Today I sat at the big local shopping mall - white people everywhere, big spaces, a handful of foreigners, mostly white. It made me think what thoughts go through Westerners' minds when they are out in the public like that - the psychological strain would be so big I wouldn't go to such places, because any second there can be an attack - plus I couldn't bear the sheer number of shitskins around.
How do Westerners deal with those feelings and how come you put up with this anxiety essentially losing your sovereignty and freedom and replacing them with catering to other people who have nothing to do with you or your country.
I don't go to shopping malls anymore, honestly. I think all the multiculturalism has given me social anxiety. I can't stand it, I can't stand feeling reflexes kick in like that, feeling adrenaline start to spike, all the while I march through a late capitalist wasteland.
Vaporwave reminds me of better days
Hudson Brooks
Pretty much stay indoors all day.
Angel Ross
You're constantly looking "down the road" to be aware of which types of people are walking toward you, and what they might have in mind, etc. There is no relaxing for a white person in a "diverse" environment -- Well, there IS said relaxing until you are taught a couple of lessons in this regard.
Tyler Russell
I live in a country where the last major terror attack was around 15 years ago, I feel pretty safe.
Thomas Moore
By not going to malls
Brody Reyes
Could you recommend some vapor? I like this one RAC band from Canada, Vinland Warriors.
Josiah Collins
Why does it need to be a terrorist attack? It makes little difference if an Arab shoots up a mall and kills you, or an Arab stabs you just because he wanted your money.
live near a few malls, one near me is mostly white trash and black people, its not so bad. Two or three malls farther away are mostly upscale white people and some indians. Then you have the eastland mall here in good ol metro detroit. My black coworker told me he won't go to eastland mall anymore, that's how bad it is.
Luis Reed
This. The two malls in my city have been turned into swap meet kebab bazaars.
Adrian Long
Don't lie to yourself.
Individual attacks of shitskin islamists on whites happen almost daily. They get labeled as manslaughters and as not to provoke public attention and get swept under the rug.
This is why Britain's prisons are the jihadi recruiting capitals of Europe.
Christian Garcia
When I go to the mall, which isn't that often, the most prevalent thought in my mind is "WHY ARE THERE EVEN MORE MUDSHITS THAN LAST TIME AROUND, MOTHERFUCKER?!".
Jeremiah Russell
Yeah maybe if you live in London. Which I don't.
Hunter Carter
Yup. Once a mall becomes nigg-ified, there are no major retailers. It's just a glorified flea market.
I wouldn't mind getting killed to be honest. Sad to miss out on future happenings, but that won't concern me once I'm dead. I pass by the place of our last terrorist attack on a weekly basis and don't give it much thought.
Carson Thomas
that security guard got fired for that incident
Ian Gomez
maybe in your ass backwards neck of the woods.
in the PNW, our malls are thriving nigga. where do you live, diddlefuck alabama? >t. american visiting rodzina
William Perez
>hating on based Polenmarkt
I'd rather go there than some shitty mall tbhamalamdingdong
Gabriel Powell
> 0.000008% chance of ever being killed in terrorist attack
not worried at all
Angel Sullivan
It's not laziness for me. When I'm shopping for clothes or shoes, I can generally find exactly what I'm looking for online, whereas at the mall I'm limited to whatever the store has on the racks at a given time.
I will still shop in stores if I need something immediately and can't afford to wait for it to ship.
Ethan Roberts
It's interesting to see that the malls in the West no longer cater to westerners. The majority of foot traffic in our malls are recent immigrants and third-generation shitskins who didn't succeed. The mall is then filled with stores to suit their needs, there's a lot of places in the middle of the walkways that do nothing except sell useless nigger-tier items like sail foam cases and other cheap Chinese junk.
There's nothing in the mall for white people anymore... I think most white millennials feel nothing except for despair while in a mall, and I believe that most of us try to avoid the experience
Asher Bennett
Costco is more popular than American malls and generate more revenue.
Americans still go outside but only to places like Costco.
There is nothing you buy at the mall that has a better return policy than Costco.
Also, Amazon provides everything these days.
Noah Baker
A) That's not a major terror attack B) I'm not a in the military
Christopher Butler
Someone should just buy these places for cheap and turn them into something.
Unique office spaces, paintball arena, possibilities are endless
>be scottish >go to "mall" >fight breaks out between a bunch of underage scots in burger king >lad gets bottled >mfw we are the niggers
Dominic Hall
I go to a mall and I hang out with my bros. What the fuck are you supposed to do, stay on edge 100% of the time? Maybe you basement dwellers shouldn't leave your shacks after all, lmfao. What, do you quiver and shit your pants whenever you see someone with an r selected gene?
Evan White
Adam Young
try a park or something
Brody Myers
I don't think many people go to shopping centers here anymore. I live in Leeds and we've got a lot of shopping areas, but it's mostly girls and women that go.
