Have any of you actually read this before? I'm listening to the audiobook now and it's frightening how accurate he is about some things, namely the section on Marxism. Hitler was right about some things, not even memeing
Have any of you actually read this before...
I read it all.
Truely the bible of Nazis.
The 14 words is the motto of our mission:
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>Have any of you actually read this before?
>I'm listening to the audiobook now and it's frightening how accurate he is about some things, namely the section on Marxism.
BS. It's a lot of shittier ramblings. In the first half he talks about how awful he had it in Vienna and how many Jews and other people made his life difficult. And the second half is even worse. Stopped reading 70% in.
>Hitler was right about some things, not even memeing
He was right about getting patriotism back to Germany, about physical education, the fight against unemployment and infrastructure etc.
He was wrong on hating Jews, economic policy, expansion to the East, the eradication of mentally retarded, etc.
I haven't gotten to the section on the Jews yet, just now finishing up the Marxist section. I'm sure it'll start getting silly there, but for now things have seemed pretty reasonable to me.
Yeah I haven't gotten too far into it yet, I'm sure I'll disagree with that as well.
This is merely the beginning of the ride.
Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (recommended read by Henry Ford)
The ride never ends.
Slide it.
The entire beginning he is being rational and levelheaded, and then at one point he randomly says, "and that's why we need to kill the jews."
>eradication of mentally retarded
Morally wrong but not objectively wrong you fucking right-hemisphere goyim
>wrong on hating jews
>Mfw communist government was all jews
Do you know where you are?
I read the first two or three chapters beforr I couldn't stand the dismal writing and content. It's a shit book.
The fourteen words are not Hitlers though. They are David Lane's. Doesent make them less right but just fyi.
No he does not.
Audiobook of the Ford Translation:
Nation and race is good chapter
He was right. But people are so indoctrinated that mentioning Hitler as anything but a joke involving evil will trigger awkwardness or repulsion.
Why would anyone want to read the rantings of the most vile person who ever lived?
I've read, here the thing. When he wrote it, you have to understand what frame of mind him and his country was in. They lost thier pride in WWI and the treaty signed was just salt in the wound. When he wrote this book he was in jail. Anger and rage inside of him. The problem is, when your in rage mode you tend to make mistakes. In his doctrine, there are tons of mistakes and ramblings of a angry man. Germans weren't looking for logic though. They were searching for the person who felt like they felt. Also the book was revised heavy and still reads like shit and propaganda in the upmost.
ugh i want to read it because hitler nationalized his currency and kicked out the (((central banks))) but the patriot act will alert the fbi if i rent it from the library
but i know they're already listening ^_~
hi guise!
The audiobook is quite riveting.
Mein Kampf (and, to a lesser extent, 'Hitler's Second Book') is very important.
But absolutely fascinating are 'Hitler's Table Talk' and 'Hitler and His Generals'. These two fat books (800+ pages each) are mostly comprised of actual verbatim conversations between Hitler and various subordinates on hundreds of topics, recorded by stenographers. You get a real sense of what the Hitler was like in person, in private. (For one thing, he had a sense of humor.)
Every now and then a book is written that is so accurate, it frightens those who would manipulate you.
>He was wrong on hating Jews
Not really they deserve the hate. Although antisemitism at the start was just about getting votes. Barely anything happened to them in germany until 1938, when one jew killed a german diplomat in paris and the kristallnacht followed.
>economic policy
I´d like to think he went "full retard" with that when he knew war was coming. And their money couldn´t be used for foreign trade which is a major factor for the "shitty" economy.
>the eradication of mentally retarded,
Why is that a bad thing?
>He was wrong on economic policy
What is best English translation? I don't speak northern Turkish.
he didn't realize nationalizing the currency would bring a shitstorm from every other country. george bushes family financed the war, because jews.
the way it was explained to me is if you nationalize your currency you will face the wrath of nations, unless you have the strongest military and everyone needs your stuff, in which case your engineers making stuff like iphones will keep the demand for your currency high.
only strong countries can nationalize, and even then they need to beware of being squeezed
The book was heavily edited to make him and his followers look good. Image o want to make a cult and spread out books "I" wrote. Would it be logical to make myself look like a good or bad person?
