How to the holocaust deniers explain The Sonderkommando Photographs?

It literally shows them burning bodies of jews at Auschwitz

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They were fakes.


a brugerbro needs a source


>random bodies being burned
>obviously it MUST BE Auschwitz and it MUST be kikes
Holy shit, seriously? Why are holocaust supporters such tinfoil nutjobs?

Look up the 1912 Dresden train crash

This is not from the Sonderkommando Photographs

And there were only 3 Sonderkommando Photographs.

the context is disputed. From what I've heard of them, they say the bodies were burned to prevent the spread of disease.

>be me
>neutral in this holocaust meme

See this is why I'm sure most people think you guys are asshats because you don't actual provide any sources, you just throw hypothetical around and insult people. kek

You're nothing like David Irving.

This is something that I can understand and that's logical.

Take off your fucking tinfoil hat. The burden of proof is not on us.

Pictures are bad proofs, since there are pictures of Americans and Russian throwing bodies in huge pits in these camps.
Did the allied really kill all of them?
That would explain the ovens made after the liberations...

>be me
>stated multiple times I'm neutral in the holocaust meme
>still insults me and is too lazy or stupid to read I'm neutral

Keep proving my point bro.

provide me with more pictures of the 1912 ohio train wreck and how similar to your edited picture they look


And how do we know your image isnt a fake? Just saying 'it was in the NYT' doesnt make it true. Why would the all powerful Jew allow the original to be printed?

must be a fake - look at the first one he posted. he will avoid my post here too

Here you faggot.
From a different perspective.
Now raise the banner of the Reich.

You cant be serious.


Why would they call the Sonderkommando to burn some kike corpses when they could use random conscripts and send the Sonderkommando to do something useful?

That black dot is not the pole, the fence is also missing in the train wreck photo.
Revisionists edited/photoshopped the bottom-left of the image to make many of the dead bodies/corpses disappear. Notice how poorly done the ground texture appears that is trying to cover up the corpses.

>literally try to present materail as evidence for the holocaust against Sup Forums
>I'm neutral
Nice try, keep being subversive.
Is your point that no more photos being available means that it's incredible? Even if that was true, the position that it's related to the holocaust has already been ruled out.

You'll need evidence to back up those claims, friendo.

Exactly, like use Zyklon B to gas the clothing of Jews to stop lice from spreading, like the SS pesticide booklet says.

the same thing as just zoomed

No, you will good sir. It is your claim that it's a train-wreck. Wonder why no images of an actual train? There have been plenty of images for far-less catastrophic train-wrecks in that time period and before.

Nice try.

I might as well upload the full originals.

Why would German soldiers wear paddy caps?


I say it didn't happen. You claim it did.

The burden of proof is on you.

That's the one.
See my pic related here.

kys jidf

SK or German soldiers specifically?

Why are you posting photoshopped images on purpose? Let's not derail this.

The clothes obviously mark them as railroad workers, and you have the fucking alternate photo here . You need counter-evidence to dispute it.

>still believing in the holohoax

what do you believe in santa and the easter bunny too?

Listen, I'm a military historian, I know what German soldiers wore on their heads.
They didn't wear paddy caps.

>smoke + fence is enough to say for sure that's the spot

Don't redirect me to your photoshopped image which I've already proven false. The SK are wearing their own attire - can't deny that.

You're not a military historian - even the top historian "revisionists" can't refute that.
Go LARP somewhere else.

>Military personnel can wear their own atire.
That's Contraband.

Prove it wrong - post photos of the ohio train wreck then.

Those are SK. Pretty poor knowledge for a historian. You must be one the only one in the world that's claiming that at the moment.

>Sup Forums arguing against a strawman

If the picture looks like it's from the Dresden disaster, IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE IT IS FROM.

Why not try posting any pictures ACTUALLY CLAIMED to be from the Holocaust?

It's customary to burn the bodies of typhus victims.

guards would be around if it was a camp,schlomo

No. You misunderstand Jew. A real Nazi admits that he did kill your people. And just as you always pressure subliminally and in a cowardly manner, he will pressure right back, honestly.

He was morally justified, full of moral superiority, morally indignant when he bashed each of your precious little babies in the brain...

That's right. He Murdered You.

Because you never stop, and you deserve to be murdered. Off. Forever. And you will never have it any way other than pure Holocaust. You say: we get our way or kill us all. Then they do, and you huddle like victims. But you Jews are guilty.

After Corporate Suppression, what do you have to say?

Jewish Homeland Security Murderers? Jew Psychologist Murderers of the Innocent?

And you always stick together, and just follow the least common denominator insect-Jew into the pit. Always.

We give a rat's ass what happened to you, worm food. And with all your Israel and Jewish loyalty oaths, the Nazis really have no choice. Or you would torture us all forever.

Additional information(cryptic):
Dep. Homeland Security US Pat. 5159703

Look at the smoke.
You can't see the train, because of the smoke you fool.

Dead bodies being burned doesn't mean they were killed with the goal of genociding the race.

>People can handle newly gassed bodies with bare hands and no masks
You have earned a hearty chuckle my friend, but only one.

Simple spouting that it's photoshopped isn't proof that it is you retard. Now post actual counter-evidence or fuck off. Those aren't SK uniforms either. The burden is on you to prove without a doubt how they are, but you won't be able to anyways.

