Lets be honest here Sup Forums how many of us are complete losers and staying home on a sunday night instead of having a normal life in the bliss of ignorance?
All we do is just post to some kenyan tribe music board about how the world is gonna end, why everything sucks, spamming memes that nobody cares about or understands, bitching about women because we can't get laid, and spamming trump everywhere. Be honest with yourself right now:
>Trump just sees us as his useful idiot squad just like Clinton with her CTR/lefty shills. >The West has been subverted since the 1960's and it is irreversibly fucked unless major chaos changes the regime. >Demographics are going down the shitter no matter what. Government sponsored "diversity" is everywhere. Most of the world has DARKER skin compared to light... just face it: we are going to fade out slowly by having our genes mixed in the pool eventually. >A lot of us need to lose weight. >We sit around on this board being pathetic NEET sperglords, eating shit food, haven't seen sunlight in ages, and only get our social interaction PRIMARILY from anonymous people. >A lot of us refuse to work because we are addicted to the internet, porn, instant gratifications, and just overall lazy. >All the rich, successful, and high status people LAUGH at us pathetic memesters while they get money, drive fancy cars, fuck the hottest people of their choice, and live a nice comfy life. >I bet most of you have a complete shithole room/house littered with empty soda cans, fast food wrappers, cumrags, clutter all over the place, holes in the wall, and shitty looking carpet. >Your mom secretly weeps alone in her bed at night knowing how much of a failure degenerate she has raised, who refuses to do anything productive with their life. >You will just label this post: "U R PROJECTED" "LOLOLOL IM A CHEF AT WENDY'S MAKING $150,000 A YEAR" "SHILL" just to make yourself feel better from facing reality.
Jaxon Turner
It's Sunday you autist who parties on a Sunday?
I have a social life and still rarely do anything on Sunday
Jaxson Anderson
>It's Sunday you autist who parties on a Sunday? People who aren't autists like you.
t. BS bot
Nicholas Smith
i dont have a problem getting laid, it is more of women respecting me because i am unemployed/alcoholic. they just use me as sex thing, essentially i am the girl, thank you feminism i guess And i browse Sup Forums because it is hilarious
Levi Garcia
I'm 33 with a girl, job, and my own place. I'm posting from a McDonald's drive thru after buying my weeks groceries from Walmart.
Caleb Baker
I don't know about you, but I'm working every day now. First half of my day is caring for my mum dying of cancer before I go to work for the evening. Not sure what I'll do when she passes, but I hope she's happy with how I'm turning out.
Michael White
I have a full time job and pay my taxes, fuck off
Aiden Moore
I'm not fat but I am a friendless virgin loser, yeah. Never had a job. Talk to anons on here more than my parents even.
I just wish I could never have existed.
Gavin Garcia
I-it's true Dammit Norway, thanks for ruining my aryan dream :(
Jackson Rodriguez
Job, girlfriend and my own place.
Austin Young
Not going to lie this is somewhat accurate
Angel Williams
I'm happy with myself. ATM my life is hectic doing labor for the good of the family, but even though I'm not a social butterfly, thats not important to me anyways. Ice got problems like anyone, but unlike a lot of people, my happiness comes from inside, not out. If only you could be as enlightened. It makes all the other shit bearable.
Hudson Taylor
t. Shill
Nathaniel Sullivan
I rarely go out on Sunday nights. I have work the next day.
Robert Smith
>>Your mom secretly weeps alone in her bed at night knowing how much of a failure degenerate she has raised, who refuses to do anything productive with their life.
d-delete this
I didn't ask to be fucking born.
Julian Morgan
Fuck off norman
Connor Bennett
Haha ofc op is a norwegian fuckface
Samuel Hernandez
Truly a curse. I know I shouldn't be spending my savings and yet another week passes of no job calls and there I am scraping 10 bucks together to chase the pain away
Jack Lee
right in the feels mane
Cooper Lee
I'm not doing anything tonight as I'm recovering after a long day at a Coldplay concert with my friends yesterday. We were 6 rows up from the ground floor, and yes the tickets were expensive, but it's not a problem when you're successful like myself.
Sebastian Ramirez
You posted this exact shit thread on Friday night
Most of is have to work tomorrow morning you fucking retard. Not all of us can make a living shitposting for a hypocrite
Benjamin White
my last incarnation was in 2234.
be fucking greatful you arent fighting the Martian Insurrection.
Nicholas Davis
We are changing the world with meme magic my friend. our shitposting is saving the world.
Justin Lopez
I can't even enjoy alcohol, just makes me feel ill
Christian Davis
Mostly accurate. Not fat though, i have a job, and I'm going to college in the fall.
I have one friend that I hang out with, and a few I play ps4 with. Most days I want to die, but don't want to kill myself because of my parents and siblings.
Andrew Gonzalez
Sunday is a workday in Israel The Jews win again
Cooper Anderson
u mad bro?
Dylan Davis
Work tomorrow m8
Dylan Green
I'm at my local church making bank on craps lite. Its pretty fun
Cameron Martinez
>job >car >need to lose 30lbs, live at home
I lurk Sup Forums to relax, and for the banter.
It's a long weekend here >implying I wouldn't lurking anyway
David Scott
>normal life >going out and boozing >Welcome to the new ((((((((((normal))))))))))
Face it, everyone now living is fucked in the brain. It's not just us. Normies are just as lost, but in a different way
Carter King
(You) demoralizing, are we getting too strong shill?
Isaiah Diaz
No I'm actually quite content with my current situation
Christopher Kelly
I'm bed ridden and about to kick the bucket
Gavin Bennett
Sorry m8
Dominic Bell
>Normies are just as lost, but in a different way >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol >5 days of slavery >2 days of alcohol
Mason Perry
how i envy you god speed you lucky bastard
Nathaniel Baker
Dude. Be proud of who you are. We are the enlightened ones. At least we are not enslaved to the popular opinions and blindly follow whatever is considered "yolo swag nice" this evening.
Michael Lopez
> staying home on a sunday > implying this isn't normal
Carson Bailey
>because of my parents and siblings
once they're gone though i'm fucked, can't even drive because it terrifies me
Sebastian Thompson
It's fucking annoying isn't it mate. The longer you aren't working the more shit you feel, and it makes it harder to get back. Essentially have to just keep trying
Ian Rodriguez
What's wrong Chilebro?
yeah but a friend or two and a gf would be nice
Jace Rodriguez
I'm here for the news and nothing more
other than that Sup Forums is a huge waste of time
Samuel Rivera
I don't care. I'm sterile, so I have no reason to go out and meet women or pretend that I want to get married or anything else. I don't even care anymore, I get so much more enjoyment from my regular routine of work>home>sleep>repeat than anything else that trying to go out and "party" seems absolutely retarded. I can't even fathom why I would want to. Seriously, try imagining you have no dick for a few minutes. Can you imagine yourself ever bothering to go out to "parties" (As in, not out with friends, but to go and mingle in a social environment?) again?