What does Sup Forums think of Blaire White

What does Sup Forums think of Blaire White? It's interesting to see a trans person in the alt right, as far as I can see this is the only one.

He needs to stop.

Oh a man doesn't believe in rape culture...s-surprise?

Shit everyone can say but said by a degenerate

Hang the trans.

>it's interesting to see a mentally ill person in the alt-right
not really

the goal of being trans is to not be called trans. this is just an attentionwhoring nu-male like milo

You are posting on Sup Forums.

all faggots are degenerate. On the day of the rope they will not be spared.

We love aids infested trannies and gays


we dont accept homosexuality. he can say what he wants but hes not with us.

He is not a part of us despite what you may think. Same with Yianopolous.

Wow that's a tranny? she's really pretty.
I'm confused now

Good at crossdressing.

He's pretty alright. To be honest I don't really give a fuck about transgenderism as long as they don't force their pronouns and delusions on me, which he doesn't, and even called it something along the lines of mental illness at one point.
I wouldn't fuck him if that's what you're asking.

Oh yes because every woman should be a slave and people with some illness has to be hanged
>t. A the biggest strongest alpha alphaest aleph numba wan

If I had to get my dick sacked by a guy, I'd choose Blair white

Sucked *

He's a memtally ill degenerate

I'd honestly prefer an Asian trap since their men look just like women when they have makeup on

This faggot like Milo has nothing to do with the Right wing. Go back to crying about Video Games or whatever you Alt-Right faggots cared about before.

I have a deep belief that everyone should be treated with respect and I do feel bad for the trans people, but I'm sorry, I'm not quite there yet with regards to watching/listening to trans people.

The concept is still unsettling to me, and I'm sure it'll take a while before I'm fully comfortable/indifferent to it. I doubt I'll ever be completely over it to the point where I'd even consider being with a trans person.

I can't watch this... person.

It's too fucked up in my head.


is that the new lauren southern?
She looks pretty cute desu

>Its a what does pol think of my Youtube channel thread

P-pls give me clicks guys ;____;666

>The concept is still unsettling to me, and I'm sure it'll take a while before I'm fully comfortable/indifferent to it.
You kinda sound like a pussy
Also blair is obviously a sycophant trying to pander to Sup Forums and other communities. Seems like easy revenue money to me lol. Same with sh0eonhead. Just gotta pretend to be for an ideology that you don't really have to do anything to back up your dedication for and people will spout "redpilled woman!" "based tranny!"

Interesting how all of you bitch about identity politics from the left, but Blaire's identity is the only aspect you're all commenting on.

>he thinks this board isnt built on bullshit identity politics

sounds more like a way to painfull die. Your legs bent like that for that long, the second you get let out dem clots travel back up to the ticker and you gone.

Can't speak for Blair, but Shoeonhead seems legit.

And when the FUCK did this board become so accepting of trannies.

CommonFilth was right, people like you are making faggots and trannies more acceptable and destroying Western Civilization from the inside.

You fucks are worse than Muslims, in my honest opinion.

thats a man



>blaire white

>alex jones
>crazy as fuck

Why does the alt right have 0 decent spokespeople?

Underrated post.

>Shoeonhead seems legit
>Ever listening to him
Why do you look to youtube nobodies for what to think? Pretty pathetic to be honest with you. He has the voice of a middle-aged kiddie diddler
You shouldn't need spokespeople to tell you what to think is right morally. It's all memey distraction from what's actually important.

Most people on Sup Forums are extremely unintelligent and have no idea how gender dysphoria or any other mental illness works and seem to think people choose to be that way.

Im willing to bed the vast majority of the people on this board dropped out of highschool

This Blair white looks like a female though. A hot one too

>You shouldn't need spokespeople to tell you what to think is right morally

You miss understand. Spokespeople are not for telling you what is right and wrong, they are for getting the message out there in a public way. How fucking stupid are you?