Germany had 3 things going for them: Printing their own money without debt. This fucked them over a bit in 1939 due to heavy inflation. But this currency couldn´t be used for foreign trade (thanks jews).
Second was money backed by work, workers treasury certificates. Also largely responsible for the economic revival of germany. The value of these certificates were defined in a way that all of germanys reconstruction (autobahn, housing, brides etc) will cost 1 billion of these certificates.
Third was barter trade with other, non allied countries. Goods for goods without the big banks and money lenders involved. Brazil went from importing from the US, to importing from Germany for instance. The US went buttmad because they lost foreign markets while still struggling from the financial crisis of 1929. If this system spead, then good bye big banks and capitalists.
War was soon decided upon.
With germanys economy back then they would have had a financial crisis by 1941 or 1942. Maybe Hitler having full control over the country could have prevented that by some extreme measures, i.e. taking money out of the economy by force, taking money from the people and what not, but I doubt it.
Have read, and agree with 100%
Beware of shitty translations that try to paint it as disconnected rambling. Very eloquent if looking at original German text
You're a dummy.
Nationalizing the currency and removing the gold standard was done by the weimar republic though, not by Hitler. But you are correct to some degree. This money system was used by the US colonies. The money was called "colonials" and the war of independence soon followed. This system was repeated by Lincoln, called the greenbacks. Guess what happens? Britain, together with rothschilds and France tried to further devide the country. Britain would come from the north over canada while france from the south through mexico. Then russia intervened and both fucked off.
You haven't read it
yeah, russia has hated (((central banking))) every since the bolsheviks denied the (((CB))) and got overthrown.
based Putin.
Russias hate for (((cental banking))) was waaay before the the bolsheviks existed.
I don´t understand what you are trying to get at.
whats the best translation?
Wonder if this thread will stick around, even though its literally politically incorrect and Sup Forums is the proper place for it.
Fuck you and your babby's first armchair psychiatrist shitpost
Underrated post desu senpai
I began reading MK but some other books got in the way back then. I enjoyed the language and have no idea why Americans find it impenetrable... Perhaps their educational system is to blame?
our educational system is designed to make us fail unless we get to grad school. there's absolutely no focus on finance, historical or contemporary.
You can thank the rockefellers for that, which wanted to produce obedient workers even before 1900 and created the board of education (or it was called something similar).
On the "bright" side, it isn´t much different here either. Our system slowly declines to that of the US.
Im reading it right now and while Hittler has a great many good points (and I would agree with him about most of it)...
On the topic of Race (about halfway in?) I would disagree about some things.
* That some race mixing is okay, but that for diversity purposes it should be limited. There should be black people with the darkest skin tones possible. There should be chinese people. And there should be white people
* Over time if one race is stronger than another then the other will simply die off by itself, it doesnt have to be accelerated in that direction.
* And Finally... that the "ideas" that certain races have are a result of their Culture and that Culture has more to do with what they are handed down from their Parents and extended family.
The problem he describes with the Jews is primarily a Culture problem. They teach each other to stick together and rape the civilizations of others.
Deprive them of that institutionalization from their extended family (and that awful practice of screwing them up for life at birth)... raise them under different cultural values... and you can effectively stamp that out.
Same with the modern "Black Culture" with the thug image, the rap music and ghetto standards. Black people in the UK dont act like that.
Hittler fully missed the target on this.
Also... seeing as I am one of the few people who has "seen more under the veil of mother nature" I can speak about some things with authority that hittler and his friends only made presumptions about.
Most of which were true, but there's more to it that can make the ideology damaging in the long run.
historically usa and germany finances have been a PITA to da jewz. it's really no wonder why we're the ones targeted by media brainwashing, economic frivolities, lgbt suvbersion, etc.
Adolf Hitler's Last Writings
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told
All i remember is the incessant use of the word 'Folkish'.
