Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you're a Trump supporter. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends, your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted as the norm.
Kill yourself. Your star candidate is a liar, a crook, and has the media in her pocket. Yet you decide to listen to the media for your information.
You are dumber than a low-information voter, you are actively brainwashed and you're so stupid that you don't even realize it.
Grayson Evans
> called a racist
well it MUST be true then!
Answer the following:
> is Donald Trump a racist?
> if you believe he his, what makes Donald Trump a racist?
> does being a racist automatically preclude someone from being president?
Ryder Kelly
Just letting you guys know that this was posted yesterday. No point in replying to what's likely pasta.
Have a good day.
Angel Bennett
goddamn I love having flags on Sup Forums
Oliver Watson
>Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Maybe in your cuck country, where you can be arrested for the wrong political opinion. Literally every person where I live loves Trump or isn't paying attention to the election at all.
slide thread
hidden and saged
Eli Rodriguez
Christopher Bell
Dylan Ross
>basing your opinions on what other people may think
Elijah Phillips
Norway, this is silly.
Hand over the Jews or I will not be able to guarantee your independence.
Lincoln Morris
Can't wait for the mass suicide of edgy fedoras and anime weeabos on Sup Forums when Shillary wins it.
Prepare for Der Untergang now Sup Forums.
Isaac Johnson
Daily reminder that shills are using a Norway proxy and this is copypasta. Search archives for the exact text.
Sage and hide.
Xavier Brooks
>muh fucking minorities.
Screw them. After the refugee crisis there are no white countries left. The ones already in the united states are fine, but we DON'T NEED MORE.
James Hill
Be prepared for an amred to the theet right wing block going nuts
Christopher Morris
Sonny boy, what if I told you that Norwegian citizens won't be allowed to vote. You can talk to your Norwegian buddies all day, but the election will be decided by US citizens.
Logan Long
After a pint or 4-5 everyone is laughing about "well, If the muslims keep behaving like this we won't need any wood to keep warm next winter"
and joking about basically mass genocide.
This has been the case for me every single time, with people whith whom I have never had a policical convo before. In 3 different countries!
Once they see that you are Sup Forums, they'll admit that they are Sup Forums themselves. Believe me.
Only the white trash race mixing sluts will be pissed.
Landon James
Every day The same thread In exactly the same words At least you bothered to change the image and proxy