Watch this and you'll understand.

Provide me with evidence it's not the place and that it's the Ohio train wreck.
See with more photos of the scene

A commonly shown picture of gassed jews awaiting cremation.

You're demanding something you're already seen. Is this a shilling tactic?

That's miners attacking during a strike. In West Virgina. Not Ohio. Get your bullshit story straight at least.

Actually: victims of the Dresden terrorbombing, that resulted in ~100.000 civ deaths.
Just a demonstration how simple it is to fake history.

i can provide you with proofs that the lolocaust is a lie which makes your photo retarded

>Moving goal post

Typical kike

If the Germans truely were trying to kill the Jews, how did any survive?

Rudolf Höss and others admitted that Zyklon B was used for killing people.

I dont believe the holocaust happened, but your evidence is bullshit
Why are they all naked?

Try harder. Prove me wrong - still waiting on the ohio train wreck photos.
Posted plenty of evidence Don't vent because you got caught out and that I have more the evidence on my side - while you only have a zoomed in version of the same image.

>deflecting because he got caught out

This is the kind of stuff that makes you think.

There's just way too many examples of falsehoods to make you think the Holocaust was real.

Yes, because his fucking family was taken hostage.

So have we moved on from the train wreck?
Is that you admitting that it's false?

I don't like what this does to me. Is this really what it looks like? Dead Germans getting passed off as dead Jews?

Sup Forums doesn't deny the holocaust it justifies it.

>Be military superpower
>have advanced weaponry
>Use delousing agent to inefficiently kill 6 gorillion

Really makes you think

Their are many ways to prove he holocaust didn't happen.

For instance, if one was to be gassed with cyinide or carbon monoxide, their skin would be cherry red.

But in all the descriptions, they are blue.

Holocaust deniers parade the picture of this door around as penultimate proof to convince people that nobody was gassed, in Krema I at least. Unlike the average person they are trying to convince, the (at least more intelligent) deniers themselves know full well that gassing at Krema I had stopped by 1943, and the building was converted into an air-raid shelter by 1944, as explained earlier.

This wooden door leads from a storage room for spare gratings into an area called the "wash room" - clearly marked as such on the sign (as a. and b., respectively) put in front of Krema I for all to read, and posted earlier. The wall section separating the wash room from the actual former gas chamber, no longer exists. So the door pictured never led into the gas chamber, and is therefore not the original gas chamber door. Also note, that victims entered the gas chamber from the other side, and that door indeed looks nothing like an ordinary wooden door.

- the Austrian

I just want to make it clear: your claim about the Ohio Train wreck is false?

What is this the disease again why the kikes were skeletors? I thought it was typhoid/typhus but I guess I was wrong

They are dead Jews, but they died from typhus.
A common disease in the labour camps.
Search SS Hygiene institute manual.

>Don't vent because you got caught out and that I have more the evidence on my side
0/10. Stop shitposting, and post evidence.
Yeah, you caught me with evidence you can't refute. You aren't even trying to.

the bodies were put in the photo they never showed any to begin with.


The winner writes history.

do you feel traumatized schlomo?

See, this is why argueing with you retards is like pulling teeth. Every confession is coerced, every photo faked, every piece of evidence a forgery. Just admit it, there isnt a single thing that will every get you to accept the Nazis were did monsterous things because you're a Hitler fanboy who loves the 'da jews are the real evil' narrative.

The burden is still on you to prove it false. You haven't even attempted to do so.

Ok good. We've established I got more evidence proven it - while you have a photoshopped image proven false.
Continue deflecting.
Then prove it wrong - post more photos of the train wreck. It's funny how other train-wrecks of a smaller scale "catastrophe" have all the images needed, but not this one. You're a supposed military historian - how are you the only in the world denying this?

Isn't Typhus just a rash?

how are you gonna deny the testimonies of thousands if not tens of thousands of holocaust survivors?

let me guess, nano mind bugs?

No friend, I'm not even a Nazi.

let me guess, free shekels?

He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.

I always found it weird that back when my class was made to take the usual concentration camp trip in school, the tour guide mentioned how there were efforts to cure a typhoid epidemic in the people they were supposedly bent on just killing off wholesale. So I will look into this. But I was specifically asking about the Hungarian user's posts, because he seems to be pointing out a case of Dresden dead being misidentified as camp dead.

Not in 1943.
Besides, they might also have been killed by allied bombing raids.

No, the burden is on you. I've got plenty of images in this thread already. You have one that's photoshopped. You lose. Show me more images of the Ohio train wreck then.

nope, photoshoped fence.

so now u only have some smoke

Then we can never believe any eye-witness accounts of any other war - going by his theory.

Kikes lie all the time, it's not really hard to understand that they would lie about this

really makes you think

How do Jews blithely dismiss any Gentile suffering claim that contradicts their agenda?

Zyklon B was a life saving pesticide.

Yeah I'm sure you're super liberal and dont cling on to the idea of white supremacy or hate Jews.


more like this plz

>Don't worry goyim it used to be a gas chamber they must of changed the door around after.

DAILY REMINDER There is zero evidence gas chamber were used, they all have bullshit stories like Goldberg has posted here from the 51st official revision.

>You guys provide no sources!
>Source is literally provided for the pic in the first post