>You fucks are worse than Muslims

Perhaps you'd be happier if you moved to Saudi Arabia.

this trap looks better as 99% of all women
fuck this planet

>better as 99% of all women
>literally 20 pounds of makeup
There are a lot better traps out there than blaire

It's highly unlikely he's the only one. People who think of themselves as already marginalized are unlikely to wish to express opinions contrary to the establishment (liberal agenda/narrative).

are the jokes we make about prison rape not apart of rape culture? Now, I don't think the way modern feminists think of it is correct, but it is understandable to see that in some parts of the world, certain environments such as prison, liberia, and islamic dominated countries that rape is a legitimate part of the culture?

I find it completely normal for women to want to defend their own kind.

>I find it completely normal for women to want to defend their own kind.
They don't want to, though. They want you to do it for them.

>girl is raped at a party
>other girls do nothing
>girl power!!!!!!!!!

Rape culture begins and ends with women.

>Why does the alt right have 0 decent spokespeople?

Because they employ the "Enemy of my Enemy" mentality.

Think of it like the opposite of the Progressive Stack. Gays/trannies are less bad to the Alt-Right than Muslims/Feminists, so a gay guy that hates them is their hero. Honestly, it makes sense in their minds.

I reference him because that's whom someone of your calibre would know.

>if you criticize this community, it must mean you want to live in the complete opposite

Yeah, no...
You fucks with your Milo worshipping are cancer. Me pointing that out and how you're destroying the West from within doesn't make me someone who wants to live in a sandnigger shithole. You are turning this society into a faggot dystopia.

You know how you get called racist for not dating a black girl? Yeah, get ready when you and your kids will be called "transphobic" for not wanting to date a disgusting tranny.

Keep digging that grave, fag lover.

>girls don't defend eachother at a party

user, have you ever been to a party?

not one where a girl was raped, no

that voice gives it away immediately

People can call me whatever they like. I'm not an histrionic little bitch like you. You're like a mirror-image tumblrina.

His voice hurts my ears.

>fag bag

How much money do you think people make off of Youtube, exactly? That isn't exactly a pewdiepie level channel...twenty bucks a video every week isn't a career.
Obviously they are just in it for delicious attention.

they try to gather a following so they can start shilling for donations through patreon or paypal.

They say Sup Forums isn't one person, but there's a lot of things most of us agree on. I mean, you're posting on a board of people who unironically believe people that don't have blue eyes can't be white. You think they're going to accept a transgender even if they agree with everything she says?

Personally I don't care out of whose mouth these opinions come from, whether it be a trans, black man, alien or reptile alien. Anything is better than hearing the leftist agenda of multiculturalism and diversity they push on us in the media and in the public square. I'm pretty sure I'm a rare one though, because a lot of people on this board are radical right-wing. I want to say this board is 35% alt-right, 45% extremist right, 10% shitposters and the rest don't care.

He got fat.


You dumb motherfuckers really do repeat yourselves when issues like this come up. Stormfags and jews are one and the same.

I'd rape him.


He likely has a servere mental illness. Other than that, don't know much about him


She is great. I dont have any problems with trans women or gays.


What if there is a scientifically testable method that will prove someone who wants to be the opposite sex, isn't fucking crazy? Or what if they are crazy, but you can't change it, and they don't want to be euthanized for the good of the race?

I don't believe the gender dysphoria meme, and from what I've heard its just normalizing unironic insanity. So I'm not saying such a method or condition exists bros.

B-but, what if something like it did exist? What if there were certain parts of the brain that were just wired that way, to want to be a woman/man and you felt those things deeply? And there wasn't anything we could do to change it. And Blaire had a fulfilling, somewhat non-degeneate life by getting estrogen shots and banged by a dude regularly (don't let the contradiction of that get in the way for a moment). What if?

Just being hypothetical. I don't want to bang Blaire or any trap.

sound like the (((alt right))) alright.

>pol is one person
>pol is one person and three
>the holy trinity
Sup Forums confirmed for God machine