At what point will white people be able to claim cultural appropriation?
White people have always been able to claim cultural appropriation. There's not a single European thing that Americans haven't done their hardest to ruin.
Only yellow people can get upset about this one.
Nothing wrong with that pic.
Are you implying the simpsons werent a white lower middle class white suburban family?
Haha that's top tier coslay
Dude idk I for one am getting tired of this Anti-White genocidal scam.
>the simpson
>'white culture'
>not a 'merican culture
OP, stop
Hopefully never since the idea of cultural appropriation is ridiculous and white people shouldn't be petty shits or sink to that level.
Pretty gud cosplay 2BqueyetOnestFamalam.
Does their skin look white to you, you fucking moron?
>people aren't allowed to enjoy things because they aren't literal yellow people
this isn't politics, fuck off. hidden.
The simpsons creators would no doubt simply respond by saying that the simpsons are actually blacks and have been all along.
Seems like they're just having fun. Unless they're hypocrites by saying they're bothered by "cultural appropriation" from the other side, there is nothing wrong with it.
His son is at his side ho, and his baby is with sideho number 2. Also he has a warrant out for his arrest for hit and run.
This picture always makes me so happy. I don't know why, maybe because most pictures I see of black people are mugshots or them doing some stupid shit like dancing naked.
I don't even care that nigga's hair is funny as shit.
That's the difference with us. We don't care if something is offensive. The left cries about it not us. Unless you are some double standard stormcuck who is literally as bad as SJWs.
for fucks sake bro. you can hate on niggers all day, but that is a pretty good family costume.
the nigglet got the sideshow bob haircut
it's probably because the father is there
That's adorable. Why are you trigger, user?
>cultural appropriation
can someone explain this meme to me? Why is it bad to take things from other cultures?
Oh come on OP they are just having fun.
hey i go on reddit too!
lets stormfront /r/the_donald
It's because they're doing something uncool to make their kids happy. There's a simple joy and a disregard for the opinion of strangers to it that really shows how much they love each other. The fact they're black is the icing on the cake because it's just so rare to see that in a black family, or even to see a black family at all.
Kinda makes sense. Only black people could have hair as crazy as the simpsons.
Har har, he made a funny joke because they're actually yellow colored people, okay we get it.
If you're talking about race, the Simpsons were definitely Caucasian. The Asians in that show were a little bit lighter shade of yellow.
Doesn't anyone remember this shit?
Its a family photo they can look back on and smile