So I just got done reading fables #1-150 over about 2 weeks and I can say that I'm pretty dissatisfied (I'd rate a 7/10...

So I just got done reading fables #1-150 over about 2 weeks and I can say that I'm pretty dissatisfied (I'd rate a 7/10 but it could've been better) and I need something to read to make up for it. It's probably the only DC comic I ever cared for (not milked and actually original) but I'd like to read some original Marvel or Dark Horse now.

Any suggestions?

read it again
then read it again

then read Y: the last man


Does Dark Horse and Marvel even have books like the Killing Joke and Watchmen? Stuff that are just really good reads on their own that you don't have to worry about continuity or the overall universe?

>Dark Horse
Hellboy. All of it.

Are you talking about stuff that are as good as Killing Joke and Watchmen? Or are they just part of your examples of good standalone comics?
The former can be really rare, it's Alan Moore's masterpiece after all, but I'm pretty certain there are plenty of later in Dark Horse. The company is all about indie and writer-owned brands.

7/10 sounds about right, maybe I'll give it an 8. It started off really fresh but Mr Dark chapters got dragged for too long. Most things after are kind of bland, except for Cubs in Toyland. That shit is brutal.

If you considered Fable being part of DC, why not check out other original titles from Vertigo?

Both in general. I never see Marvel or Dark Horse stand alones getting talked about like Killing Joke or Watchmen.

>and I can say that I'm pretty dissatisfied
At least I hope you came out loving Israel like they expect you to.

You shouldn't let that bother you. Personally I dislike The Killing Joke and think Watchmen is okay. Then again I read things for their entertainment value, not for their cultural significance.

Joe the Barbarian
Astro City
Dial H
Greyshirt: Indigo Sunset


What are you looking for exactly?

He obviously likes Alan Moore, so I'd recommend Saga of the Swamp Thing.

LOL It doesn't bother me I still enjoy all Dark Horse, Marvel, and DC overall, I was just hoping someone could possibly drop a gem on me.

Silver Surfer Requiem was pretty great.

Cubs in Toyland still hurts. Jesus Christ.

I thought Fables was excellent, though you're right - Mr. Dark dragged on and by the end, Willingham had no idea where to go. It seemed like a lot of plots were arbitrarily dropped, and the ending nonsensical. Rose wasn't a particularly wonderful Fable by the end, but her "war" was absolute stupidity. Her solution more so.

I wish he'd just let others write for him. I could read Fables until I die. I've read every single bit of Fables out there (including the various spin-offs, one-offs, books, and novels). My appetite hungers and if he's not up to the challenge, surely someone in DC's stable is. Also Cindy is best girl.

Oh i'm not OP btw. I'm just some random poster.

I know. That's why I said "he" not "you".

I was saying i'm:
And i'm not OP.

I'll give it a 9/10 if it ended after The Great War.
Sure the [unsolicited opinions on israel] and the Arabian Fables left me a little bit speechless. but boy the rest of the stuff, before Mr Dark, is so inspiring and interesting I couldn't pull my eyes away.
Bellflower is the best girl, she can lure me to her gingerbread house anytime.

brah i legit fell in love with cindy when i was reading fables.

I see.

been a long time Fables fan and I have to agree. The ending was pretty crap and it left me sitting there thinking, man, I am aboslutely not satisfied. There were no nice tie offs and it kinda just lolled about and didn't hit as well as the first few issues. The whole [bigby dying and then coming back only to not be a real threat sorta thing irritated me] They could have tied it off nice and neat but dragged us about. Not happy.

What's this Israel meme that keeps popping up in Fables threads? I've only read a handful of volumes, but I'm really not getting the simile

No Bigsby, bad!

Fabletown is Israel.

Bigby makes a speech to the Enemy about how much he loves Israel for being awesome, and having a shit ton of weapons, and being willing to bomb the shit out of everyone around them that "wants them dead".

In an issue, Bill Willingham had Bigby describing the rebellious Fables as Israelis who would retaliate any threat violently.
Personally I thought it wasn't that out of character because Bigby had a history of fighting in wars for fun. His worldview is rather primal, unforgiving, survival of the fittest so the readers don't always have to agree with him. The problem is the scene has him as a major protagonist preaching at the ultimate villain of the series so it became one of these in-your-face kind of message.
I didn't read any interview so I don't really know what Willingham think. However some of his beliefs are rather transparent in the books so you can probably tell he's a little bit...well......

> Literally title a chapter "THE ISRAEL ANALOGY"

That one gets a little silly, specially when their situation at the time couldn't really be compared with any modern armed conflict, and there's no actual ethnic component to it at all, as they can pick sides and their territories are neatly encapsulated, with no border skirmishes or anything

It's his book and he's entitled to do whatever he wants, but he *is* able to do better in representing issues in a less black and white fashion than he did in there; for example, at some point he makes clear the Fables consider abortions a pretty shitty deal, presumably expressing his own views, but then he heavily implies Frau Totenkinder (for whom he obviously harbors a major creator's boner) uses them to fuel her powers

It was obviously going to be a major plot point at some point until DC made it very clear neither prolife/prochoice (the abortion bombing story in Manhunter) were going to get any say on DC's dime.

I stopped reading when James Jean dropped the cover work; it looked like as good a cutting line as any. For what I hear, I haven't missed a great deal

Seriously this. I dropped it after the end of the war.

Good Prince arc is still best

I kept expecting her to be Snow and Rose's grandmother or something. It's crazy, but I half expected those two to be Rapunzel's missing daughters since time is wonky between the Mundy and the homelands.

I distinctly remember the Fairy Godmother involved in this crazy theory, but I don't remember how.

Also poor Ozma, poor Blue. :(

One of the characters in the comic is pro-Israel, and Sup Forums has been endlessly butthurt by it.

Yeah, Ozma had a rough deal.

>Sup Forums
>liking Israel

Ignore me I'm fucking retarded for some reason I thought you said one of the characters was anti-Israel and Sup Forums was angry, I guess this is what I get for not sleeping at all last night I swear my reading comprehension is perfectly fine normally. God, I feel stupid.

Fuck I'm slow today I meant for this to be a response after I realized my first response was idiotic but I ended up responding to my first response.

I too will bump this thread.

You have to be into the universe to read Marvel. They don't have anything like Vertigo unless you go back to Epic in which case you should read Metropol, Dreadstar, Groo, and Alien Legion. They also have the Icon line but well all those comics are garbage except the Brubaker stuff which is at Image now.

Dark Horse has lots of good stuff, try Hellboy and Concrete.

>12 hours ago
>I just got done reading fables #1-150
>I'd like to read some original Marvel

Chances are slim that you're going to read this post, but give Peter David's X-Factor a shot.

Read the Madrox mini and then X-Factor v2 1-50, 200-262. At around issue 30, there's also two one-shots you might want to read.
Messiah Complex event interrupts rather early, but I don't think you actually need to read the event to keep following X-Factor. Just don't get a heart attack when one of the covers is suddenly "Messiah Complex Part 5" or something. Just keep reading X-Factor.