Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Storytime (Part 2)

Sorry for the delay Anons, network problems!






does that guy always engrave the name and occupations of his victims on the pommels of his daggers?

I can't blame him for not thinking he'd answer before getting his ass kicked... but why not give it a shot?

I figure he uses stickers. Otherwise you only get one dagger per victim.

Hello, gratuitous cleavage.

Id love to be the guy who makes those stickers. or do you think he does it himself?


Thank you for this.

But I think I'm going to bed, leaving me to catch up two threads tomorrow.

When I was a kid I remember my dad having a computer program where you could print your own... but that was 20 years after this comic, so I dunno. Maybe making stickers is his day job?

I got a giggle out of the sound effects for some reason. Certainly "chup!" wouldn't be the first sound to come to mind if I was considering the question "what does a kick to the head sound like?"

If you were THE archetypal Yellow Peril villain, why wouldn't you have a pet Monkey of Death?
You could teach it kung fu and screen your dates.

Sorry I couldn't do it sooner, work kept me later than I'd like.

Related note, don't be that asshole who's still eating in a restaurant half an hour after closing, because people have to wait for you before they can clean.

That's what they used to use the interns for. Posing for pictures, and sometimes you hit them a few times to figure out exactly the right sound effects.

Is that even a thing? I wasn't aware Yellow Peril had anything to do with pet monkeys, I thought sterotypical villains had cats.


I don't know what I find funnier. The idea of Fu Manchu having an army of genetically spliced Gorillas, or if this is the same gorilla from that last time, and followed after him all this time.

Oh, of course he taught the gorilla kung fu.

Unpaid intern! The most noble of the comics professions!


Look, they get weird shit done to them by the writers and artists, and in exchange they leak spoilers to the new events on social media. It's a fair trade.

>Sorry I couldn't do it sooner, work kept me later than I'd like.

Not your fault. I've been busy and tired this week and have been hitting the hay earlier than normal.



You'd think they wouldn't keep you at the polls too late less you mess up the results.
Or do you live in Florida?

>"Stay away from me or I'll burn you alive with this fucking blowtorch!"

I can only assume he realized how fucked up that was, and that's why he fainted.





At what point do you decide that jumping onto a flying plane is totally a good idea and not completely batshit?

Okay Anons, you're an evil mastermind sitting on a throne. You get to have either a monkey on your shoulder or a scantaly clad woman sitting by your side. You're apparently not allowed to touch, speak to, or otherwise acknowledge that they exist. Which do you pick?

Okay, the woman is a servant. Either way, you aren't able to have sex with her, and you can't talk to her outside of give her orders. Question still stands.

Neither. Canada. Just tired.

Okay, why don't the bad guys shoot them while they do their little chant? This isn't anime, they don't HAVE to let the other guy power up.

As those of you who follow Ewing's books, you'll know what that tiger shape is.

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about Canadian politics to make jokes.

That just means he'll get added to the roster of the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu fighting game that we'll never have. He'll be the series' Kuma.

If this were a modern comic story, this entire page where they escape from the plane would've been stretched to be an entire comic.

is this an actual anti-drug message?

Speaking of Marvel Fighting Games, is Shang-Chi, any of the martial artist White Tigers, any of the Brothers of the Tiger, or even Iron Fist in that one fighting game that had generals all the time before the mods put their foot down?


animals of the orient, man

how many karate-apes does Fu manchu have? At least three, if I'm remembering my "Master of Kung Fu" canon correctly

No, Shang-Chi just fucking hates hippies, despite having majestic long hair himself.

So, Lin seems to basically be Bruce Lee. And I think the other two are Roper and Williams, the black and white guys who were on his side, but got killed or something.

Don't fuck with me user, that'd be cruel. Does Fu Manchu really have a trio of Kung Fu Apes in Marvel Canon?

I thought Shang-Chi was basically Brue Lee? He doesn't look like it this early, but later on he gets the right hair.



>Not having BOTH

For what purpose?

>"You call that action? I've seen more action in your mother's bedroom!"

Because then it wouldn't be a question, you'd obvious get both if you could. I want to know what you'd pick if you could only pick one.



Damn, Fu is a master of Keikaku. I see why Doom considers him one of his only true oppoenents

See, I'm just saying, the biggest name in the game rolls with both. Why wouldn't you follow that example?

You don't get to be one of the most iconic villains in fiction without that talent.

>Shooting a gun
>Inside a plane

Because you're not the biggest name in the game, user. Quit stalling.

Honestly, these guys look dumb enough to try.

The drug of choice in Honan was probably Opium.

Seeing that shit probably turned Shang Chi off doing drugs in general.



Girl. I mean, odds are she's not going to start flinging shit for the first few weeks. And there's something to be said about aesthetics.









I think this is a reprinting of the first Batroc appearance.



Iunno. All I know Lin rolls hard and teams up with a black and a white guy who look a hell of a lot like Roper and Williams. And it all just screams Lee from Enter the Dragon.


I mena, he had one in the last story-time, he has one this story-time, and I think he has one in "masters of Kung Fu" at some point

I need to watch some classic Kung Fu flicks, especially given some of the stories I've been posting.

There's a few reprints in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, like the one we're going through now.


>brave men don't need guns

And here we see Batroc's odd honor code being introduced.


is a sexy ape-woman allowed?

Let's finish off with this for the night, Anons.