>He was wrong on hating Jews
One of the primary reasons he hated Jews was because of the Balfour Declaration leading to the German loss in WW1, which led Germany to the dire straits it was in following WW1 in allowing for Hitler to gain power. The loss of WW1 is what invigorated Hitler and inspired him to become politically active. If the Balfour Declaration had never occurred Hitler would have probably gone on to live as an artist or military man for the rest of his life.
I wonder, how are you germans gonna get back your cultural heritage now that they've put so much duct tape over your mouth?
I mean I really do hope it comes back, with a little bit of taper so that it truly can last for a thousand years. But I just wonder how...
Well, situation under the weimar republic was way worse than the current situation. Also, your situation isn´t much better either...
1 or 2 good terror attacks with lots of dead will seal the deal here. This time the surrounding countries will most likely join.
He was right about everything my friend. It's on us, of us with the righteous blood of the white man in our veins to never let his dream die.
No More Brother Wars
European-descendants have been slaughtering each other for hundreds of years, which only serves the interests of those who would like to see us weakened.
Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.
His other book zeetes buch is eye opening as well
It makes sad to think we fought against germany and were lied to all these years. Imstead of fighting grtmany should have just pushed to fight bolshevist russia
I was thinking thats what it would take.
But I figured it would be such a bloody mess to try to overcome both the internal "holocaust memorial" culture And the EU that people would just lay down and keep taking it.
People are lazy and challenging ingrained beliefs after a whole lifetime of programming, and finger pointing and shaming at the elders who said "it was a good thing"... well people need alot of reason to even do that.
>Also, your situation isn´t much better either...
Thats why we're electing Trump. And I dont think any of shillary's tricks (including vote rigging) are going to stop it this time.
Trump is at least halfway facist himself, some say the reincarnation of mussolini (remember his death speech).
I expect a Coup any time in the united states. And they support trump, too.
I just the translation by manheim - is that a good one?
Nice post.
You are just like Hitler at the beginning. Last night I was reading a part where Hitler talks about how he did not agreed with the anti-semitic movement, how it really bothered him and didn't want to be part of it - this happened while he was in Vienna. But after he started looking more into it, he soon realized how 90% of prostitution, slave traffic, pornography, and generally decadent art, was jewish. Then he looked into the jewish connection with politics and social-democracy, with businesses etc. It's the same today, you don't have the info yet, or you don't want to see it, just like he didn't wanted to see it, despite the evidence.
I'll give you some quotes: "In the Jew I still saw a man which was of a different religion, and, therefore, on the grounds of human tolerance, I was against the idea that he should be attacked because he has a different faith",
"I considered that the tone adopted by the anti-semitic press in Vienna was unworthy of the cultural tradtions of a great people",
"The subject appeared so enormous and the accusations were so far-reaching that I was afraid of being unjust and so I became anxious and uncertain",
"My ideas changed over time ... It cost me a great deal of internal conflict, and it was only after months of struggle between reason and sentiment that the former gained the victory."
>The subject appeared so enormous
This is a major tactic the enemy (of humankind) uses. Not just jews.
This quote was misconstrued I think... that The Bigger the Lie the harder it is to Disbelieve.
Is the biggest reason for blue pilling that there is.
...and again I say that its the Culture, a secret society among jews, that makes it possible for them to do that.
Cancel that out, re-educate the children from an early age before they get brought into that nonsense. And you nearly if not destroy that tendency.
They just become another ethnicity of White and assimilate. None of their old traditions, at least not taught in the way of their crooked elders. No need to band together as a "tribal unit" of israel anymore, because they're just fine being only a part of White ethnicity.
The heritage is to be destroyed.
Is this true? If I buy it from a local bookstore will I be put on a list? I already felt awkward buying the Kamasutra there.
get it online at archive.org
In the list of options right click on the smallest one you can find (probably 1.8mb pdf) and read.
Like others said about half of it is hittler explaining his past and the stuff he went through. The meat and bones of it is around the second half of the book, should probably read that first then his personal anecdotes.