Describe how a Sup Forums IRL meetup would look like.
Describe how a Sup Forums IRL meetup would look like
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It would be as volatile as a ghetto street party, somebody would most likely get shot and there would be tears.
They had one in Tokyo recently it looked pretty dank
A bunch of ugly spic Catholics praising their Jew God and trying to convince themselves that they are pretty white because they all secretly think being Christian makes them have somthing in common with Europeans
More slavs, less whites, some blacks with white paberbacks, on their heads.
your pic is the average robot party
It would look like an Israeli college reunion because half the posters here are JIDF shills.
Someone would show up with a gun and just try to shoot others.
Meanwhile, other Sup Forumsacks would be fully armed and respond with equal or greater firepower.
It would turn out into a blood bath.
Skinheads who live like fucking filthy crackhouse niggers.
wew, Youre not getting it lads.
Really? Do you have any pics?
No joke, me and a buddy (who looks like a Jew+Nigger MegaZord) accidentally stumbled into a club that looks kind of like this while traveling in Germany. They were actually pretty nice.
it would be all feds. let's be real, if Sup Forums ever organized in person the FBI would infiltrate. you fags are harmless alone but as a group I could see you retards doing some dumb shit. just like the /k/ anons who got together and ended up shooting niggers at the blm protest kek.
Sup Forums meet up would be horrible idea.
>/pol being anywhere near willing women
why are neo nazi slags so hot?
You mean/k/ members who were assaulted and legally defended themselves?
NJ/NY/PA meet up soon?
Lets go to the beach Sup Forums
>tfw no big titted aryan whore gf who hates niggers and helps you shoot heroin
why even live?
>not a single white person
sounds about right
That is a degenerate reddit meetup. I would hope pol has more class than that.
>he doesn't know about the drop mobs
oh yeah, I'm not saying they went out to shoot niggers, just saying their meet up didn't go well.
the cute girl is not presenting tits.
I'm hoping our fatties aren't that fat.
Im in the line chat for it,it went really well
They didnt want faces to be shown, but seems like 10~ people showed, and they had a good time drinking
Something like this :^)
Well firstly I doubt we would have any women show up.
Delete this.
Wishful thinking
Accurate but replace the women with twinks.
>implying feds would even give a shit about a group of neckbeards from this cesspit
I'm in Florida but even if I was near you I wouldn't go. This board has made me lose hope in nationalism lately.
honestly, no women is better than most of the bitches in the OP. I feel like we would have a few trannys. quite a few trannys on pol.
Wait, any of you have a link to this? I haven't heard about this one.
Get in guys! This black armored van with tinted windows will drop us off at the bar!
>Wolfgang this is the fifth plate you're ruining for us, you're not getting any more chances!
It ill be a meeting of mildly unattractive and socially awkward men. I wouldn't be surprised if 1/10 of them would be fedora tier autistic and cringy, and about half being shit skins themselves.
all the Sup Forums browsers I know irl are non Muslim Tanned Germans, Poles, and spic burger.
Keep in mind that 90% of certain countries that post here, like the UK, France, and US are spics and mudshits. The only white posters are the slavshits, and the ones who post midly cucked shit posting, like Australia, Canada, Sweden, and Austria.
A lot more brown people than you would imagine.
Lots of losers
A handful of pretty people
socially awkward
lmao wtf
>implying feds are above spying on neckbeards
Dylan Roof was from Koontown and that was the same crowd as pol.
We would all find out that we're all Jews.
lmao is the focus face tracking that ginger guy?
the subreddit?
No, all you have to do is read the comments here to be able to tell
Id say it would be just peaceful bickering about the state of affairs.
would probably kill eachother before its over
Not everyone lives in a 99% white society, mr toothbrush
If you're in Martin County that would really be a crazy coincidence because I'm from there. Currently in Tampa but not interested in a meetup that would just make me more hopeless.
If the feds are reading the same board I am every day they know there is no danger from a Sup Forums meetup. It'll just be neckbeards saying memes irl and arguing about stupid shit.
Pic related
Now this post really made my day. Thank you Hans.
fucking kek
I'm in the 850 but I wouldn't want a Sup Forums meetup here either. In fact I'm wary of any internet meet ups. It'd probably just amount to being a really lame party.
In order to defeat the jew one must become the jew.
I really want to do a spiritual pilgrimage, walking from London to Canterbury and then onto Jerusalem. I want to trek all the way to Jerusalem so I can understand what my ancestors went through to get to the Holy Land a thousand years ago.
I was wondering whether anyone from Sup Forums would be interested in taking months off to go walking from Western Europe to the Levant. We could call it the Sup Forumsgrimage.
If it was a full meet-up, everyone there, 60% neckbeards, 20% shills, 15% actual people who care about this and are intelligent, 5% Australians.
A trump rally.
I want to be bros with Sup Forums irl and shoot pool
more like this
DESU while Sup Forums had their meetup this is what their gf's and wives would be doing since men who browse this board are the most likely to ignore their significant other
Realisticly, how would Sup Forums react if a bunch of Jews came to the meetup?
>5% Australians
You mean one Australian shitposting after prepping the emu before it impregnates his wife again.
Jokes on you, I am single.
> how a Sup Forums IRL meetup would look like
An Asperger's group therapy
Is that a fat Leo DeCaprio in the middle?
>describe a JIDF meet up in one picture
>Shit, I've been made
Pajeet got BTFO
Didn't Sup Forums have a meetup in Tokyo?
the only correct answer
I'd imagine it would look like this.
Looks a bit like this
I would sneak away before I have to pay them reparations
Delete this.
Crest view?
kek. story?
That's how (((op))) wants a pol meet up to be like.
Pic related, real pol meetup...
seek help
>pic very much related
Tokyo meetup thread
>he didn't attend the 2012 brit/pol/ and brit/fit/ Christmas meet for all the uni students who couldn't fly home because of the snow
good times