough pleasure alone.
So the idea is I dump her? I'll do it, but explain me how to cope with the pain with the shittiness of my life.
Liam Gray
Europe is not the United States of cuckdom. Where a woman can get ail monney and restraining orders on you without any actual evidence.
Yes we can loose our children, and part of our savings, worst case she'll get the privilige of buying the house if off us for market value along with all that. But that's the end of it.
America is uniquely female-dominated. I never understood how bad it was untill the orthodox nationalist made a episode about it. But it really lost all my respect for American males.
You people are the bigger cucks, Chad literally gives up the house the moment Chadette moves in. Give me a break americuck.
Levi Williams
Here's the problem with the blue pill.
It doesn't do a damn bit of good for anybody else.
The red pill becomes more and more beneficial with the number of people waking up. But it wont get there without people doing that.
Also... Life can become really shitty for you because of the economy and world affairs... Without killing you necessarily.
And by then you'll wish you were dead.
William Wood
OP listen here.
If you are happy that is all that matters, nothing more.
Most idiots here are just jelly you have a nice girl that loves you.
Political views are irrelevent, my father is a anti-semite, while my mother is a hippie lefty person, and they are happy and in love for 20 years.
Jonathan Rogers
>but explain me how to cope with the pain with the shittiness of my life.
You've done it for your entire life and this girl is just another distraction on your path. You know how to cope, you're just tired of having to cope with your unhappiness.
Once redpilled you can't go back. You know this is another lie, pleasant as it is, and that it will eventually disperse into thin air. It's meaningless fun. Go ahead and fuck her in the ass like the lefty cunt she is but don't make the mistake of getting attached.
Jackson Parker
Its called growing up and getting a job. There are no red or blue pills, you simply trap yourself in a abrasive state of mind.
Liam Kelly
Hey OP,
When you realize what a shitshow are planet is after taking the red pill there is a period of hopelessness and fear. The upside is that you now see the world for what it is and you can make decisions that help you be the person you want to be and live the life you want with open eyes. Blue pills make people believe that the world is strictly a wonderful place and sets them up for a lifetime of abuse and manipulation. You can now see this coming and avoid it. Do not despair! Understand that the only thing any of us have control of is our own actions and with some deep introspection our own REactions.
Remember smiling and laughing =/= happiness.
While there's nothing wrong with these it's easy for them to become a mask to achieve fleeting acceptance while making your inner struggle more dire.
OP you are a human being capable of critical thought and self improvement. This puts you well ahead of the curve and I wish you the best.
Anthony Johnson
>I'll do it, but explain me how to cope with the pain with the shittiness of my life.
This is the issue man. I think it's good you get to bone her etc, but with these types of women, it is kind of like they make you pay for it.
My recommendation would be to get your fill of sex etc, and then try to leave the relationship gracefully and smoothly. You don't want her to get revenge on you for leaving the relationship, having got your sex etc, making off like a bandit. She will probably want to make you suffer, so it is so important to leave smoothly.
Also, as for being happy in the long term. You need to stop pursuing women like this and for those reasons. You need to think about being with a higher caliber woman. Watch this video for advice (excuse the tarot card bullshit, she is based and good mother material, a good guide) youtube.com/watch?v=oy3xXKqGNdg
Adam Morales
>changing everything that you are for pussy
Spineless faggot. No wonder the entire world makes fun of you pussies for surrendering to everyone. The memes are true.
Daniel Bailey
Did you read his post lol? She is a promiscuous leftist who he thinks will cheat on him in the future, how is that a good long term plan? Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a pretty sweet deal at the moment, but as the mother of his children?
Gabriel Roberts
Be "red-pilled" and vote what you want etc, but don't let it consume your life and block happiness.
Hudson Bennett
JIDF favoring the French proxy this afternoon.
Lincoln Bennett
Nah OP you just gave up on yourself. Life isn't supposed to be easy or full of sunshine and happiness. Being ignorant to the ailments of the world is as evil as creating te ailments themselves. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. You've chosen to do nothing. You are now part of the system we are fighting against.
Connor Price
you can change her idea, most women follows what their men thinks
Austin Baker
>that vid >women trying to make predictions of the future
Jose Anderson
you have taken a bite of the shit sandwich and instead of putting it down right away you have eaten your way to the other side
take the knowledge you have learned
use it to build a better life for yourself and your femanon
and let weaving spiders come not there...
Landon Cox
>when pakis give the rest of us south asians a bad reputation
Jacob Green
sometimes there is a pill so blue it loops back and becomes red. Good luck, brother.
William Nguyen
Used to be a cocky jackass Met a girl, and fell in love with her Started to change because of her She dumped me after 3 years Worst period of my life, figuring who you are without this special someone is awful. And you know what's the worst ? It's the fact that when she's not here anymore, you are back at where you started in the first place, only weaker. Trust me, relying on anyone is a mistake. A common one i've been told.
Andrew Morales
If you ever read 48 laws of power there's a law in there about thinking indepently but appearing to be like everyone else.
Honestly I think in some ways this is cuckish to fake you agree with the current zeitgeist
But good luck going against the grain on everything when really what you need in life are shelter food fulfillment and love.
I don't know where feeling and acting ideallogically self righteous falls in the hierarchy of needs
Elijah Harris
Love is the only real treasure.
Elijah Harris
you can't go bluepill I tried, you will be happy for a while, then the redpill will come back even stronger, it's impossible to get rid of it. The awful reality of this world will overtake your hopes. And there is nothing you can do, except accepting your state.
Leo Young
I started to feel the same when I dated the most beautiful girl that was active in the socialist left party, refugees welcome and a self-identified feminist. I didn't change political beliefs, but I cared less and browsed Sup Forums less.
Eli Nguyen
Yes, being blissfully unaware will make you 'happy'. The red pill leads to misery. You have to choose between being aware and being happy. I've accepted the fact that I'll never be happy already.