There isn't really many shops targeted at men anymore because most of the retail space has been bought up by people that know women spend more than they earn.
It's not even just the shops, it's the food as well. We have all sorts of modernised crap, sushi bars and vegan cafes. Only beta males and girls go to them. And because there's cheap shops as well, you get muzzies going there to spend their welfare checks and try to pick up white girls.
Caleb Wright
Costco, BJs, Sams Club. All the same shit. Membership-based shopping warehouse clubs. The prices on basic everyday items are almost identical to those of Walmart anyway.
You need to be a couponner just to save the $120 in a year to make up for the membership fee.
Adrian Bailey
if it doesent entertain me. its not a terrorist attack. stabby stabby isnt anything new or groundbreaking.
get back when its something actully interesting
Ryan Baker
You don't have to rub it in... Smug polacke
Owen Gray
I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Big companies are known to lobby the local council to keep the competition out like for example, telecoms making it difficult for Google Fiber to expand
Aaron Russell
Oliver Barnes
I can go to shopping malls and never see a shitskin at all. What part of Canada are you from mate?
Angel Ward
I've been in a costco and a sams club, I can tell you costco is just better. They have a glow, people seem legitimately happier, plus their pizza is better.
Noah Allen
But Costco Gas is a bargain and their Costco Car Wash is also a pretty good deal compared to local carwashes.
Camden Thompson
Follow the winding path to....nowhere.....
Nathan Long
whats the issue here, the muslims eating on the side there?
Nolan Bell
The crudeness of the photoshop makes me annoyed.
Gabriel Torres
Nathan Bailey
Yeah, rich arabs love to make holidays in Switzerland. Not that you could afford it, since you take and keep all the scum...
John Nguyen
I really wonder about that too, Poland.
Zachary Wright
>Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to
Evan Morales
if you dont want to kill them. you are a bluepill.
Andrew Bailey
Hudson King
Bay Area here
I am pretty sure whites are a minority now. I am freaking out. This feels like one big shopping mall and no one has any concept of individual freedom or what it means to be american.
Where can I move to.
Parker Wood
Europe is on my holiday blacklist. only America is worthy of my money.
also. i know your still mad ;)
Thomas Sullivan
Thomas Sanchez
Vancouver right now, but I've lived in Edmonton, and Montreal and Victoria as well.
The only place where there weren't many shitskins / lower class mudslides has been Victoria
Charles Hughes
i'm not a loser like you, kiddo. get some friends and get cruisin'.
Liam Reyes
You're not out just yet. Don't smug-face too fast Ahmed.
Zachary Bell
Pacific Northwest is your best bet. Or if you can't stand that, you'll have to put up with Utah
Nathan Price
why is german always butthurt about Poland?
Lucas Ward
I don't I have a drinking problem
Kayden Morris
My mall has to design a designated sitting place for all the old Paki's so they wouldn't take up the food court and our local HMV are run by Indians and has bollywood cranked. Also during Christmas we had 2 Santa's, a white Santa and a coloured Santa.
Dominic James
damage control all you like.
we've already stop paying the EU research fund and started building a wall at calais.
Parker James
I have friends, we don't like the mall
Jaxon Taylor
>coloured Santa
That's my band's name
Angel Lopez
I would be very happy for you to leave the EU. I really really would love to welcome you in our EFTA family with the other non-EU europeans. Your people made a great decision that will hopefully make britain great britain again.
But I believe it when I see it. Seeing to your level of cuckness, that's reasonable...
Jaxon Young
Isaiah Evans
I enjoy this. Degenerate american culture that destroyed local shops is being destroyed.
Colton Watson
>in the PNW, our malls are thriving nigga. where do you live, diddlefuck alabama?
You're an idiot. I live in Kitsap County, WA and all the malls from this side of the Puget Sound down through Tacoma and up to Seattle are dead as hell.
It's hundreds of miles of empty strip mall wasteland. You've obviously never been here, unless by "PNW" you mean some kind of white trash hellhole like Oregon or Eastern WA.
Elijah Edwards
or do your own thing. whatever floats your boat. the 4 efta nations are potentially more willing to make beneficial trade deals with you though. But you have to do it first...
Brandon Ross
>Degenerate american culture that destroyed local shops
Walmart and Target aren't going anywhere
Michael Hill
Josiah Morales
>because any second there can be an attack
We are more likely to be crushed and killed by our furniture in the West than killed by terrorists.
Stop blowing this out of proportion, you slavic piece of shit.
Also, Poland is literally a non-white, Mongoloid shithole. No one gives a fuck what you think.
>Today I sat at the big local shopping mall Loser status: confirmed.
Who the fuck goes to malls and just sit there? I haven't been to a mall in months, and when I go, it's in-and-out. The place is weird, with shit food and annoying teenagers.