okay /pol you got 30 seconds to prove you support Ireland, or else when our great nation becomes a true super power you'll be purged.
Okay /pol you got 30 seconds to prove you support Ireland...
You should be sucking Anglo cock for ever letting you useless drunk potato niggers into this country in the first place
I always supported Northern-Ireland m8.
We supported Ireland by moving to America.
I'm irish
Only thing I like about the Irish are their women. Biggest whores in the UK by far.
Uhhh..... UP DA RA Tiocfaidh ár lá BRITS OUT
>Bigest whores in the UK
Meme tier terrorists. Please go away plastic paddys
Get out
praise kek
Im like 1/64th Irish.
Hmmmmm that's not enough, are you in Boston?
Aren't IRA basically SJWs nowadays ?
and drug dealers
>muh heritage
Ireland is shit these days, not worth fighting for anymore tbqh. I don't feel an ounce of patriotism for this land. Centuries ago it was the home of noble warriors, but now it's the land of underage drug users and alcoholics, and aggressive assholes who spit on the ground.
They effectively dont exist anymore.
1000 unofficial offshoots do that basically dole out vigilante type justice. So they may kneecap a drug dealer, or execute the odd rapist or whatever.
marxist scumbags
self-loathing is pathetic. pull yourself together.
ireland belongs to the eu
literal white Terrorist niggers.
I am more than my flag mate. I'm planning on leaving this shit country and moving on to better places. When I get the chance.
Just your friendly, neighborhood paramilitary.
What is shit about your country?
Pretty rad, if you ask me.
Also, there are people who were put on the No Fly List because they were profiled as being part of an IRA sleeper cell. Apparently, they're still a credible enough threat.
IRA are commies who want Ireland to have open borders. The true Irish patriots are Northern Loyalists like the UDA
I find that people who hate their country, really hate themselves.
>tfw Boston
>anybody who isnt black is either a plastic paddy or a plastic pasta
>my mothers a plastic paddy and my fathers a plastic pasta
I'm a potato-pasta hybrid I guess
I don't want the north-back. Shit hole that would provide us with no benifit except vanity of "MUH 32 COUNTIES". Stronger ties with UK would be comfy though.
>Stronger ties with UK would be comfy though.
b-b-but muh freedom
It can not be denied that my nation's faith is intrinsically linked with Great Britain and the UK as a whole.
To attempt to forge a destiny without collaborating with our more powerful neighbour with be fruitless.
tiocfaidh ár lá
Youre a peorgie
agreed. what goes for northern ireland, is it really that bad between you 2? i mean you are the same people unlike croats and serbs.
>inb4 croats are catholic serbs.
More people of Irish decent live in America than there are Irish in Ireland.
Let that sink in.
half of them are drug dealers
North Ireland is a bunch of faggots. Stay divided, kick out foreigners.
Why has Ireland become worse since becoming independent?
i have the receipts from my granfather's IRA contributions in the 70s
Sup Forums here
pls take CIA off the bad side
it completely ruins your argument
just replace him with that faggot interviewer
I have a tricolour in my room.
My family historically sent money to the 'RA during the troubles
I have been to the North a few times. It is not that we are different, it is just that if we re-united in the near future it would probably cause a second troubles. I believe a much slower integration would be preferable but to make sure all parties in the north are happy with such an arrangement it would require deeper relations with the UK to appease unionists who feel they will become marginalised in a 32 county republic.
More Irish people live in the UK than there are Irish in Ireland
My ancestors also had bad experiences with the Orange Order though I'm not Irish.
Graham Norton is based you faggot
>Actively supported terrorists who killed civilians to further their political agendas.
sounds reasonable. i have yet to see cork. been to dublin. it was nice except for the muzzies. is northern ireland worth seeing? Derry? Belfast?
isn't norton literally a faggot himself?
Oh can't you feel, Oh can't you see, The IRA will set them free.
Belfast has some cool shit
tfw the ira were traps
It is actually a nice tourist destination. I would suggest staying near the coast. Avoid playing bands like the Dubliners or the Wolfe tones if you see union jacks though.
The tourist traps are far less cancerous in the North than they are in the South.
Oh, america.
IRA/Irish Republicanism has always been Marxist.
my 2 great uncles founded the IRA.
pic related.
literally a biography of my family.
good film. highly recommended.
I don't support them. Fuck the Irish.
>My 2 great uncles founded the IRA
>Biography of my family
>The wind that shakes the barley
you wot
Murals in Belfast it is then.
Thanks for the info lads.
