Why didn't you convert to Islam yet Sup Forums ??

Why didn't you convert to Islam yet Sup Forums ??

Seriously your arguments for not converting to Islam are rather silly and do not outweight the benefits at all.

>New Converts to Islam - April 2016

>Jesus told me to convert to ISLAM

>4 people convert to Islam after Yussef Estes Lecture

Other urls found in this thread:


>arms and face aren't covered
into the trash it goes

The other day i had a dream, or was it a nightmare i can't decide.
But a had a beautiful loving muslim wife apparently i converted to islam too.

Next moment in my dream i was driving a truck full of explosives towards the enemy shouting "There is no God But Allah" and my wife waved at me looking on from behind a wall. Both feeling it was an act of pure love for each other and God.
Next moment in my dream i had a unique euphoric spiritual experience feeling the precence of God, i usually only had these feelings with Catholic contexts, as i was raised catholic.

Next moment i woke up all in sweat, terrified of what my mind/dream/nightmare had just produced. No i do not want to become a muslim.

But do i have a choice?

Because I donĀ“t like to fuck goats.

holy fucking caterpillar eyebrows, gross

The only reason candy is wrapped is so it stays germ free when someone finger fucks it near the register. I would prefer my candy unwrapped and you just keep your fucking hands off it.

Putting a dog turd in a wrapper doesn't turn it into candy

I know this is bait but
>Muhhammad was confronted by an angel who spoke Arabic and who revealed to him to final word of God in a CAVE all by himself with No one else around to prove its true
What the fuck, how can people believe in this shit?

checked and kekked

I'd prefer a candy bar that doesn't explode while screaming "ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!"

>tfw no hijabi gf

It's literally just Middle Eastern Mormonism.

I prefer the ones that don't blow up

>Why didn't you convert to Islam yet Sup Forums ??
Because my IQ is over 100

>we blow up in your mouth, not in your hand.

because the Koran is plagiarized from the Talmud


What a shitty analogy.

She dares to objectify women as candy?
And what does wrapped mean? Women are humans not food.

Gtfoh white male patriarchal, sexist, heteronormative, neckbeard, chauvinistic shitlord. How dare you exercise your male privilege and opress us?

Fuck Islam.

no you don't
message from Allah
strap on that vest brah
it'll keep ya warm

In the vudu traditions, Africans are bringing themselves intro a `trance` state by lowering their concious levels.
For westerners this would be harder to achieve.

What i mean to say is people with a lower IQ are less rational, less `concious`, but more one with nature, more spiritual and closer to God/Allah.
Not because they lack rationality, but because they are actually more spiritual.

Why do you think Pope Francis dicourages anti-conception for Africans, and promotes mass migration of Africans to Europe??

They are not stupid. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

Because having a "virgin" who only had ass sex before marriage is just as bad as a Normal slut.

Allso kebab is smelly and looks wierd, allso Catholicism is the truth, not just some jumble the Jews and their subservient camel merchant came up with.

Easy, just take a look at the countries where Islam dominates. They're almost all violent shitholes in which the inhabitants are fleeing to non-islamic countries. If Islam is such a great religion, why isn't the western world fleeing there, rather than the other way around?


but that's the best snackbar m8

>Why didn't you convert to Islam yet Sup Forums ??
This triggers me. Why Netherlands is doing it?

What benefits? Being scorned by society? Having my freedom of choice taken away? Being beaten and raped by a smelly goat fucker that I was forced to marry?

Fuck off, Shekelstein.

>Women on the level of candy

>Islam doesn't objectify women

Feminism ay lamao

in the muslim world women are considered objects only for men to enjoy, a piece of wrapped candy is worth about 5 cents.

sounds about right

muslim women all take suck and cock up their ass before they marry

I don't buy candies for the wrapper, connasse!
Not to mention when it's written "toxic" on it...

>insert joseph smith mormon joke

Who the fuck wants to eat a candy bar with the wrapper still on it?


Because I'm an Atheist

They're just trying to say that they hope you choke to death :D

I fucking knew it.

bad goyim, (((Islam))) is right for whites!

Why didn't you convert to Scientology already?

Seriously your arguments for not converting to Scientology are rather silly and do not outweight the benefits at all.

I have urge to rape her. Muslims inspire rape

Well I would rather not choke on a peice of plastic.

Fuck you and get the fuck out of Sup Forums you faggot piece of shit.

bitch cover your face

You need to go back

>what is the UAE

Also ever paused to think of the reasons why so many of those countries are violent shitholes, rather than "muh Islam is evil"? Rlly meks u fink.

Brings up voodoo. Literally a nigger spin-off on Christianity as an example for why lower IQ is better.
Low energy. No shekels for you. Saged.

2 words, goyim
Rashad Khalifa

And then they stoned her to death for exposing her arms in public.


>what is the UAE

>What is a ghost town made by paki and african slavery?

rili mecks u fenk