Apparently Norway airports, don't want me to visit Sup Forums threads.
What heppend to the freedom of speech and all others human rights & shit? We're they canceled? Pretty sure most Sup Forums threads don't have something restricted, not like a lot of racist/terrorists/pesos are there
Apparently Norway airports, don't want me to visit Sup Forums threads
>freedom of speech
But more seriously it's "probably" just blocked because of the porn boards. Try pornhub, it'll probably say the same thing.
Said person who was brainwashed in burgerland
Consider suicide
It's because there is a lot of porn here
Why can't they block just Sup Forums/not instead of baning hole site, and anyway what's wrong with porn? I would decline fapping in toilets, if I had time and toilets were clean
Ok guys if this thread will get deleted, that means Norway fbi is on Sup Forums
>what's wrong with porn?
feminists get upset when they see one homeless nigger jerking it in public, and so they ban porn.
Ok feminists expert, tell me if I would tell you a word:
And after short pause say:
>woman rights
How pissed feminists would be?
Your country is not welcome on this board, leave ir I will have to use police brutality
oh so you fives eyes shills use TSA proxies
nice to know good infosec :)
Suck a dick horsefucker.
Go hack porn posters on Sup Forums faggot
They just want to keep the degeneracy out.
Not gay sorry
t. Faps to pictures of cartoon horses
go post on Sup Forums because this isn't politics at all and you're just trying to slide
It's is political, because they don't allowe public service when hole world does, and that's why I can start bullshiting how Norway is a shitty country. I imagine you fucker do this all day long but with your own country
>implying everyone who goes on /mlp faps to carton horse
>implying carton porn>IRL porn
dude I was into that horse shit for a year and I went onto /mlp/ for a short period of a few months.
And yes, everyone does fap to the characters. You get shit if you say you don't.
try https, it's probably not blocked.
Ok go there right now, and post a link to a thread such is 100% dedicated to fapness
I never said they have porn threads (it's a blue board dingus), I'm just saying the people who go onto the board fap to r34 of the characters and even bestiality shit.
Well they are in minority.
Doesnt ANYBODY have a good unblocker for Sup Forums that allows you to post?
You live in a burgerland, the land where English is mostly used, yet I can't understand the word u saying
It is normal to block all chans on any free wifi. It is the porn. Relax
>not knowing greentext
All clop is moves to
Not using a VPN.
>ever letting your battery get under %60
Just use https or google DNS in order to bypass this
fuck off ponyfag
That doesnt work anymore.
>not renting your own VPS running CentOS from a Romanian server farm that accepts BitCoin, and installing and configuring OpenVPN on it
You never had any. You just had a brief period where they didn't bother to censor you.
Absolutely barbaric