What do you think will happen at the 2016 Rio Olympics?

What do you think will happen at the 2016 Rio Olympics?

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i dunno but I'm looking forward to watching the deathmarch with Sup Forums

the most entertaining olympics to date


Not sure why everyone thinks it will be a shitshow. Rio is beautiful and the Brazilians are a proud people. The Olympics will be spectacular

Plenty of new memes
I'm really excited

A fucking leaf,

Lots of sick athletes, mostly thanks to Brazil's shit water and mosquitoes... maybe a mugged/murdered athlete too?

in short, the usual: liberals, degenerates, white traitors and niggers in a giant mess with cocaine , LSD and AIDS.



Microcephaly for everyone

CIA will spread Zika virus. Olympians will spread it to almost every fucking country on the Earth.

Can't wait for the juicy, juicy memes.

Meme disease, it's fucking harmlessand you paranoid cucks should be ashamed of being so scared of it.

This. There will be some great memes reaped during the Olympics


reddit.com/r/occult/comments/45dsee/Sup Forums_is_at_it_again_can_we_work_against_this/

zika is meme but HIV,Hepatitis B, Malaria and "Dengue" are very real and very common here :-)

No bodyguards
>just another rape for the statistics.

>you should all be ashamed for fearing your children could end up like this if you're infected

Listen, just because your nation is a deflating, disease-ridden, literal shithole doesn't mean the rest of us have to live like that

Munich Massacre 2: Electric Boogaloo

a friendly festival celebrating sporting excellence

11/10. Leafposting is improving daily.
Would lel again.

They'll go off without a hitch.

I swear to fucking god it's the same shit in the lead up to every Olympics and nothing ever happens, well at least not in 20 years.

Digits confirms.

yfw Ebola takes over Zika and is spread by mosquitos at Rio

Memes zika and robberies

Praise Kek for the best Olympics the world has even seen

kek. Whatever bitchboy, don't leave your bubble.


>This. There will be some great memes reaped during the Olympics
Don't you mean raped?
> No. I used a scythe.

who are you guys supporting in the upcoming ultimate gang war in the streets of rio?

You retards think there will be a gang war between drug dealers and islamic terrorists..

They are going to join and kill the white people not kill themselves.

They may kill themselves latter but their main enemy is white Christians.

Brazil the world's leader in leprosy. I hope the swedish "universal" care covers this.


Says the Brazilian. Don't you need to go empty your family shitbucket, you living garbage?

Why would islamic terrorists support drug dealing, dumbo.

We should of left Canada years ago

>Why would islamic terrorists support drug dealing

Afghanistan produces more than 80% of world's opium (morphone, heroin,etc)

Some sources say it's more than 90%.



90% of cases are in the Amazon just like Malaria

and do you trust in our statistics?
To be quiet honest I wouldn't be surprised if there are many cases in the south.

Brazil is a no country, unfortunately.

you've never been to Brazil have you?

your only Olympic experience was probably the 2010 Winter Games?

The US and China will dominate most events, and the rest of the world will try to compete. Plus zika.

Breaking News: Bob Costas tests positive for Zika

But best case scenario for happening/public outrage would be if one of the 17 year old US woman gymnasts gets raped/murdered