I sometimes listen to that pro-IRA radio show on WBAI out of NYC.
does this count?
also, I hate the British Empire
>According to Northern Irish UKIP leader
The U.K. Will be United Once Again
>great nation
>a fucking drunk
>american flags
here we go again
literally any organization with guns anywhere.
oh wow your so cool
Eh. Don't agree with the IRA's way of doing politics, even if they didn't aim to kill civilians.
Now, they're just gun and drug smugglers if you find them, I've been involved in the arrests of a few in Louth, border of NI.
In terms of Ireland itself, it's okay, it's politics and general populace is bluepilled, but you'll find a silent mass of people who are red pilled to all fuck. Planning on leaving to join the LAPD in America though, it's just not the life for me here.
t. reserve Garda
u wot m8
what did you not understand?
It's ok true anglos are allowed to misspell.
>join the LAPD
why would you do that
you know youll have to deal with mainly spics and niggers
>muh heritage
Didn't you hear the news? Irish love niggers
>they have nothing in their arsenal that can break a proud irishman
I dunno, Bobby. You having nothing in your stomach seemed to work.
wtf I hate brits now
Overall they were right to do what they did, and it ended up being successful strategy as they got most of what they wanted in the end.
Also, their campaign is great historical study should us patriots in America one day decide that we need to oust the government or take to the countryside.
>all parties in the north are happy with such an arrangement it would require deeper relations with the UK to appease unionists who feel they will become marginalised in a 32 county republic.
>Free Staters really think Unionists biggest stopping blocks are of marginalisation in the republic
Mate, we are British, but we are also Irish/Northern Irish.
This is where you all seem to mistake us, our identity and our views
If we were to be merged into Ireland, the biggest part of our identity is gone, no matter what you do to attempt to dispel this fear, it doesn't matter. We'd lose our Britishness.
And its our Britishness that enables us to be Northern Irish or Irish.
its not a case of slower or more amicable integration, its a simple issue, of identity and nationality.
This is why we will never consent to a united Ireland, because its not our vision of Ireland, it doesn't and it will never represent us, our identity or our aspirations, where as being a member of the United Kingdom does represent to a large degree these things
I want closer relations with the South, I want you lot in the commonwealth. I view you lot as sort of like cousins or something...
But, that visceral disdain, fear, suspicion always rises to the surface when I travel south of the border and see memorials to the IRA, your glorification of Easter Rising an artificially conceived Gaelic ''culture'' slapped on every sign and state building and that flag will always mean aggression, hostility and subversion in the back of my mind when ever I see it.
Eh, high crime area, I want to work in a place that has high crime. I have a high tolerance for people usually, so I'll just put up with them.
But I will fuck over any of them that break the law
Remember that the Northern Irish are the true heirs to the emerald isle
>Scotland united with Ireland
i don't think a bunch of drunken potato monkeys will ever be a superpower.
they are our greatest ally
>yanks feel more inclined to show hate towards us British because we were involved in a conflict with Irish nationals, even though they're not even Irish nor closely related to real Irishmen. Yet they show no animosity towards the Vietnamese for slaughtering thousands of their own countrymen and defeating America in a war.
Really makes you think doesn't it.
Put it really well
>posts from america
>is 'irish'
>has never even been to Ireland.
Lad i'm more Irish than you.
I'm sure they want to.
Never defeated. Unbeatable army.
Never defeated. Unbeatable army.
>got so sick of fighting they deactivated their own weapons.
>didn't achieve any of their stated aims.
>Brits still in Ireland.
Wew lad.
satan has spoken
The IRA served a purpose at the start to up loyalist killings and the Stormont state oppressing Catholics. That made sense.
Then it got bad and now they are no different than the loyalist drug-dealing gangs.
We have peace in Northern Ireland but that's the best it will ever get. Most of the population is retarded and cares more about flags and burning stuff than actual education and career.
I live in Northern Ireland and I assure you if a United Ireland happened (very likely in the future), there would not be a Troubles 2.0. Republicans and Loyalists would both die off as Republicans would have no reason to exist and Loyalists even with intelligence and state still could not do shit.
You would have some minor violence which would get stomped flat in no time due to going against the democratic vote. Then we could Northern Ireland to start real and actual work such as economics.
Hail Satan and up the Ulstermen!
Fuck off Fagland
taig cunt
>Never defeated. Unbeatable army.
>Nicknamed "I Ran Away" by both sides
Le Taig may may
>People willingly giving up the NHS
Keep dreaming foreigner