When will you learn, Marvelcucks?

When will you learn, Marvelcucks?

The age of capekino is upon us all. Favreau has jumped ship, and even your beloved Whedon has switched teams. Anything to say for yourselves? It's over.

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Russo Bros > those hacks

cry all you want shill, the formula has stopped working.



>mfw they hire Zack Snyder
>mfw he does an ABSOLUTE KINOGRAPHIQUE out of Miracleman
>mfw Alan Moore still hates it
You know you want it, look into your heart

You mean the same formula Wonder Woman just used?

No, I think he meant the MCU one

But Based Armond hates WW.
But Whedon is at DC.

Fucking Pajeet.

Will spiderman be good

>Cavil and Snyder
>big guys

>do not actively go out of their way to shit on competitors
>the whole JL casting spelling "FUCK MARVEL"
>do not shit on competitors
DCucks, ladies and gentlemen


I hope the Rock's Black Adam movie doesn't get made. The only reason I halfway wanted a SHAZAM! movie is so we'd get more Henry Cavill

The who? Literally never heard of them.

It's over for marvel and they are still 10 movies away from revealing Thanus

It'll be better than civil war

You're right bro. I don't even know why us conservative, dignified Marvel"cucks" even attempt to talk about gender equality when Wonder Vagina Monologues exists. You have irrevocably beat us lowly drumpfkins with your diverse and empowering movies. I can't wait to be culturally enriched by Joss Whedon's Justice League. I'm sure it'll be pretty progressive unlike the toxic masculinity of Tony Stark and Thor.

whats the best marvel film


Don't make post the Marvel Shillary video again

Avengers 2 was bad

Bitch please