Makes you think
Makes you think
>literally had already spoken
>nu male psychology minor tries to apply his feminist brainwashing logic to a woman lovingly standing there and supporting her husband
>Literally opened his speech for him
But he always lets his wife speak.
>Did the convention opening talk
He's quoting Trump.
Maybe she just knows her place?
I think he was making a joke mocking Trump's rhetoric and how he talks.
Imagine a really effeminate man doing a horrible Trump impression while reading that tweet.
Christian wives let their husbands do the leading, of their own volition
Muslim wives aren't allowed or they get beaten/stoned/acid'd
Thread over
They're really grasping at straws now, huh?
his wife speaks nearly every time
Maybe she didn't want to speak because she was pondering her next porn shoot.
The filthy East European whore.
Relevant part starts at 1:48
you think trump has had a mff threesome?
She's spoken multiple times LMAO
>she's read a scripted speech from a teleprompter in barely comprehensible English multiple times
Fixed for accuracy. You are welcome.
So the same as Hillary?
>Still spoke to the convention
Top cuck
This. Anyone replying without sage is a newfag or a shill.
>that coat
>.05 dollars have been deposited in your bank account. Thank you for supporting the Hillary 2016 campaign.
>your 0.02$ were deposited in your Correct the Record PAC
Except she had already given a speech
But don't you DARE call Sup Forums a hivemind.
If anything, Sup Forums is a group of independent thinkers.
Really makes you think.
>Makes me think that you should be more careful opening your loud, stupid mouth.
>Makes me think that you need adult supervision.
>Makes me think that you aren't up to the job of President.
>not allowed to
>not a woman simply knowing her place
Liberals get there asses handed to them because they can't shut up about shit they know nothing about and it makes them look stupid.
They are looking for ammo by hoping she does the same, but she knows you seem smarter by saying nothing at all.
Based trumps
She had already given her "plagiarized" speach dumbass.
>there asses
Now I see why Trump loves the "poorly educated". They all vote for him.
I thought about it.
Of course.
rekt - your bants-fu is strong
Im a shill. What're you gonna do about it, faggot?
Dude's rich as shit, he's probably had an MFFFF.
Maybe she's not speaking in that picture because the last time she spoke, the entire media threw a shitstorm and started publishing naked pictures of her.
You tell me
>Dude's rich as shit
Doubtful. He's probably poor, which is why he won't release his tax returns.
>I take shit out of context to make snarky comments
>I'm going to forgot I made fun of her speech when she DID speak.
Yes, out of context. Being a liar.
Pray for you.
Is it me if does anyone else think she got a penis?
Wtf I hate trump now
She is looking at her wife in awe. What is there to say?
Wiff Melania and Katrina Pierson.
>Is it me if does anyone else think she got a penis?
She also has a loo.
It's you thinking about penises
>Implying women should be heard and not seen
Fuck off cuck.I have a look better than yours.And it hasn't been shit on by a Mudslime.
Fucking autocorrect
>Maybe she wasnt allowed to
>The tax returns, dahnahld
Is this the new line of attack?
That's probably because underneath his ugly orange skin is a misogynist, coming out from time to time as you can see in his speeches.
HEY! its 2016
In which case Donald is still categorically superior to a global totalitarian system dedicated to supremacist discrimination, murder and rape.
You got two other proper replies you goof what the hell do you want?
I'm officially a misanthrope
>You got two other proper replies
They were equally retarded and we are all dumber for having read them.
Well look at you, trying to manipulate things. That's just stupid, shut up.
>make fun of melania for her speech
>she has never spoken, goy
That doesn't even make sense since Trump's wife did speak. Reaching pretty hard there.
so had Ghazala Khan
You are also Sup Forums. You are posting here, you get to speak your mind and state your case. No one censors you. A lot of us just disagree with you, some question your sincerity and yet you will not be silenced. Enjoy being a part of Sup Forums.
really makes you think
nice almost dubs btw, I almost laughed and lost!
priase snek btw :*)
You're a twat. You're welcome to disagree. As are others here. But I still have the freedom to call you a twat.
Fuck off with topic dilution
but if she did speak, they accuse her of plagiarism again.
She had a whole speech faggot. Not some bullshit article I 10/10 guarantee she didn't write.
I see you're really respecting freedom of speech here.
Rich coming from Eurabia.
Eat pork shit muhammad.
Here the fact: trump is going to loose.
That's what he is: a looser.
Why do these retards lie so much? Are they now implying that his wife never ever had her own speech time?
It's okay, I bet Melania doesn't know how to spell "loser" either.
My god is Correct The Record persistent
actually makes you think... "why isnt she in prison?"
Considering more american soldiers have killed more of their own countrymen then they themselves have died in our recent military actions... perhaps they could stand to do less talking and more being respectful.
criticizing an immigrant? tsk tsk hans. watch out momma merkel comin for ya
This woman was afraid to say anything.
LMAO she doesn't even know what she's saying when she eventually speaks, so it's better to not let her open the botox-plastic-thingy she calls mouth
If i were the TV Producer for the RNC i would have given her Trump's black jacket. That would've made a great snapshot.